Все главы Gone Too Long, The CEO Becomes A World-Class Doting Husband: Глава 51 - Глава 60
Chapter 50: Love You More
To Lucas, there was nothing more sexy than Lily's athletic frame. Her muscles tightened her body, yet she had curves in all the right places. Oh, he loved her breasts. They were perky, constantly calling to him when her chests were exposed. Lucas could only attribute it to the amount of exercise Lily did in her daily life. Each time Lucas grabbed her breast, that skin contact and that softness of her mount made him extremely hard. He really missed Lily. Only the heavens knew how much he had dreamed of her, thinking of her and addressing his needs at the thought of her. Being able to touch her entire body was enough to throw him over the edge. He thought about losing control and making her beg beneath him, but then again, he knew that was impossible. His woman was rather strong, and he was only permitted to touch her because she allowed it. His manhood was swelling beneath his pajamas. Heck, if his member were sharp enough to cut through the fabric, it would have already done tha
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Chapter 51: Walk Down Memory Lane
"Wake up, sleepy head. It's time for dinner," Lucas repeatedly shook Lily awake. "Get up, Sweetheart. It's dinner time -" "I want to sleep. I feel like you ate me for dinner, getting chewed into pieces that my body is sore," Lily complained while curling into a ball beneath the red blanket. Lucas chuckled. He leaned down and embraced her. He kissed her cheek and said, "I'm sorry. Was I a little too rough? I thought there was nothing that Sergeant Lily couldn't handle." "I don't know, I feel drowsy," Lily whined. "That's fine. It's understandable. It's the hormones our body releases after sex that make you feel tired and relaxed, but it's already ten in the evening, and we should have dinner," Lucas urged. "Besides, I cooked us a good meal. Let's not waste my efforts, and we should eat it while it's hot." Lily turned to him. Then, she frowned, seeing his attire. He was already wearing a suit. She asked, "You are all dressed. Didn't you rest with me?" "For a while, but someone h
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Chapter 52: Axel Green
#### LUCAS' FLASHBACK ### "I'm going to die today, or maybe tomorrow, or in the next few days." Axel touched Lucas' shoulder and added, "Please, take care of yourself, Lucas. Thank you for the friendship." Axel Green was Lucas' closest comrade within the Alpha Vipers. Before joining the group, Axel left the military as a corporal. He was the one who trained Lucas how to fight. "That's not funny, Axel. What made you say that?" Lucas asked. The two were out in their usual spot in the port of Barcelona, Spain. It was their safe spot to discuss their missions and plans to take down Alpha Vipers. It took Lucas over three years to discover that Axel had uncovered the truth about Alpha Vipers. This organization presented itself as a protector. However, in reality, the same group was also an orchestrator of conflicts and high-level crimes. Sadly, Axel found out about this after accepting the quantum level. Because he feared for his life, he could not leave. Axel also did not have the f
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Chapter 53: Trouble At School
"Mister Thompson, I have already arranged for Kaleb and Scarlett Wright to return. We are ready to receive them back to Braeton," Major Patton said on the phone. "What about Aiden?" "Thank you, Major." Lucas glanced at the edge of the swimming pool, where Lily had been looking out at the view of the city. He said, "Aiden will be staying with me." "Just to update you, Vice President Wallace's home in Bridgetown has been searched, and the National Intelligence have found proof to back up your testimony and submitted evidence," Major Patton said. "Judge Allistaire has been removed from office, pending allegations of receiving bribe money from the Vice President. Finally, the new judge has issued the warrant of arrest." Relief washed over Lucas. He said, "It's about time, but a warrant can only get so far. His accounts need to be frozen so he cannot use it." "We have identified some of his bank accounts, but we think he also has dummy accounts," the major said. "It won't be long now. J
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Chapter 54: New School Owner
"Did you even investigate this properly, Misses Blaire?" Lily asked the principal. "My son would never start a fight. If you say that he tried to harm his fellow classmates, how did he do it? Who is this classmate, and who are the witnesses who have seen the fight?" "I did not have to. Rocky Livingston's word is enough. He is an old student whose parents are well respected in the community," the principal described, and just as she did, Lily noticed that her voice cracked. There was hesitation from the principal, and Lily knew there was more story behind Misses Blaire's decision. Lily crossed her arms against her chest and said, "I'd like to speak to this boy, Rocky Livingston." "That's not possible -" Just as the principal spoke, someone knocked on the office door. "Misses Blaire, I would like to speak to the parent of the child who tried to hurt my son," a woman's voice came through, and she entered the office without the approval of the principal. The woman was very luxuriou
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Chapter 55: Talk With Kaleb
Within the principal's office, Lily, Misses Livingston, and Misses Blaire watched the surveillance video of Rocky taking food from his classmates piece by piece. There were about six students, looking glum as Rocky took part of their lunch. One boy, who wore spectacles, only had a sandwich for his lunch, but Rocky took it all. Lily saw how her son, Aiden, offered his food to Rocky. The adults could not hear their voices throughout the video, but it was evident by the way Aiden extended his hand, giving Rocky his food. He used hand gestures to indicate that Rocky could take Aiden's food instead of the other boy with glasses. However, Rocky was adamant to take all the food that he liked. To think the kid had a Ritz-Carlton-packed chicken, he still wanted to eat more? It looked as though Aiden insisted that Rocky leave the boy with spectacles alone, and the latter became angry. In the video, Rocky was setting his table. After collecting more food from his classmates, he had four
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Chapter 56: Limited Edition Aiden
At five in the morning, Lily woke up to the view of Lucas' back. They have returned to Lucas's villa. Their mega mansion would have to wait since it was not ready for them to live in. Lily embraced him from behind and rested her cheek on his bare skin. She let her fingers retrace his scars, and she found herself hurting for Lucas. Just then, she noticed something she hadn't recognized before. Lucas had whip scars on his back; in one of his scars, she noticed a diamond pattern at around one centimeter. She checked the rest of his whip scars, and sure enough, she found two other diamond patterns. Lily muttered, "A bullwhip with diamond steel edges?" Her eyes narrowed because she seemed to recall someone who owned such a whip, but thinking back, she said silently, 'But Lily, bullwhips are everywhere, and anybody could own one.' Still, she made a mental note to research on whips. She just could not get her mind off it. "Hmm. Good morning," Lucas said in his bedroom voice. He turne
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Chapter 57: Liam's Offer For Help
Dinner was over, and they stepped out to the patio to enjoy tea. Lily and Amelia Lace had taken a seat much closer to the garden. They sat distantly from Lily and Lucas' parents. Lucas was with Aiden, engrossed in listening to his son's tales. Amelia Lace was Marcus' twin, the first daughter of Evan and Shantelle. She took a lot from Shantelle, having beautiful blonde hair, but her eyes were gray. She preferred to be called Lace instead of Amelia. Lace was teary-eyed when she turned to Lily. She touched Lily's arm and said, "When Lucas returned, his eyes were full of pain. He did not live with Mom, Dad, or in any of our penthouses. It's like he created a wall, hiding something from us." "He barely smiled, and he was always looking distantly." Lace looked down and fiddled with her fingers before revealing, "Often, he would hold his necklace pendant and just shut his eyes." Hearing that pricked Lily's heart. Thank goodness, Lace lightened up the mood by saying, "But since he intr
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Chapter 58: Aiden Deals With Rocky
"Johnson and Maurice are the best in security planning within Black Hawk. Include them in your security team if you will get involved in this. And please switch all your cars to armored ones," Lily said while speaking to Liam during their phone call on a Monday morning. Liam responded, "Yes, I am switching. Everyone in Braeton is doing the same." "I have asked Major Patton to send two snipers to Swaxon and stakeout near your office and your house," Lily revealed. "That's a little too much, don't you think?" Liam asked. "The borders are already secured." "We'll never know," Lily insisted. She looked out the window of Lucas' office. She already knew where the sniper was in place. "Even here, in Lucas' office, one is constantly on the lookout." "Oh, and if anything urgent comes up, don't forget to call me in my military line," Lily said. "Then, I don't know if your connections in Swaxon reach the mayor, but like here in Rose Hills, you could ask them to impose a temporary gun ban."
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Chapter 59: Intruder
"It's been two days, and there is no sign of him," Lucas said in front of his office table. He glanced at Lily and asked, "Lily, are you sure that none of the soldiers or the police have caught and hurt him?" "Positive," Lily responded. She frowned and asked, "Lucas, if he came here for you, then why haven't he come to the office?" Lucas clenched his jaws. He shook his head and responded, "I'm not sure either." He looked at Ryan, who had been standing behind Lily. Ryan shrugged, which meant Axel had not gone to him either. Then, again, it would not make sense for Axel to seek out Ryan first. Compared to Ryan, Lucas was easier to find. Axel knew that Lucas was the heir of the Thompson Group of Companies. All he needed to do was visit the office, and a meeting can be easily arranged. After discovering that Axel had entered Rose Hills, Lucas has ordered not to apprehend him. He wanted Axel to come to him without fear or worry. "So, how do you know him again, Lucas?" Lily asked.
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