Semua Bab Tales of a gay man: Bab 11 - Bab 20
96 Bab
How I Made A Guy Relax
I find a common anxiety guys have is whether their cum tastes good. So maybe you guys reading can relate, and the girls reading may have had a guy bring this up with them, like I have before.The thing is, if we like you, it’s almost certain we really want to suck your dick - and we’ll let you know. This is an experience I want to share that backs my theory that you should always tell a guy he tastes good.One of the best blowjobs I ever gave nearly didn’t happen due to the guy worrying about the taste of his cum when I told him I swallow.After two dates, I plucked up the courage to invite him to my place for a third. I wanted at least oral before I went to bed that night. During a movie, I outright said, “I really want to give you my mouth.”I could tell he was excited, yet anxious. I reassured him we could get to know each other more and if he declined, it’s more than okay.We went for it and I tied my hair up, with the intention of not coming up properly for air until I’d swallowe
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Completed A Stranger In Public
I’m 6’3 around 185lbs white average looking slender dude. I would consider myself bi but way more into women than men. Have only done things with men maybe a handful of times. I’m traveling from Georgia to Michigan. I had been driving all day yesterday and since 8 this morning, was feeling a little out of it. I decided to stop at a rest stop just to stretch my legs, use the restroom. The place is pretty empty, there’s one car on the far side. I walk up use the urinal and as I’m standing there a man probably 40 something walks in to use the urinal right next to me. I notice he’s kind of moving crazy so just reflex look over and THIS MAN pulls out easily the biggest cock I personally have ever seen in person. He was maybe 7-8 SOFT but not thick, proportionate I would say. I am just locked, looking at it but then my brain flicks back on and I’m like oh shit wtf are you doing(he 10000000% noticed). He turns towards me and doesn’t even attempt to put it away. We locked eyes, he loo
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He Said I’m Better Than His Wife
About a week ago, I started talking to a married dad (of one). He messaged me with his phone number and when I texted him, we clicked instantly. We both wanted to meet as soon as possible, so we agreed to meet up the following morning for some breakfast.When I got to the breakfast spot, I was met with a very handsome Dominican man. 5’8”, brown eyes and hair, tatted with a nice beard. He wore a Carhart t shirt with work pants and sneakers. (The sight made me want to ditch the breakfast and instantly get railed by him.)He shook my hand and introduced himself, then we went inside to order our food. He held an exuberant amount of confidence I couldn’t match up to, making him much more attractive than his looks made him be. With some small talk, we ate our breakfast and got to know each other a bit before agreeing to go into the woods nearby to fool around. We wanted a room but there were no nearby hotels and we were on a time crunch. So he got me in his car and we drove to a trail and
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Alcohol Play
I met this guy at the bar after waiting for a date that was definitely not coming. We started talking and he bought me a drink. I have never had a guy buy a drink for me, but I didn’t think much of it, I just told him I’d buy the next round. We talked for a while and watched the game. I told him I was stood up and he said that he was just out to drink. We took some shots and at this point I was getting tipsy, so was he. We had been talking for a few hours at this point and seemed to get along really well. He was really cool and I was definitely down to hangout again. The bar was set to close fairly soon, it was only around 1am and honestly I was tired. I told him that I was going to head home soon and he said that he probably should too. We walked out of the bar and just as I was ready to call a cab, he asked if I wanted to come back to his apartment to finish off the night. At first I said no, hinting at the fact that I was tired and wanted to go home. He said his apartment was onl
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Straight Baseball Payer
I have a thing for baseball players, and at a party this past semester I was talking to a guy on the baseball team called “Dylan”. Dylan and I had talked before so he knew that I was gay. He has a girlfriend as well. Dylan is about 6 foot 3, lanky with a well defined six-pack and of course a fantastic ass and great abs. He has brown eyes and curly brown hair. I’d crushed on him so hard and thought about him while jerking off but figured he was straight. At the party, as we get into the night, I can see that he’s drinking and he talked about him and his gf arguing. I asked him if he was satisfied with his relationship and he said “not always”. We moved to a quieter part and he told me that he liked her but also wanted to meet other girls. He asked me how hard it was to find other guys to hook up with, comparing it with girls, and I told him most guys would do anything just to get off so it wasn’t too hard. We chatted a bit and I said “any girl, or any guy, would be lucky to have you
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Gym Shower Part 1
I workout in the mornings before work. Always give the wife a kiss goodbye and head to the gym. Because I go straight to work, I always use the gym showers too. Never thought twice about it until a few weeks ago. I was showering like usual in one of the further back stalls cause I like the privacy, but I didn’t notice the shower curtain had gotten stuck on itself and hadn’t closed all the way. I heard someone else come in and start the shower diagonal to me. As I turned to grab my soap, I noticed my curtain was open and the guy in the other stall had left his cracked and I could see his bare ass. I decided to just grab my soap and play innocent with the curtain to see what would happen. I soaped up and rinsed off and went to put the soap back. This time when I bent over to put it down, he had turned around with a definite chub going on. I guess I stared a little too long, cause when I looked up again we made eye contact. He had a smooth athletic body, long hair, but shaved all over.
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Gym Shower Part 2
It started as a one time chance encounter, that escalated to me being a bit of a cum slut for a fit guy at the gym. Still kiss the wife goodbye and go to the gym in the mornings, except now I feel like I only go for show and end up spending half my time soaking in the shower waiting for my new gym daddy to come in. It’s a big gym so I don’t always know if he’s going to be there or not, so sometimes I end up in the shower for awhile. Today though, I saw him working out and surprisingly got a bit of a chub watching his muscles flex. I have never been attracted to men outright, just to the thought of what could be in their pants, so this was a bit of shock for me. We made eye contact so I know he saw me, but he played it cool and didn’t acknowledge me at all. I played cool too and tried to judge how far he was in his workout so I could time him going to the showers. When he headed back to the locker rooms, so did I. My locker was near his luckily so we both got undressed at the same ti
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Steam Room Jerk
I’ve been going to the gym on and off for years. Nothing routine, but some recent health issues had me realizing that I should probably be a little more diligent. I didn’t have a gym membership at the time, and a buddy of mine suggested a particular one in town, saying it even had a heated pool and a steam room too. I was intrigued and he invited me to go with him one evening. It was a nice place and we worked out for a bit and then he suggested we go down to the steam room. I’d never been to a steam room before and wasn’t quite sure what to expect. Needless to say, I quickly fell in love and found it quite relaxing. By the end of the visit, I was already planning on getting my own membership. My buddy, who knows I’m bi, joked that if I was lucky enough I might catch someone jerking off in the showers. I figured this was the stuff of myth and laughed it off as a joke.About a week later, I had my new gym membership, had been a few times, and was excited to get back into a work
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Railed In The Shower
I had a buddy (early 30s, blonde, tattooed twunk-y guy) that we’ll call James that I had hooked up with on and off the past five years or so, usually just jerking off, maybe some head, but I had fucked him in our last encounter. I hadn’t spoken to him much the last two years – both of us had changed jobs, he had moved several times, the usual stuff. I was feeling a little horny after work one day so logged onto the usual apps to see if I could find some post-work relief, but with no luck with the limited amount of time that I had. Opened my phone a few hours later before bed, and one of the apps reloaded and I didn’t think anything of it, closed it out, set my alarm and went to sleep. I woke up the next morning to a text message from James saying that he had seen me online on the app around 11:00 and wanted to see if I wanted to come over for a little fun. Hating I had missed, it I messaged him in the morning and we began the usual small-talk, catching up, etc. I was traveling for w
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Slept With My Boyfriend’s Dad……….. AGAIN
So after the events in my last post, my boyfriend still hasn't spoken to me. He didn't reply to any of my texts or answer any of my calls. I thought maybe that he figured out that I had cheated, but neither of us had ever met that guy before plus my boyfriend had already left the club before anything had happened with him. Unless I was set up, but that's definitely got to be reaching. Plus I feel like if he knew, he'd have just broken up with me but who knows.So after a few days I decide I'll just go to his house to check on him since I was a mix of pissed off, heartbroken, and worried. When I got there I saw his car in the driveway, so figured he was home for me to talk to. His dad answered the door and I asked him if my boyfriend was there and he said that he had left with some friends. He then asked me to come in because he wanted to talk to me about some things. I started getting nervous because I wasn't sure if he wanted to talk about what we had done or my boyfriend.We sat dow
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