
Unwanted Mate
Unwanted Mate
Penulis: Bishop Writes


Evie P.O.V 

By the time I came to, I saw that I was lying on the front in front of a small building. 

"Where am I?" I asked the two women who were staring at me.

"You are awake? Get up then." One of them replied harshly.

I quickly did as I was instructed. They left me to a small bathing house where I took my bath. I was given some clothes to change into and a warm bath. After that, I was led by the duo towards one of the buildings. The building was just like the rest of the buildings in a bad state, in this section of the village. I felt nauseous because of the smell coming from the building.

They led me into the building and took me to a room in the building. The room was badly furnished. There was almost no furniture in the room. There was only a mattress on the floor, a reading table, and a chair. The walls of the room had cracks and I could see the roaches that would occasionally poke out their head from the holes and go back in.

“This is your quarter. From now on, you are going to have to make a home out of it.” One of them said to me.

What the hell? How was this going to be the place I could live in? Wasn’t Damon supposed to help me find my family and get back home? I wondered as I just stared at her aghast. Speaking of Damon, what had happened when I fainted? How did I get to this hell of a place?

By now, I was sure you were all wondering how I got here in the first place and who exactly I was weren't you? But the problem was, I couldn't remember who I was supposed to be either.

All I emembered about myself was that my name is Evie. I was an orphan who lived in a small apartment I managed to get for myself from hours of waitressing -the same job that got me into the trouble that I was currently in.

The only problem was... I didnt exactly remember why I thought the job got me into this trouble, but something kept picking at the back of my brain each time I tried to remember my past and who I was. Much as I tried to, I couldn't remember the name or place where I did the waitressing job.

When I woke up in a small apartment two days ago, I saw a man whose name was Damon and he told me he saved me from the river where I would have died if he wasn't around fishing at that time of the night. My head was injured and swollen, and he had helped nursed me back to life.

Once I was okay a little, he brought me here and dumped me into the midst of people I knew next to nothing about. The fear of the unknown was what made me faint. Now that I was awake, I felt the need to ask the man why he decided to treat me so harshly.

Was it because he knew I lost my menory?

“Can I speak with Damon, please?” I asked them, with my fists clenched by the side. I could feel my heart race faster and my blood boil as anger overwhelmed me.

“Speak to him? No, you can’t.” One of the women replied instead. Her eyes stared down at my clenched fist. “And I advise you not to do that here." She warned while she stared straight at me.

“And why can’t I speak with him?” I asked, but none of them replied. They both just kept staring at me. I sighed and let go of the matter. At least, he didn't kill me as I thought he would. He just dumped me at God-knows-where.

The older of the two women walked closer to me. “Take some rest. Food will be distributed soon and don’t worry, you will have enough to eat for two days, then you get to earn your meals.” She said to me while ignoring my question. 

“A guide will be sent to you later and will teach you all you need to know.” She informed me and walked away with her companion.

I felt my blood freeze and my heart stop. So he abandoned me here? Why? I asked myself as I knelt on the floor. Tears fell from my eyes, creating little puddles on the floor. 

The door swung open and I turned to see an elderly lady at the door. 

“Come with me. I’m your guide, dear.” She said with a smile. I could see the look of concern on her face, and I knew she felt sorry for me but why?

“Can I speak with Damon?” I asked as I mustered the strength to stand up and approach her.

“You can’t, my dear child. Come with me. I need to orientate you before I get punished.” She said and walked out through the door. I followed her while still sniffing.


I leaned against the wall, with a piece of rag in my hands. I was ordered to clean an empty, large hall with some of the inhabitants of the section where I was living in, children included.

A banquet had been thrown in the hall and only those in a superior power were allowed to attend it. There were leftover dishes on the table and some decorations that were left abandoned, to be cleaned. Leaning against the wall, I couldn’t help but reminisce on the things that I had discovered since coming here.

It’s been a month since Damon abandoned me and left. I now had time to understand how things worked around here and what I was sent to do here.

There were four sections in the village and each section consisted of six buildings. Each section was assigned to six superiors to govern. There was the royal section, the middle, normal, and low class, and all four sections were governed by the Alpha.

The section where I lived was meant for the slaves. It was meant for those who couldn’t contribute anything to the Pack. 

Yes! I already knew what they all were. I was living amongst wolves, with Damon being the Alpha of the pack. 

There were other things I discovered and one of those things was that Damon loved the sea and fishing, so he built a small house far from the village and close to the sea. The distance was quite long to trek on foot. If only there were vehicles here as well, transportation would be made relatively easy. 

“Hey!” A loud angry feminine voice rang in my ears. I knew it was her, Miss Kardashian. I turned to stare at the light-skinned, slim lady that strolled towards me with a deep frown on her face.

“What are you doing?” She asked as soon as she was just inches away from where I stood. “Are you going to stare at me or you are going to talk, you fool?!” She yelled in my face, startling the rest of the servants in the massive room.

Miss Kardashian, was a beta rank of the pack and was a very strict type. Just like most of the betas, she had to share a building with six people. They all had the best treatment and were left in charge of the lower ranks in the wolf pack, the Omegas. Most of the Betas feared the young woman as it was rumored that she was a mage wolf.

Only a few people testified to the claims that she was the exact thing that was rumored but not everyone was willing to believe it. This was because, according to them, Miss Kardashian's parents were both beta wolves, and neither of them mastered the art of sorcery.

“Bitch!” She yelled and in the next instant, I was flung towards the wall like a piece of rag. 

Blood seeped from my mouth as I watched her fume and pant while feeling the moisture on my lips with my finger. I felt a little dizzy and my head was hurting like hell. Just then, I saw another image flash before my eyes.

I saw myself running into a forest with a bloodied foot while being chased by blurry figures. I had gotten better, compared to last time, as I kept seeing images. Although they were blurry, I knew that with time, I will remember all that I have forgotten.

“Don’t let me repeat myself…” 

The woman’s angry voice rang in my ears again. Now, she was holding onto a whip that stretched so long till its tip was touching the tiled floor.

“She’s sorry.” Miss Aurora, the lady who was sent to be my guide when I was brought here, replied instead as she ran to help me up.

Miss Kardashian stared at her with anger and watched as she helped me get on my feet. Her right leg tapped the floor at intervals and as soon as I stood up, she took a step forward.

“All of you, stop what you are doing this instant!” She ordered and the rest of the servants all stopped cleaning. “Get the fuck out of my sight!” She yelled, and everyone scampered for the door.

Miss Aurora led me toward the door but we were stopped by Miss Kardashian’s outstretched hand. “Everyone except the both of you.” She said with a sly smile.

“What are you doing?” Miss Aurora asked while maintaining eye contact with her. She looked really upset, not minding that the other lady was at a level above hers.

“What am I doing?” Miss Kardashian asked with a surprised look. “Who is going to do the cleaning?” She asked, walking toward a table.

She picked up the half drunk glass of wine from the table and poured the liquid on the well-cleaned floor. Walking toward another, she threw the pile of plates to the floor and they crashed and shattered upon contact with the floor.

“What are you doing? We already cleaned!” Miss Aurora cried out but alas, Miss Kardashian paid deaf ears to her.

She pulled out the tablecloth and threw it on the floor. “You love to help, right?” She asked as she kept creating more mess on the floor. As soon as she was satisfied with the level of a mess she had created, she stopped.

“Clean this mess right now!” She ordered and as soon as Miss Aurora stepped forward, she snickered. “Not you. I was referring to her.” She said, pointing at me while glaring hard at me.

“And I want to help…” Miss Aurora said in my defense but was interrupted.

“You are going to help actually.” Miss Kardashian replied to her. “You are going to clean the other hall. Yourself.” She informed her.

I walked toward the mess with a piece of rag in my hand. I did not want to bring more trouble for the poor lady than she was already in. She already had a lot on her plate and even being almost the same level as the beta, she was shunned and treated like the rest of the weaklings by her superiors.

“Come with me.” Miss Kardashian said and without turning to look, I knew she was referring to Miss Aurora.

They soon left, leaving me all alone in the massive hall to clear the newly created mess. “I hate you, Damon.” I couldn’t help but curse under my breath.

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goodnovel comment avatar
Stephanie Ajama
it's nice and had to finish it not stopping on the way.
goodnovel comment avatar
Mary Kay Miller
I liked this first chapter, but I probably won't read further as it's an ongoing book and not finished.

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