The Vampire's Blind Mate

The Vampire's Blind Mate

By:  Ari Haruno  Ongoing
Language: English
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Vampires exist.  But they aren't the etheral,  seducing types that we are taught about.  They slither and scheme, kill and reduce to ash all that is around them and even worse,  One has claimed my heart as theirs.  Only, he doesn't know I'm not the woman he thinks I am.  I'm not his lover, nor do I want to be.  Kidnaped and forced into proximity with the King of the Dead I learn one thing, nothing is as it seems at first sight.  Hades is a man with power, but Thomas saved me from death.  One is human and the other is close to a God. A greater threat looms in the distance, the humans I wish to stand with are under attack. The Vampire's war is not mine to fight, but can I truly stay on the side lines and watch everyone I have come to care about perish?  And can I truly find love in the arms of a cold detached  man, when warmth and happiness lays in wait for me with Thomas?

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Love how interesting and different this book is. Really good writing - can't wait for more chapters!!
2022-12-16 01:54:47
60 Chapters
The Escape
Everything was obsidian black. The same it had been for as long as I could remember. There were no windows, no clocks, nothing that hinted at the time of day. Time had no portion here. It was just black and cold. Always cold. I couldn’t tell if I was fat or skinny. Not that your size mattered, when you couldn’t even make out the outline of yourself, or view the fingers you held up. But I did tell myself that I was beautiful, to put some ease to my mumbling mind. Why was I here, in this condemned place? I hadn’t a clue. I didn’t know if my parents were trying to get rid of me, hoping I’d just finally die at some point. I barely remember their faces anymore. There were no visitors. Nothing, well, except for the scurry of a rat every now and again. It didn’t have to be a rat. Could have been something much worse, but I was still alive, so I guess not. Today was quiet, I noticed. There were no receding footsteps of anyone to or fro from here. I pushed my weakened body against the freez
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The Meeting
I woke up with my arms hurting like hell, while my head drummed, I attempted to get up, heaving my body, realizing I was unable to move. Then for the first time in hours, I felt unbearable pain. My screams and wails pierced the ash-covered devastation, as everything registered. I fought to sit up as every movement hurt like a bitch, in an attempt to get a better view of my injuries. I sobbed, unable to comfort myself, realizing the large debris had collapsed atop the bottom half of my body. I pushed, desperate to remove it, pain shooting at my back as I twisted forcing me to scream again. I couldn’t feel my feet, that wasn’t a good sign, it wasn’t any sign. Again, I pushed, and heaved, attempting to lift it, the pain becoming even more unbearable. But I needed to leave. Those people could come back to check for anything, and I didn’t want to be here if they did. Using the remainder of my strength, I pushed back grimacing at my pain, until thankfully it fell backward releasing me. I c
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The Soilders
I twisted hearing a commotion in my sleep, constant footsteps and people shouting to each other. Sitting up my eyes darted around trying to understand what the haste was about, and why everyone was practically scrambling over each other to get to somewhere. People even jumping over me. Pushing up on one foot, I peek from my position behind one of the drums, only to gasp in horror at the men that were busy shoving at the abandoned belongings; while the others checked the fireplace. A hand slipped over my mouth out of nowhere pulling me down forcefully and I kicked at the drum unwilling to be captured. This would not be my day. Not after everything. “Quiet down, idiot!” Hissed Thomas. “It's just me. ” He covered us in some dark material, and we watched as one of the vitamin difficient men ambled over to where I’d previously created the racket, poking at everything. The men were dressed in the same black suit that the others at the estate had worn but they were just the meaner. The sa
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There was always a reason why I avoided visitors and left Hayden to deal with everything. This was the reason. Having to deal with a bunch of power grabbing old men who were desperate to taste my blood and by extension rule our world. It was the burden and annoyance of being born a Pure blood, one of the very few including my brother who were still in existence. We were also the highest-ranking members of all the families comprising that sec. I had a headache walking through the bland corridors. In truth they weren’t bland. They were decorated with antiques that would catch my eyes in hopes I’d be in a good mood. That’s what made it bland. The fact that they tried and failed to brighten my mood.I should’ve really passed the invitation on to him, but knowing Hayden, he’d be too busy playing with his toys to stand as a proxy. And it was days like this that I needed him to not be distracted right now. The large door leading to the council room swung back heavily clanking against the wa
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The Capture
It was already three months since I survive the onslaught of the burning estate, but our living conditions had yet to improve. My wound had healed leaving a scar, there was nothing we could do about that having to attend to it ourselves and if I complained, it would just make it seem as if I was being ungrateful when I honestly wasn’t, but no one liked to see ugly scars on their person. Then again, I hadn’t a clue what I looked like for most of my life, it really shouldn’t matter. And I guess having an unsightly scar was better than losing a leg. My eyes darted again to the left as I stood guarding as the lookout. Thomas and the others were inside the building gathering what they could. These days we can get closer to where the monsters were, or bloodsuckers as Thomas called them. Security has been tight around these parts. Well over the last few weeks, they had increased almost tenfold. We had to move about five times. Most times, we didn’t even bother to leave hiding, but then Tho
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The house
Everywhere that was cold was dark and everywhere that was dark was cold.I went back to square one. Back to complete and utter darkness and despair. I had no family, no friend, I had no one. Time again abandoned me as I sat in the darkness, it was so dark I could hold it. Unlike my previous cell where I knew exactly where the door was, everything here felt the same. A never-ending box going in circles. I scolded my self from ever crying. I had to give up this childish behaviour at some point. I can’t cry for everything, especially when I feel helpless. I had to be strong, I had to find a way to get out of the hell hole. Every time I thought things would get better, fate kicked me in the ass and proved me wrong. Belle was my last chance; my only hope and she was dead now. Someone killed her and it wouldn’t be too much of a surprise if the asshole I’d seen earlier did it. He was the incarnation of evil. My cheeks still hurt from where he gripped me. I made no attempt to talk after fe
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My eyes took in the refurbished buildings that last time were left in utter dismay. The result of superstition that humans had decided to hold on to, when they found out about us the first time. Their government were hesitant about making it known to the world that we existed, wanting only to work with us in secret. But in truth they were intimidated as hell and I saw it. It manifested in the way they walked, held their glasses in their hands and even the way they talked. Not to mention the fact that their heart beats were all over the place. Humans claimed they accepted us, claimed we could live together without causing harm, yet at dawn there had been men at our homes with snipers, lasers positioned at their hearts taking their lives or ready to kill. What kind of man would I be delivering my own blood to the slaughter of men less than we were? It was ridiculous. I couldn’t allow that. I didn’t want to kill humans, we were taught to respect everything that existed in this world, b
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The Royals
“Look at yourself. Look at what you’ve become being on the street!” Yelled my father.I ignored him. He was the same as the rest. He only wanted to create a scene to make it appear as if he cared when he didn’t. None of them did. Ever since the blood suckers took over, all they did was suck up to them, smile and nod their heads whenever they said something. Nobody ever daring to oppose them. That’s what we've become now, just underdogs, servants for people who required our blood to live. And I hated them. I loathed the lot of them, and I hated their King. “You’ve defied me enough now Thomas, it's time you made yourself useful. ” My father barks atop his voice maybe in hopes to seemingly remaining stern. I can only roll my eyes at his pretense. “And do what? You want me to kneel before them and sing kumbha ya, like everything's okay!” I screamed I'm equal volume. “Everything is not okay, you’re in here with all your friends drinking expensive wine, laughing and having the best time.
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I laughed again atop the bed hearing the girls talk about what they’d seen earlier. After being taken from the room leaving harry, they brought me to floor were all the other humans were allowed to reside. The men were separated from the women and each room had three beds. It didn’t bother me that I now had roommates, it was better company than what I was accustomed to and the girls were welcoming, having high spirits and constant chatter. It pulled my mind away from the gloomy thoughts I had thinking of this place. Of me ever thinking that I'll never see my best friend again. Maria worked in the kitchen, she was proud of her post, being a pastry chef, while Jane worked as one of the maids. I had no occupation in the house. At least not yet. Every day when they left, I was stuck alone until they either returned at the end of their shift, or when we all had lunch. The only other company I had was the occasional run in with Harry and he was always flustered. I will admit that being her
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The Prey
I lost interest in the conversation ten minutes in. I nonetheless couldn’t fathom why I was still doing this. Still sitting in on ridiculous meetings about economy and structure, when all I kept hearing every time I turned up was the same thing. Money. More and more money, that’s all they wanted. The ludacris vain little things that humans deemed important. Vital perhaps. Something that faded in and out of existence with every new advancement and I say the word advancement with a grain of salt. Maybe it's their short life spans that make them feel the urge to do things rather quickly. I'll never understand. My eyes slid close tuning them out as I laid in the chair. This was the other agitating issue. All I did was sleep, but I was yet to actually get rest. I really should pass this one to Hayden as well. My head throbbed endlessly, while I cringed in the chair. This damn pain felt like it was about to tear my head apart. I leaned back resting my head against the chair, before my body
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