The Lost Blood

The Lost Blood

By:  Mrsmoonknight2019  Ongoing
Language: English
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Twenty two year old Diana thinks she's slowly losing her mind just like her mother who has spent years in a psychiatric hospital. Plagued with strange nightmares of her deceased father and episodes of sleep walking, Diana finds her life has turned out nothing like she planned and dreamed about. She has no one else except her best friend Bonnie, who has been her lifeline until she meets a stranger who she thinks is quite literally crazier than her and opens her eyes to a world she never knew existed around her - right in front of her the whole time

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24 Chapters
prologue - The Test Of Time
England - 2017"DIANA, HURRY UP YOU'RE GONNA BE LATE!"I hear my mom's voice yell from the bottom of the stairs. I roll my eyes and quickly start grabbing stuff for school, before glancing at my reflection in the mirror as I rush past. My long black hair has soft curls almost reaching down to the top of my jeans, I briefly imagine it short and inwardly shudder. I love how it makes me feel, like a security blanket around my small frame. At only five foot two inches tall I am 'petite'. My father always calls me his 'petite fleur de lune'. I never minded when I was younger but coming up to my sixteenth birthday I'm still shorter than I had expected, given the height of my parents.My blue eyes look back at me and I check my make-up one final time.. "yes, you can do this" I pep talk to myself. I quickly scan the room, mentally making sure I have everything needed for my final exams. Finally leaving fucking secondary school, I am so excited to go to college after the summer and start my
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Six years laterDianaI still feel uncomfortable sitting in this office even after 6 years. I know every detail. From the placement of the books on the shelves, to the number of blind slats on the window. Once a week I come here to discuss my failure of a fucking life. Highlighting my miserable existence and to check my medication is working. "And how are you sleeping?" Doctor Gavin Thorne asks me. I sigh. Fed up of going over the same shit every week. "Fine" I say. A lie. He looks down at my wrist which is slightly uncovered where my sleeve has rode up my arm. I instinctively pull my jumper sleeve down to hide the lie. The red ring that encircles my wrist is the evidence. Doctor Thorne looks at me sadly "Has there been another incident?" My mind instantly wonders to last night...."No". Another lie. I can tell he doesn't need to have a degree to know I'm lying. I don't even try to make myself sound convincing. Aside from the random panic attacks like the one I experienced on
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Plots & Pizza
BonnieI sit outside my dad's office listening to the voices from inside, as clear as if they were next to me. He knows I'm here. He also knows I can hear everything being said due to our heightened senses. Our senses would be sharper if it was not for the wolfsbane I take everyday. The whole village has to take a low dosage of it for our protection - for Diana's protection. The wolfsbane dose is so small it doesn't stop us from shifting, that would endanger us if we were ever attacked or found out about. It does however mask our scent from pack wolves and rogues passing the area. We live as closed off as we can, hiding in plain sight in human territory. A pack pretending to be humans living in an idyllic village. It's been this way for hundreds of years. Never mixing with other wolves and humans unless absolutely necessary. No other packs even know we exist except for the elders - The Ecclesia. A bunch of old as dirt fuckers with sticks up their asses. They come once every five yea
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Road Trip
DianaMy eyes flutter open and I squint slightly from the rays of sun coming through the window. I lift my head and scan the room to see if my bed is still in its place - it is thankfully. My free hand goes to my necklace which holds a key and I reach across unlocking the handcuffs. I swing my legs out of bed and look over at my packed suitcase sitting in the corner. Maybe I can get out of going? I could fake an illness? I muse to myself. My bedroom door swings open and crashes against the wall. Bonnie struts in "Morning bitch! Are you ready to partay?" "Bonnie, I've just opened my eyes! And I need to do the plants and see my mom before we go" I say wearily feeling like I hadn't slept."I'll make you a deal... You get washed and dressed and I'll do the plants, then we can pop to see your mom as we""Okay.... I don't know what the rush is though, it's like 6am!""Just do it, c'mon chop chop.... Moooove bitch" she says as she claps her hands at me"Bloody hell your so
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The Retreat - Part 1
DianaWe drove for miles away from our secluded village in the south of England. Passing through towns and cities and finally out into the countryside again, towards what Bonnie called 'Drinksville'."Did we really need to go so far?.... Surely there was a closer spa we could have gone to?" I say trying to stretch my cramped legs. For nearly five hours we had been driving and my stomach rumbled. "We're almost here! And no, this spa is the shit!" We drive down into a valley, steeped with huge trees and numerous wooden lodges dotted about. It was beautiful. "We're here!" Bonnie squeals excitedly."Where is here exactly?" I say looking around."The Lake District a.k.a drinksville" Bonnie replies. "Come on, let's go get checked in" I get out of the car slowly, my bones aching from the long drive. We head towards the huge wooden and stone building, following the signs for 'reception'.Bonnie walks to the desk to check us in and I look around me, feet still planted in the same spot. Th
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The Visit
BrynorWe arrived at Hector's beloved pack a little before noon. We drove straight into the village in our blacked out limousine. Every other pack border in the country was heavily guarded and more often than not gated off from the outside human world.Pack scents are easily identifiable, warning rogues or other pack wolves of the territory they enter, but not Hector's. He had been so arrogant and self righteous in his way of living, that anyone could wander in and out and never know they had stumbled quite literally into the wolfs den. I step out of the car and smell deeply with my nose. The faint trace of something familiar catches my attention and I remove my sunglasses inhaling further. "Brynor?" I turn to see my two companions exiting the car. Ivan and Gregor. All three of us are dressed in expensive suits. To the innocent bystander, we look like business men in our forties but at over six hundred years old, we are dangerous. Unlike measly humans who grow frail. Us older, mo
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The Retreat - Part 2
DianaWe walk up the steps of the main lodge - yes the ones that Bonnie so gracefully descended earlier! "Are you ok?" I ask smirking."No! .... I think I have PTSD... Don't let me walk me down these steps alone later!" She pouts."Well don't bloody drink so much and you will be fine!" I retort."Baby did I not tell you ....."I know what she's going to say and in unison we say together "This is drinksville" We burst out laughing as we walk inside.The warmth from the open fire meets my bare skin and I inhale instinctively hoping to smell him.We make our way over to the bar. I look round the room. It's bustling with people all chatting and laughing with drinks in hand. A live band has set up in one area close to the dance floor sending a slow sultry jazz type music around the space. Me and Bonnie sit at the bar waiting for our drinks. The main door opens and he walks in with the same male he was with earlier. He's younger than Hunter but not by much. He has the same chocolate br
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HunterWe drive from the packhouse land towards the guest lodges - The business that me and my younger brother Orion started a few years ago. My father was against it initially and it was hard to get him to change with the times.Thankfully its proven successful and brings in a large amount of much needed cash for our pack - my pack in the future if I ever find my mate.At twenty eight I had given up hope. I'd attended all the mating gatherings from age sixteen, visited other packs with my father - I'd never found her. I couldn't take the place of alpha without my mate. Honestly, the business has been a welcome distraction from the gut wrenching reality of being nearly thirty with no mate. Our lands are large enough that we have more than enough space to set up a luxury spa retreat and still keep the pack at a safe distance. I walk into the main building but Friday is always our busiest day since we host a band and it brings in the most money. I spend my days checking the business
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Finger Food
DianaI open my eyes and take in the dim room, only illuminated by a floor lamp in the corner. It takes me a second to realise I'm in the lodge. My mind wanders back. I can still feel the heat and the taste of his kiss. I bolt upright as I remember the panic attack. An arm grabs me and I gasp, whipping my head to the side. Hunter laying on on the bed beside me. I know its him, the second he touches me. It wasn't just a faint tingle I felt like before, it was like static electricity zapping me. I pull my wrist away rubbing it slightly from the small shock. "You stayed with me?" I say feeling slightly stunned and embarrassed. Hunter smiles at me "I will never leave you Diana...... I took your shoes off" he says nodding towards my feet. I suddenly remember I'm wearing no underwear and feel my cheeks redden at the revealing dress I'm wearing. "How do you do that? I whisper."This?" He replies entwining his fingers through mine.My hand radiates with tingles and small sparks and I s
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Diana"Hi" Hunter says smiling at me sleepily. "Hi back" I say and I blush thinking about last night. We lie there just looking at each other our hands interlocked. "I need to talk to you about something" Hunter says nervously. "Oh..... Is it bad?" I ask sensing how worried he is suddenly. His sudden change has me worried too! "No.... It can wait" he says kissing my hand. "Let's enjoy breakfast first" He kisses my forehead and wraps me in his arms. it's so peaceful. You can hear a pin drop. Until..... one word. Bonnie.The door crashes open."In what fucking alternate reality did I wake up in?" She says walking into my room. "Good morning Bonnie" Hunter replies smiling. Actually smiling!I giggle as Bonnie glares at us."Did you have sex?" She hisses.I burst out laughing not answering her. "Bonnie can you open the front door for Orion please?" Hunter asks.Bonnie stomps out the room. "How did you know he was here?" I ask confused. He hadn't looked at his phone."The orgy is
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