The Hunter's Trial

The Hunter's Trial

Oleh:  Leonard Gayle  On going
Bahasa: English
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In the depths of his island prison, the hunter yearned for liberation, until love unexpectedly found its way into his heart. But when his beloved was torn from his grasp, he plunged into a abyss of self-blame, losing himself in the shadows of despair. A decade of mourning weighs heavily upon him, pushing him to the brink of surrender. Death's embrace seems tantalizingly close, yet the bite of a werewolf binds him to a life he no longer wishes to endure. Faced with the impossible, he must heed her call and seek both cure and poison. Yet, the path he embarks upon reveals a sinister conspiracy that reaches far beyond his shattered romance. Doubts assail his unwavering resolve, leaving him torn between seeking a new purpose and surrendering to the torment of his anguish. As fate hangs in the balance, he stands at a crossroads, the weight of a life-altering choice bearing down upon his weary soul. Will he discover a renewed reason to carry on, or will he succumb to the relentless grip of his pain? In this gripping tale of love, loss, and redemption, the hunter's journey unfolds against a backdrop of treacherous secrets and unforeseen destinies. “Will you be mine Rayla?”

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16 Bab
Chapter 1 ~ What the Delta needs
His lungs gasped relentlessly, struggling to endure the noxious air that permeated the dungeon. The torment echoed in a ceaseless rhythm.Regardless of the inquisitor's relentless lashings, he held his head bent, refusing to give in.The Delta's smoldering gaze bore down on him with scorn, rendering words meaningless.Panting heavily, Higgins managed to muster the strength to speak. "Is that the best you can do, inquisitor? Put your back into it."His bold grin revealed his fortitude, as he dared to believe that the suffering inflicted upon him was mere child's play.He refused to let the Delta feel any pity for him.However, the Delta's unfazed expression, accompanied by a mild grin, suggested that such thoughts didn't even cross his mind."If you say so. Don't hold back, you weakling! Tear him apart until his skin is shredded and his spirit is melted," Ramsy declared.Delta Ramsy refused to acknowledge the inquisitor's perception of him as a living being, if he even did so in the fir
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Chapter 2 ~ Beginning an End
"You do not know how long I have waited for this." Ramsy raveled in the accomplishment he wrought.Higgins, although, feigned ignorance as to any knowledge he seemingly held on knowing anything that Ramsy supposedly thought he did."I'd rather call it self-pride and it's not even leading to where I need it to. I don't know what you're talking about, I don't have any shit that you need." He said.He wouldn't allow him the perceived sense of accomplishment he seemed to draw from the situation, as he tried earnestly to down Ramsy's inflamed ego.He also didn't see the light in the reason Ramsy had to want him alive. Nevertheless, he didn't fail to persistently hint his begging for his own death."I will soon rule this pack and dethrone the Alpha. Maybe then, I will have all human kind exterminated and gain full control, you don't have what I need, but you know where to find it." Ramsy blurted out."Don't gamble life based on inaccurate factoid." Higgins proclaimed his foreseen ignorance.
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Chapter 3 ~ Savior, of sorts
As Higgins broke his restraint, silence reigned supreme.His speed managed to shatter the sound barrier in a fraction of a second.This was the hunter without a legacy, whose heart-shattering only strengthened his determination to escape his island prison, forcing him to overwork himself in order to be strong enough to handle it.Alas, this also made the needed force to his own death to be insurmountable.As he heard the clattering of chains, the inquisitor's gaze was drawn to him, but his head did more than turn to his will."Clack!" As Higgins drew his zenith and jaw in opposite directions, the inquisitor's neck snapped, maintaining its turned position."What in the world did you do?" Rayla wailed, clearly thrown amiss by the sight and sound of the inquisitor collapsing on the floor."Better question, who the hell are you?" Higgins stroked his wrist, attempting to restore the flow.He talked condescendingly to the unique entity who, for the first time in several years, had him at a
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Chapter 4 ~ Engulfed in Flames
"Where... Where am I?" Higgins awoke to the solitary sight of his eye glancing to his masculine mitts."Is this..." He added, as he caught a glimpse of where he might have been."This is where you belong Higgins." A female werewolf beside him called to his attention, in an erotic sense as she stroked the hair strands on his chest.The same emotion he experienced when he first saw Astoria began to disclose its source; he was certain he had relived this event before, and it was now obvious enough."How is this possible, you're..." His eyes glistened with disbelief, as he wafted any foreign element that might've insighted a mirage."Shhhhh!!! You'll jinx it..." She replied his curiosity, although still leaving him dumbfounded.She came atop him, with her sole clothed night gown allowing her warmth to caress the entirety of his abdominal region."No. No. This isn't real, I need to snap out of it." He pushed her off.The werewolf he had been grieving for years over had laid atop him, seemi
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Chapter 5 ~ Royalty of Nefario
"Ugh! "What the hell are you doing weighing so much?" Astoria squirmed as she attempted to drag Higgins by his weight."Hmph... Shit!" After smacking his head on a hedge, Higgins eventually groaned to announce that he was regaining consciousness."Oh, thank the goddess, you're finally awake." Astoria released his legs and settled down on a rock formation, exhaustion etched across her face, relieved that he was back to his senses."In which messed up memory am I trapped this time?" Higgins asked, his gaze shifting around the enclosed space, trying to make sense of his surroundings."What are you talking about? Oh, I see now." Astoria's confusion mirrored his, but in a different sense."...You! What exactly did you do to me? What was I just made to relive?" He finally realized that he couldn't be in another memory.The enigmatic female beta werewolf, who had dared to intervene in his suicide attempts, stood before him. He had never seen her before until she decided to play the role of h
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Chapter 6 ~ A cure, really
"How the hell am I a werewolf, that isn't possible." Higgins became filled with doubt at what Rayla had brought to his notice."Werewolves are first turned into omegas by the Alpha's bite, well you just got the werewolf genes of the moon goddess from his untold daughter." She revealed."No, I can’t take your word for it, I have to..." Higgins decided to test her theory, seeing as the light literally at the end of the tunnel was of the moon, “... No matter. Everything would be solved, you would be proven wrong.”"You want to go into the moonlight, be my guest, but I promise to tally the people your mindless grey beta wolf kills and ravel in the death that will continue in your stead. There's a reason you joint the resistance in the first place." She wrought in the repercussions of her bite."You think this heeds anything, I'll just pierce myself with silver." He proded his ability to still commit suicide.As this was the one thing that was a surefire methods to killing werewolves, may
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Chapter 7 ~ Thus, the bane
"Huh!" Higgins let out a sigh of relief as he rotated his view from his stared gaze directed at Rayla.He led with several mind debates on controversies that would arise from whatever decision he took.Everything had boiled down to this, but the lingering fling, which persisted despite the challenges she put him through, further clouded his judgment, rendering any conclusion he reached even more biased."I'm a little curious though..." Rayla began to word a drawback she held as he initiated light steps away from her.Her vision had been obscured by the accumulated dirt on her clothes, causing her to overlook his attempts. "Why do you refuse to seek justice for your mate and child?" she asked softly.A blink of sorts accompanied by her raising her head saw her vision focus back on him. "Where are you going?" She asked."What does it look like. If I'm possibly going to risk my life for the sake of Nefario, I want to at least be sure of what you pillared so much threat on." He replied."
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Chapter 8 ~ More than seen
"Hmph..." Ramsy watched as the life slowly faded away from the beta's eyes. "Have their bodies discarded of. I need to..." He had made to leave the scene, but his turned view provided him a perspective that brought something to his notice."Wasn't there someone heading down with him?" Ramsy asked. "Why is he the only one?" He added."..." A silence drew itself from amongst the werewolves that had followed him down. "Sir... I'm the one that followed in his stead but he asked that I turn back" A scout werewolf had finally owned up "He said that he could handle it, going on about how I should make sure the hold is safe." He concluded."So you bloody did as you were told and in all naivety, heeded the temerity of this fool." Ramsy scolded the boldness that led in his reveal. "What rank are you?" He asked."I just got called by Alpha Damian to join Nefario, I'm a Nefario scout now for the hold, no longer an omega." He replied, as a perplexed expression crept unto Ramsy's face."So Damian h
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Chapter 9 ~ Strike a deal
Meanwhile, as Ramsy made his way up the flight of stairs, he had arrived at an intermediary when he voiced his concern, "Where did the council and Alpha converge?" He inquired."They met in the upper chamber.” The ominous scout that led him answered, as he continued a paced heading.Ramsy's discerning gazes foretold that he didn’t sense something as right with the supposed scout he was leaning on to point him in the right direction.“The rest of you, give us a moment. What am I even saying, get the hell away from following me you fools.” Ramsy barked as he sent his entourage scurrying away. “Who are you?” He asked.“...Wow, that was fast.” The scout replied as he remained his gaze away from meeting Ramsy’s. “Yelena sent me...”“No shit, of course Yelena sent you.” He said. “If she didn’t, do you really think I would see enough reason to seal the hold for your measly self.” He added. “What did she tell you to pass on to me?” He concluded.“Hmph... she was right all along.” He sniffled t
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Chapter 10 ~ Every waking moment
While, back at the familiar tunnel, Higgins' howl had signified that he had now truly become a half-breed werewolf in his wolf form, but what could that have implied?Rayla made to approach him with caution. "Higgins, are you there?" She asked, as she made sure her words were as subtle as could be.All she implied was that his concentration should fall on her voice, but one thing seemed strange. Why wasn't she turning to her wolf form as she too came under the rays of the moonlight. She was the one that bit him, she gave him the half-breed genes of the moon goddess, she passed on the curse yet she wasn't turning into one under the influence of the full moon, why was it so.The plain reason was because her half-breed status allowed for certain expected extremities of her beta rank werewolf to be limited, with the right amount of training.This allowed for her to keep her transformation under control, remain in her wolf form while keeping her human mind intact, although it causes a me
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