
My Mates Equal Me

Hunnie Bahm, The Queen of Ghabaàr


I thought I heard her stomach growl!"

A shriek rings out through my ears and I begin shifting in the bed, trying to wake up my heavy, but empty body.

Was that my subconscious talking?

Because I am, hungry!

"Y-Y-Your Highness, did you hear me?

I think The Queen is awakening..."

I open my eyes finally, adjusting to the direct line of sunshine shining strongly in my eyes. I shield my face, turning to the side and blinking a couple times.

Suki was seated on a chair by my bed side, holding a glass filled with water. She stands up, looking around and then she hands me the glass of warm water. I politely accepted, sitting up and placing the glass against my frigid lips.


My name is called in such a panic I cough into my glass, resulting in the water to go up my nose and coming back out again. At the same time, Suki takes my glass and rubs the center of my back as I cough into my hands. Then I see Bahm standing by the edge of the bed, rushing o

Two more chapters to go my friends. I want to thank you all again for enjoying my second series of Witch World! Any ideas for my next ones?

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