

     I absentmindedly tapped on the glass of the passenger side door. My thoughts swirled into a vortex, my mind raging with all the possible scenarios that this day could lead to. Paul had kept assuring me that I didn't have to go if I didn't want to, but I needed to. It was the only distraction I had at this point.

     It had been a month since I was attacked. The mark that he had left on my neck had healed within a few days as I had expected. It was a weight lifted off my shoulders, no more evidence to prove that that night did in fact, take place, even if my memories were still reminding me.

     For the past month, I have had to abide by some strict rules put in place by my brothers;

     One. I wasn't to go between places without being dropped off or picked up.

     Two. I had to carry a spare phone with me at all times in case one died.

     And three. I had to ring them every two to three hours and Inform them of where I was.

     All rules I had managed to follow all month successfully.

     "Looking forward to going to college?" Felix asked, his eyes fixed on the road, sparing me a sideway glance every now and again through his black-tinted sunglasses. My brothers wore black-tinted sunglasses all the time whenever they went outside, even if it was raining. I had always teased them about it, but they just smirked and called it a 'fashion statement.' It would be ridiculous if you asked me.

     "I suppose so." I continued to tap the glass whilst staring out the window, watching as the forest trees flew past until the scenery transitioned into a high street filled with all the local shops. The library I had spent most of my time in was also on the high street. I looked at it with longing, missing the break from reality that it offered. Now the only place there was to get away from my brothers' constant worries and concerns was college.

     I always dreaded college, but of course, if I ever wanted to leave this city and become a journalist, independent and stray away from my brothers, I was going to have to stick it out.

     My eyes soon locked on the giant building that came into view, hundreds of students piling in and out of the entrance that was at the end of the car park. Felix swerved the car as he turned into the car park, having to stop every couple of feet from allowing students to go past. He beeped impatiently, causing many to jump and move out of the way.

     Quite a few were In groups as they chatted along whilst others, especially girls, smiled at the car, knowing one of my brothers was driving and wanted to get their attention. I narrowed my eyes at them, hating the way they acted towards them just because they had nice cars and money.

     Felix put the hand-break on, turned off the engine and turned to me once he was fully parked. "Remember to call, and Ivan will be here to pick you up later." I nodded as I stared at the double door entrance, people still walking in and out constantly. I could feel Felix's gaze staring into the back of my head as I kept my attention planted on the doors, with no intention of getting out of the car.

     "Your class will start without you soon." Felix chuckled.

     "If only," I mumbled under my breath. I rotated in my chair to look at him, a small attempt at a smile tracing my lips, "Thanks for the lift." I then grabbed the door handle, ready to push the door open.

     "Have a good day, alright?" His eyes were concerned as I nodded and smiled before unlocking the car and stepping out, heading towards the entrance. I could hear the car start behind me as he reversed and drove out of the car park.

     I breached the entrance, stepping into the mass hallway as I swivelled past loads of people who were standing around chatting and getting in my way. I walked down the long hallway as my class came into view at the end of the hall. My footsteps came to a stop when I felt someone place their hand on my shoulder. I twisted my head around to come face to face with Lillian Dale.

     Her blue eyes, which are outlined with mascara, are watching me accusingly. She blinks a few times, revealing the dark eyeshadow she is wearing as she flips her blonde hair over her shoulder. She's wearing a skimpy black top and jean shorts which reveal more than they conceal.

     I inwardly roll my eyes at her.

     Her lips turn up into a smirk; her voice high-pitched as she places a hand on my arm. I watched the action with discomfort, wishing she would pull it away. "Can you ask Felix why he hasn't called me back?"

     I draw my bottom lip in through my teeth. Did she really expect Felix to call her back? He only took her out once to shut her up, and now she thought she owned him. "He's too busy," I replied, shrugging my shoulders and pulling away from her to head to my first lecture.

     I gritted my teeth, hearing her footsteps as she followed me, "Well, it's just as well. I think me and the new guy, Mark, will be hitting it off very soon."

     Mark has been considered the hottest guy In college since he started three months ago. According to most of the girls here, he was nicely spoken-and came from a wealthy background, but I was always too focused on my own life to get to know him. I mean, yes, he was a hottie, but I didn't really have the time either, so I never bothered to have a proper conversation with him.

     In history, I was sure my eyes had found him a few times because he was watching me, and that had me on edge sometimes, but I was sure there were other girls he'd rather spend time with.

     "I'm sure you two will be very happy together." I jested, stepping through the entrance of my first class, leaving her behind In the hallway. She turned on her heels and sauntered elsewhere to annoy other helpless souls. I felt sorry for them.

     The whole day had gone pretty quickly, mostly daydreaming through my lessons or taking notes without paying too much attention. When lunch came, I made sure to call Ivan so they could make sure I was safe and sound.

     The next bell rang, signalling the start of my last lecture of the day, history.

     I stepped inside, taking a seat in the top row right at the back of the classroom. The classroom was half full, and the teacher was absent whilst I waited for class to start. Whilst waiting, I reached into my bag and grabbed out my history textbook and began revising a few topics when I felt someone sit down beside me. I didn't bother looking up, not caring who it was.

     "Rosalyn." My ears perked up at my name being called, lifting my gaze from my book to meet with stormy, grey eyes. It was Mark, his blonde hair reflecting the light coming from the room as he spoke, "I'm Mark, by the way." He held out his hand for me to shake.

     Taking his hand hesitantly, I smiled at him, liking how well-mannered he was, "Nice to meet you. How do you know my name?" I asked sheepishly. 

     "I asked about you," he leant back in his chair, eyeing me flirtatiously. "A gorgeous girl like you, I had to know your name."

     I blush at his comment as I avert my gaze back down to my book in embarrassment. I can feel him shuffle in his seat next to me before he leans his face towards mine, "What are your plans for tonight?"

     My eyes once again meet his, a smile creeping its way onto my lips.

     Was he asking me out?

     I mean, yes he was good-looking and all. Nicely built, and knew how to make a girl feel special, but I already knew my brothers wouldn't let me out, especially to go on a date.

     My eyes trail down, my mouth watering as I reach his chest, marvelling at how defined and toned he is, his top straining against his body, trying not to rip at any sudden movement. I absentmindedly lick my lips before answering, "Well my brother is picking me up," I say, my eyes slowly moving back up to meet his, "so I'm unable to go out tonight."

     His eyes are persuasive as he places his hand gently onto my thigh, the warmth from his hand sinking through my jeans and warming my skin. "Come on," he begins to stroke my thigh slowly, my mind pondering over the action, "Surely you can figure something out."

     "I guess so..." Oh no, I was going to be in so much trouble for this, especially if my brothers found out. "But I'm going to have to pass on tonight. Sorry, maybe another time."

     His smile falls, and something unrecognisable flashes in his eyes. "Sure." 

     "Evening, everyone." The teacher, Mr Larson, made his presence known as he entered the room, all attention now on him.

     Half of my focus was on the lecture, whilst the other half was on the hand which was still stroking my thigh, making me giddy inside.

     Of all the possible outcomes I thought this day would bring, this was not one of them.

     When the bell rang to end class, I jumped slightly, causing the gorgeous blonde to chuckle at me. We both stood up as I packed away my things into my bag and shrugged it over my shoulder.

     We laughed and chatted away when Lillian stopped in front of us, her hand stroking Mark's arm as her eyes fluttered up to meet his. "Mark, I was wondering if you'd like to get a drink sometime?"

     He blinked at her seeming rather bored, and a smirk played on my lips at the sight, "Sorry, but I've already got plans." He removed her hand away from his arm and continued walking, forcing her to step to the side, her eyes glaring at me with daggers as she crossed her arms across her chest.

     I heard her mumble under her breath, "Fucking bitch." However, it didn't bother me enough to give her any of my time of day as Mark and I neared the exit to the parking lot.

     We came to a stop when we breached the exit, getting ready to part ways until we could see each other again. He leant his head forward, his breath fanning my ear as he whispered, "I can't wait to see you again." I smiled up at him. He kissed my cheek, causing me to blush and then headed towards his car.

     I scanned the parking lot, my eyes landing on a silver Porsche that belonged to my brother Ivan.

     Approaching the passenger side door, I pulled down the handle and stepped inside, buckling my seatbelt. Ivan peeked at me through his sunglasses, his hands pulling up the hand break as he drove away from the car park. "Who was that guy you were talking to?" He asked, a frown on his face as his eyes glanced to the rearview mirror to watch Mark getting into his car.

     I shrugged away the question, "Just someone who I helped out in class today." It was a believable lie.

     He nods, seeming satisfied with my answer as his grip loosens up on the wheel.

     "Listen," Ivan said, making me look at him. "We've all decided it would be best if we go on a family trip." 


      "Yeah, me, paul and Felix," He clarifies. 

       "Don't I get a say? Not that I'm not up for a family vacation, but I've got so much schoolwork to catch up on. I can't really afford the time off." After a month of absence, I was already behind in all my classes. 

         "We can discuss it at home, but I don't think Paul's going to budge on this." 

         I sighed with annoyance. "Paul never budges on anything." 

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