
The Alpha Wife
The Alpha Wife
Penulis: Ori M Ortega H

Ariana pov

Ariana Pov...

Today was a very special day, we would receive important people at the restaurant where she worked as a waitress, the people who would come were so important that the owner of the restaurant, Mr. Phillie, would pay double what was agreed for a week. work, just for today, the boss was very selective, and he chose only the most beautiful and polite waitresses, and for some strange reason he chose me among them…

Although I felt a little tired from working all day, even so I had to continue working with this money I will be able to pay the deposit of an apartment in a much better place to live, since I was a child I have only depended on myself, and on the charity of some people just because being an orphan...

For as long as I can remember I have lived from one momentary home to another, I never had a family, and even if I wanted to have one, at the moment I am not interested in any man...

Two hours passed...

The guests were already starting to arrive, and that made me let out a big sigh of laziness, I felt completely exhausted, but for the moment my tiredness didn't matter...

A co-worker patted me on the shoulder in a friendly way, and said...

"Come on girl, it's time to start working, put on your best smile" he Says in an animated way, to try to cheer me up...

I took a tray with champagne in my hands, and began to walk among the guests to offer them a drink, the guests were taking the glasses one by one, without looking at me, it was as if I did not exist, but I was used to being treated like that. It was much more pleasant, before I started working in this place, I worked in a bar, and many times men tried to go too far with me, since then I have been working in this place...

I felt the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end, for some reason the strong gaze of a man and his somewhat gloomy aura made me step back, I wanted to continue on my way to the other side, but my feet were heavy as if they were stone. ..

I got a little nervous, and looked down, my hands were shaking a little, but even so, I kept holding the almost empty tray in my hands…

That man was staring at me, from one moment to the next he hesitated, and turned his gaze to a beautiful blonde who looked like a supermodel approaching him…

I quickly fled, I began to walk quickly towards the part of the kitchen, where the empty trays and glasses had to be taken to change them and replace them with new and clean ones, one of my companions realized that she was trembling with nerves or perhaps with fear , I dont know...

The girl came up to me and said...

"Calm down, it's okay, just stay calm, and don't come out of here from the kitchen again, I'll cover you" she tells me affectionately, while she gives me a soft smile...

I breathed a big sigh of relief, and before she left the place, I said "thank you, thank you very much", my friend just nodded and left the kitchen with a tray full of champagne...

Dante, point of view...

I had arrived at the restaurant where I would celebrate my new promotion as Chief of all the packs, for some strange reason the characteristic smell that a woman had in that restaurant caught my attention, it was like a smell that hypnotized me, my internal wolf wanted to leave desperately and go for that woman, she altered my senses, for some reason I started to look for her with my eyes, until I found her and decided to keep looking at her, while I stared at her eyes, she quickly noticed, she blushed, and stepped back, she looked like a scared puppy, that excited my hunter senses much more, that girl would be the perfect prey to have tonight in my bed...

My strong desires for that sweet woman were interrupted by the characteristic voice of my ex-girlfriend, who quickly approached me, to hug me, making me lose sight of my sweet victim, and the girl quickly ran away even though I was still looking for her with my eyes. I could still perceive her characteristic smell from meters away...

My ex-girlfriend Camila, who is a simple Beta, started to speak in a complaining tone...

"Why didn't you call me again after returning to the country?". She says furiously in a very serious tone, while she approaches me, trying to seduce me...

I roll my eyes, while running my hands through my hair, this woman was stressing me out, with her stupid claims, she really doesn't realize that if I don't call her, and I don't look for her, it's because I'm not interested....

"If I haven't called you, it's because I don't want to have anything with you. Understand that once and for all.,” They were the only words full of fury that came out of my mouth, after a reproachful look....

"Dante, you can't treat me like this, I was your fiancée, and at a certain moment our lives were going to be united for all eternity" She tells me with a certain blackmailing tone, very characteristic of this woman, who to get what she wanted, always had to make a claim or set up a theater to blackmail me....

"Camila, with all I am not interested in you as a woman, if I don't call you is because I wasn't interested in doing it, if I don't look for you is because I don't want to, so please avoid crossing my path" I answered her in a threatening way, after all I was the one in command in this whole place, this was my territory and that of my pack, whether she liked it or not, she had to obey the orders I gave her....

My ex-girlfriend started to turn as pale as a sheet. She had started to cry like a little girl. I had no choice but to run away from that place before her situation got worse...

I continued with the party and the guests as if nothing had happened, but the smell of that beautiful waitress I still couldn't get it out of my mind...

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