The Accidental Werewolf

The Accidental Werewolf

By:  Celice Wylder  Completed
Language: English
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**Sometimes, you don't get to choose your own destiny.** Maya Anderson is the first werewolf in living memory born to human parents. Kicked out of her home when she was sixteen, she's been on the run for nearly five years, trying her best to avoid other werewolves as much as possible. That is, until she stumbles into Edric Payne's territory, the Alpha of one of the biggest packs in the country, Mountain Fire. At twenty-five, Edric still hasn't found his mate, and their pack's been without a Luna for more than a year. Without a Luna, his pack is in danger of dying off, but because The Moon Goddess promised him he'd find his mate after he becomes Alpha, he's less worried about it than his father, Joshua, the previous Alpha of Mountain Fire. When Edric captures Maya, and claims her as his mate, she has no idea what he's talking about. She knows nothing about being a werewolf. In fact, she hates everything about them and herself, and she doesn't plan on sticking around to become some kind of Luna for a bunch of bloodthirsty monsters. However, a series of bizarre events compel her to stay with the pack. The moment they meet, Maya and Edric's destinies become inextricably intertwined, and they quickly learn that everything they thought they knew about their lives have been a lie. **

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The Accidental Werewolf is a Romance Fantasy novel written by Celice Wylder. Readers are impressed by the surprising plot twists. As the first and only werewolf to have been born to humans, May Anderson has been evading capture for five years. Meanwhile, an Alpha of the Mountain of Fire, Edric, finds himself alone but the moon Goddess promises him to find his mate. After having captured Maya in the wilderness he thinks she is his mate, but Maya brought a series of events that forced her to stay with his pack only to find out about their true identities...

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will there be a second book?
2023-10-17 07:07:58
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Raven Murray
Love this but want a book two
2023-07-24 01:59:42
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Karen Schmitz
Awesome happy ending after a great rollercoaster ride.
2023-04-25 04:19:49
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Looking forward to reading more of this author’s books since this book impressed me so much!
2023-02-13 20:55:33
user avatar
Wow!!! Totally worth going through the ups and downs of this book! Great rollercoaster ride with a happy and satisfying ending! Highly recommend it!
2023-02-13 20:54:11
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Jennifer Trubey
Absolutely LOVED this book! 🥹
2023-02-10 06:29:46
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Mary Grace
Readers beware- guard your heart with the last chapter, or have a box of tissues readily available. Such a well written story and I hated to see it end.
2023-01-14 13:19:47
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Fab!! Amazing story with interesting twists n turns and an actually Happy Ending for All! Simply Love it! Quite a different plot from regular wolf vamp stories. Worth Reading!
2022-12-20 00:38:47
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A favorite
2022-09-14 04:47:09
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This book was a whirlwind of emotions and so well written, I couldn’t put it down
2022-07-30 11:07:43
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Mariana Brown
Is this book done? I hope there is more, it’s a great book!! I know I shouldn’t but I kind of feel bad that abbadon died. I can’t say he’s a good guy for sure but I kind of feel sorry for him in a way. He did seem to love her in his own way
2022-07-12 13:00:03
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amazing story
2022-03-15 16:39:34
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Janine May
Love this book so far
2022-03-01 16:32:39
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Honestly, this is amazing. I love leads that throw puns and sarcasm every now and then. The story is filled with a rollercoaster of emotions which I liked the most.
2021-12-10 19:07:05
user avatar
I had a hard time liking the FL's sarcasm/strong opinions in the first chapters, but she grew on me as I continued reading. The writing is good, and so are the descriptions. Hardly any grammatical errors, and the pacing is fine. Great job author!
2021-12-05 01:50:28
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159 Chapters
Chapter 1
“What are you doing here, rogue?” A man growls in my ear. “Do you not know this is Mountain Fire territory?” “Mountain Fire,” I snort out, trying my best not to laugh. “Where do you get these names?” Staring at myself in the filthy mirror behind the bar, I try my best to avoid making eye contact with the werewolf on my left. He is a block of a man, with hands big enough to crush my skull without even trying I, on the other hand, am small and my wolf timid. We didn’t exactly flourish during our childhood, and most of the time she hides away in fear, though I sometimes think she’s more afraid of me than other wolves. “What did you say?” A low rumble vibrates in his chest. Now me, I never growl, and I never shift into wolf form – except on the full moon, when I can’t control the shift. That’s when my wolf breaks out and runs free. I suppose she deserves it. Letting her out once a month probably isn’t too much to ask, considering that she heals me
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Chapter 2
“Is it her?” My eyes snap open. I look around, confused. Where am I? What time is it? Then I remember the two werewolves from the pub, and getting into the Beta’s car. After that, I can’t remember much, except that I fell asleep. I guess we have reached our destination. And they just left me here in the car. Alone. A slow grin spreads across my face as I lean over and grab my pack before opening the door. The loud click of the latch echoes through the woods, and the two werewolves turn to look at the car. I quickly close my eyes and pretend to be asleep. When I dare to peak at them again, I see the tall blonde one, Luca, looking straight at the car while he keeps talking to an even taller, dark-haired werewolf standing with his back to me. Luca puts his arm around the brunette’s shoulders and leads him away from the car. They have their heads close together, deep in a whispered conversation. Now is my chance. I ease the door open and jump out.
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Chapter 3
Edric's POVI kneel next to my mate, inspecting her head wound. Blood pours from the broken skin, seeping into the ground. Her scent mixed with the coppery tang of her blood is driving my wolf insane. Taking my t-shirt off, I press it against her wound and mind-link our pack doctor, Clarke, to tell him he needs to go to the clinic right away. I pick Maya up from the ground, holding her tightly against my chest. She weighs almost nothing – poor thing was just a bit of bone and skin. I wonder when last she had a decent meal. My wolf is concerned and elated at the same time. ~ Finally. Our mate. ~ * Yes, yes, calm down, * I tell him. ~ She’s unwell. ~ * I know, bud, we’ll get her sorted out. * Earlier, when I chased her down, I almost lost control of him completely. He caught her scent when she exited the car, and he had one goal. To get to our mate. He would have claimed her there and then if I hadn’t stopped him. At twenty-five, I am still without a mate. It’s rare in our world, b
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Chapter 4
Edric's POV: Jolie comes sauntering into the room, carrying an instrument tray laden with antiseptics, gauze, and bandages. She’s busy training to take over from Doctor Lewiston one day, and honestly my father couldn’t be prouder. If my mother were still alive, she’d be bursting out of her skin with joy. Since she came from a rich family, she always wanted Jolie to be more than ‘just’ a Beta’s mate. “Doc sent me to dress your wounds,” she tells Maya and put down the tray. “My name is Jolie, I’m this one’s sister— “she jabs a finger in my direction -- “and Luca’s mate.” “Hello.” Maya gives her a small, joyless smile, but relaxes visibly, the tension draining from her face. She is clearly much more comfortable around females. My sister looks at me, and I wait for the mind-link, because it’s so very obvious that she has a hundred questions, but she doesn’t do it. “I suppose asking you to leave would be pointless?” “Yes.” I’m going nowhere. My wolf will tear me apart – figuratively sp
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Chapter 5
A young werewolf, maybe about sixteen, came by with a tray full of food. I ate very little, because these days I’m never hungry anymore. Edric tried to get me to eat more, but I managed maybe half a plate, if that. Later, Doc came by, handing me two pills, which I took without even thinking about it. Usually, I’d question anything and everything werewolves did, but for some reason I trusted these wolves. Especially Edric, even though he has given me absolutely no reason to trust him…but then, he didn’t give me any reason to mistrust him. I don’t really know what happened. I fell asleep an hour later, and when I woke up, I wasn’t in human form anymore. My wolf took control while I slept. I didn’t even know she could do that. Shifting hurts – not as much as it did the first time, but I still feel it every time. You’d think I’d have woken up when I shifted, but I didn’t. I slept through the whole thing. I look at Edric through my wolf’s eyes. He’s sittin
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Chapter 6
Edric's POV: I put clean clothes, a new toothbrush, and hairbrush in the bathroom, watching Maya’s silhouette play against the shower curtain, catching a faint whiff of her blood mixing with the water. It takes all my self-control to keep my wolf at bay – he wants to jump into the shower and take her, something I will never allow. ~ Mate, ~ he pants. * No, * I say sternly, and quietly slip from the bathroom. For a moment I consider going back down to the clinic to look for her contact lenses, but decide against it. As much as I want to hide her true identity from the rest of the pack I can’t do it. It would be unconscionable. They deserve to know what and who she is – it will affect them as much as it will affect me. For the first time in four decades, our pack may have to go to war. I didn’t exactly relish the idea, but such is the way with destinies – they’re never what we want them to be, are they? I stare off into the distance, re
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Chapter 7
I am sure Edric came back some time during the early morning hours, but he’s not here when I wake up. I can smell his scent lingering in the air, and I find clean clothes hanging in the bathroom. A dress. I pull a disgusted face at the outfit. I haven’t worn a dress since my sixteenth birthday party, almost five years ago if I have my dates right, and the thought of wearing the frilly, flowery monstrosity fill me with a strange kind of anxiety. I used to love getting dolled up in pretty dresses. My mother helping me to do my hair and make-up, always smiling proudly when we were done, telling me how beautiful I looked. My little sister sitting on the bed, watching me with big, awestruck eyes, saying, “One day, I want to be just like you, Maya.” Thinking about my mother makes me angry, and the memory of my sister fills me with sadness and longing. She’ll be about twelve now – I wonder if she still thinks about me. If she remembers me at all, and still wants to be like
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Chapter 8
Edric's POV: Our pack members start arriving one after the other, all of them in wolf form. Most live on the mountain property, and running is just easier than driving. Besides, no wolf I know will pass up the opportunity to shift and let their wolf run free. Well, except for the one by my side. The wolves that live in the town in the shadow of the mountain will be the last to arrive; they usually drive part of the way and shift when they’re away from human eyes. About ninety percent of the town’s population are werewolves and the humans are blissfully unaware of this fact. Maya’s nervous, her body coiled like a too tight spring, ready to let go and run off at any moment. As our pack members disappear into the woods to shift back to human form, she moves closer to me. Without even thinking about it, I put my arm around her, and to my surprise, she leans into me, resting her head against my shoulder. The feeling of bliss I experience w
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Chapter 9
Ignoring my broken toes, I hobble deeper into the woods with Edric by my side, my heart nearly banging out of my chest. Why did I agree to shift? Of course, my wolf is elated – I don’t blame her, she rarely gets a chance to be herself, but I’m already regretting my decision. Who knows what she’ll do when I’m forced to the background and she takes control? When we can’t hear the laughter and talking of the gathered pack anymore, Edric stops and turns to me. “What do you usually do when you shift? Do you take clothes with you, or go back to the place where you shifted before you turn back to human?” “Huh?” He chuckles softly. “Most of us will carry clothes with us – so we don’t walk around naked when we shift back to human form. We’ll shift back when we get to…where we’re going, so I think you should bring your clothes with.” “How?” I’m starting to realise that not only do I know nothing about being part of a pack or werewolf society, I also kno
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Chapter 10
Edric's POV: I smell the rogue minutes after turning my back on Maya. I don’t know how to communicate to her that the asshole is watching us. This is not a rogue looking for refuge, as so many of our other ex-rogues tended to do; this one is dangerous. He’s the very kind of wolf she keeps running into – one that’s more beast than man. Very casually, as if I don’t know he’s there, I pull my t-shirt over my head and start moving backwards to Maya. I don’t want to scare her, but we haven’t marked each other yet, so we don’t share a connection. I can’t mind-link her. The moment I let her know what’s going on, I shift and turn, relieved to see that she followed my advice. Her magnificent wolf shimmers in the sunlight, and this really sends the rogue over the edge of what little reason he has left. He comes crashing through the forest like a deranged animal, which I guess he kind of is, forgetting about me and going straight for Maya. He’ll
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