

There came a new dawn. I woke up feeling energized. I stood up and walked to the window and I could see everyone in their respective positions and already busy with the day's activities. 

Shortly, I heard a knock on the door. As I opened the door, I saw a maid standing right before me with a tray in her hands. 

"Good morning Ma'am" she says " Breakfast is here" she added.

"Good morning. Over there please" I say letting loose the door to allow her to come in.

She walked straight to the stool beside the bed and placed it and immediately made her way to the door.

"Kindly close the door behind you" I instruct.

She quietly jams the door and leaves.

I quickly sat down and had my breakfast. I have been famished since the last night as I didn't get to eat anything before I arrived at the palace.

Hours went by and all I could just reminisce about was the past. I couldn't stop thinking of how despondent I was seeing every one of my family members laying in their own pull of blood.

It was like my whole world crumbled in one night…

If I had the power to bring them all back to life, I would do that within a blink.

Just maybe, bringing them back will take my pains away.

Just maybe, my life would get better. I miss everyone. I miss my mum so much. We had a great mother-daughter relationship. 

We had a lot in common. We were so close and fond of each other that she could easily tell my moods.

She was more than a mum to me. One is safe to say we are best friends or partners.

She told me lots of good old stories about how peaceful the wolves have lived over the years.

Times when the wolves chose unity and togetherness over power as opposed to the present times.

Listening to her always got me wondering if time would ever come when we will get back to how we used to be.

It always got me thinking if time would ever come again when there will be less or no power intoxication.

When the life of the average wolf would be valued and not seen like that of a mere chicken.

We can't continue being enemies of our own selves. It is already bad enough that humans won't let us coexist among them.

But even worse that we now can't coexist amongst ourselves.

These memories never come without a surge of pain piercing through me like a sword.

And this feeling of pains only reminds me that come what may, I must get my revenge. I can't feel this pain alone.

They need to have their own fair share of this pain they have made me go through all these years.

My thought process was interrupted by a gentle knock on the door.

"Please come in." I say with my voice barely above a whisper.

It was Frial. What a pleasant surprise. What could have brought him to my room this evening? I thought.

"Hy" He says with his eyes fixed on me.

"Hy" I reply looking back at him.

It just occurred to me that I'm taking a good look at him for the first time. "He's really good-looking." I thought to myself.

He, well, was distinct from everyone else. He wasn't necessarily handsome in a conventional manner, but he had a look that could make him stick out in a crowd. 

He was light-colored, almost colorless. His light-toned visage contrasted brilliantly with his unfathomable, golden-brown eyes.

 If you looked into his eyes for a while, you could get lost in them because they were so expressive and deep. 

He had that expression on his face that is indescribable in words.

 His humbleness and modesty were displayed by his grin, which extended up to his wrinkled eyes.

 A hint of pain would occasionally show in his sparkling eyes but would vanish just as quickly. 

He occasionally spoke too quickly, which may have exposed how much pain he was trying to keep to himself. 

His height and frame stood out the most. He did not have 8-pack abs or biceps that measured 16 centimeters. 

But he could make himself stick out in a crowd, mostly because of the way he carried himself.

He might not have been the type to make females swoon, but he was unsophisticated and straightforward. 

He was "nothing special, but all the same unique," possibly one in a million.

"You've been indoors all through " He says searching my face. "Is anything bothering you?" He adds with a look of concern.

"Oh no…I'm fine. Just trying to get used to my new room" I cut in sharply.

"Fine. How about we meet tonight?" He asks searching my face.

"Sure. where?" I ask curiously

"My room," He says staring right in to my eyes.

At this point, I could read through his mind. I could tell what the meeting is about. I could hear his heartbeat. 

I'm yet to have my first night with him and the thought of that sends cold chills down my throat. 

If I had my way, then I would have found a way to escape that. But it is only required of me to give him his conjugal right as his Luna even when I'm not the real one.

The thought of Dan came into my mind immediately but I had to wave it. I'm sure imagining this alone won't go well with him.

But I got to do what I have to do. Whatever it is to avenge the death of my family.

"Hey" He calls back my attention.

"I'll be there" I say swiftly.

He takes a moment to stare at me to be sure everything is ok. 

Can't tell what's on his mind but I already assured him I'm coming anyway.

He finally made his way out. I felt a bit perturbed. I wasn't sure my actions were straight.

"He mustn't suspect anything" I say to myself.

I need to be very careful because he seems really smart and highly sensitive. I have to ensure he doesn't get skeptical…not even by mistake.

I quickly rushed into the bathroom to have a quick bath. Thereafter, I got dressed in my Silky lingerie.

Putting on my Lingerie gives me an excellently rewarding, exhilarating, and sensual feeling.

Having the silky softness of the lingerie caress my skin is heavenly.

It makes me feel more feminine.

I wore an aromatic fragrance that was just graceful and perfect for the night.

After getting fully set, I could tell that I wasn't just looking seductive and alluring, I was also smelling really nice.

I made my way to his room. I knocked and on opening the door, he couldn't resist staring lustfully at me.

He let loose the door to allow me in. I could tell he can't wait to devour me already.

"You look breathtakingly gorgeous tonight" He says biting his lower lip seductively.

"Oh thank you" I say with a tight-lipped smile.

"Come here," He says as he opens his arms to receive me.

I walked gently into his arms. Using his right hand, he raised my jaws to get my eyes straight in to his. 

And just then, he pressed his lips against mine.

His lips were tender and warm. They opened up just enough for my tongue to fit inside.

Our bodies were tightly compressed against the wall, breathing deeply as our lips pressed together.

As we struggled to undress each other, I could taste our shared breath and feel the thud of our combined heartbeat.

His hands ran through my body and shortly, he grabbed my left breast with his hands and fumbled it roughly…

Detaching his lips from mine, he placed them on my nipple biting and sucking them with so much pleasure like a hungry infant suckling its mother's breasts.

He reached for my other breast, and I hunched against him. He worked on me with two of his fingers, which was very enjoyable.

Not so long as he kept his mouth on me while lavishly stroking my breasts. His thumb rubbed over a tender and sweet spot. My eyes rolled back into my head.

I took hold of his hair, tugged, and yanked him in. He thrust even harder, twisting it as he did so, striking me in the spot that turned my moans into a lengthy, high-pitched orgasm.

I trembled against him with my legs shaking and when he finally slowed down to gaze up at me, my hair was in a wild tumble and my face was glowing. 

"You are so lovely" He says looking right in to my eyes. "You good?" He adds

"Yeah" I say with almost a whisper.

My nerves came down and all I needed was to sleep right away.

"I don't want either of us to ever forget this night," He says as he kissed my ear.

I nod as I sleep off in his arms.

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