Savior: A Love Story

Savior: A Love Story

By:  OneSevenEight  Ongoing
Language: English
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When Tamashi sees a girl about to get run over by a truck, he does what any selfless person would do before thinking: he tries to push her out of the way. He closes his eyes and reopens them: to find himself in a vast void, stuck there with a being that’s nearly his own reflection. The only difference? That being’s hair was completely white. Side note: he’s also kind of an arrogant jerk. Tamashi wakes up to find that he successfully saved the girl: except, someone shows up and accuses him of murder. What the hell? This is the story of Tamashi, and his journey to redeem himself and to to find out the truth of the world he lives in. As it turns out, there’s more to society and the world than the eye can see.

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Joy Teo
This is not your typical YA love story, it is filled humour, suspense, agnst and most importantly it is a coming of age journey to all these wonderful characters. A must read!
2021-07-17 13:08:28
33 Chapters
1: A Love Story
“Dude, you look miserable. You need a girlfriend.” Tamashi looks up from the book he was reading, looking visibly irritated. “Can you stop trying to make a me a womanizer for one second? I’m actually trying to finish this book.” “Is it a romance?” “None of your business.” “Ooh, let me see. Is the dude in this story just as boring as you?” “DUDE, let go-“ As Tamashi and his overbearing friend wrestle for the book, a girl sits down in the desk behind Tamashi. “Both of you dorks knock it off. I want to actually learn something today.” “What haven’t you learned already, Anna? You’ve got the brain of a psychotic monkey taking adderall.” “Wow, when did the player get so disrespectful towards women?” “Huh? I didn’t know I was talking to one.” “Useless ape. Why don’t you turn around and actually learn something for once today, Charlie.” When Anna went to war with Charlie, Tamashi was able
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2: Framed Perspective - Part 2
“Are you Tamashi?”“Yes, sir,” mumbled Tamashi as he sat in shock.A crowd watched as he was being examined in the back of an ambulance.One emotion collectively showed in each of their faces: anger.“Hi Tamashi, I’m with the police department. Can you stand up for me?”Tamashi slowly rose to his feet, hoping for any amount of good news.Instead, the officer walked around and pulled Tamashi’s arms behind his back.“Unfortunately, I’m going to have to place you under arrest for attempted murder.”Tamashi looked up at the sky, blue eyes glistening in the sun.“Why… me?”——Savior: Original Story by OneSevenEightEpisode: Framed Perspective - Part 2——As Tamashi was being walked to the police car, he scanned the crowd. He noticed that Star was gone.As he looked around, he k
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3: Framed Perspective - Part 3
At the sight of the very woman who destroyed his life, Tamashi began to shake, his voice sounding anguished. “What is this? What’s going on here? Is your name really even Star? I knew it sounded fake!” “Jeez, you’re more mouthy than I remembered. Anyways, I’ll explain everything if you agree to come with me. Otherwise, you can just go back to your cell and sit in your own tears and piss until the trial starts. Your choice.” “YOU SENT ME TO HELL AND NOW YOU’RE BAILING ME OUT?! WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?!” “I’ll tell you if you agree to do this meeting. So make a choice already.  I don’t have all day, brat.” Tamashi wanted to lunge at Star, but he managed to calm down the storm in his mind, and began to think rationally. He thought about his options. He quickly concluded that he didn’t want to sit in jail for months, but he also didn’t want to concede so easily to Star. After
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4: Framed Perspective - Part 4
“So, if you guys were a gang, wouldn’t it make more sense for you guys to use a lower-profile building?” Tamashi and Bri were walking through the grand hall, on their way to the dining room. Upon hearing the question, Bri stopped and turned around. “It’s because we have power. We’re considered to be one of the four great gangs. Between the four, we control everything from the shadows.” Tamashi’s face sunk into a deep pool of thought. “What are you stuck on now, brat?” “The four great gangs… They control everything… Does that mean… WOAH, MY SCHOOL WAS BEING RUN BY A GANG? Wait, so this means… SOME OF MY CLASSMATES WERE SECRET GANG MEMBERS! But who could they be? Charlie… Anna… that one guy who only eats lettuce for lunch…” As she listened to Tamashi’s vocalized thought process, Bri’s face slowly turned into a stupefied expression. “Hey, Bri, do you guys turn people’s brains into rabbit brains or something-“ “You seem a b
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5: Framed Perspective - Part 5
As he made his way home, Tamashi thought about his next steps.“Which way should I go, sir?”“Go left. Then it’ll be off the right down the road.”Despite his walkout, Bri had allowed Tamashi to use a car and a chauffeur to get to his house.Tamashi leaned back into his seat as he attempted to resolve the most pressing issue at hand.‘How am I gonna explain all this to Yasa?’Yasa is Tamashi’s older brother. Yasa has also been Tamashi’s legal guardian ever since their parents disappeared.‘I think he’ll understand me and not get too mad about what’s going on, so that solves the first issue. Now, the second issue…’Tamashi began to wonder about how he was going to return to school. Before he was able to come up with a plan, he inner thoughts were interrupted by the driver.“It’s this house here, right?”
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6: Framed Perspective - Part 6
The wind blows through the garden, carrying brown, broken leaves as  the autumn sun rose in the distant sky. As Bri explored the beauty of the mansion’s east-side garden, a burly man wearing a black suit with a black tie appeared before her. “Madam Bri, I have some news for you.” Bri broke her eyes off of the flowers and slowly met the man’s eyes. The morning sun had tinted her hazel eyes into a brilliant green. “Does it have to do with the operation?” “Yes, madam. The operation is ready. We just need your approval in order to commence.” Bri directed her gaze to the morning sky. As she watched the clouds drift by, her black hair began to flow in the wind. ‘For the sake of our future, we need to defeat them. God, I hope I’m doing the right thing.’ Without removing her eyes from the sky, Bri started to give her response. “I, Bri of the Kita, order all person
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7: Framed Perspective - Part 7
“So, where are we going? I don’t remember seeing this place have tables outside.” “Don’t worry, we have a special table set up in our back alleyway.” Charlie thought about the possibility that this mysterious waiter could in some way be connected to Tamashi’s criminal case. “We’re disappointed with ourselves for being sub-par when it comes to our standards, so we’ve prepared a special table for you in our back alleyway. ‘Man, this guy’s a terrible actor.’ As they left the building through a side door and walked towards the back, Charlie skimmed over his surroundings, looking for signs of danger. His checks also included watching over Anna and Tsuru. Anna was walking slowly, maintaining a slight distance from the group. A look of determination was visible in her eyes, but Charlie could tell that that was a facade. Tsuru was maintaining a close distance to Charlie, almost to the point of hiding behind him. Her face was f
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8: Framed Perspective - Part 8
A chilling, whistling breeze traveled throughout the alleyway. The warm and welcoming sunlight slowly began to dwindle as the source sunk farther and farther into the west. The discolored, abhorrent walls absorbed the sunlight for nothing in return, contributing to the dark and dingy atmosphere.As the ghostly breeze made its way through the unsightly alley, it left behind a song of horror and despair. The unnerving song unified accordingly with the perilous situation that Charlie and his friends were intertwined within.In between the wet walls of unease was the ignition of a heated battle. On one side of the generic and ominous dining table was the brown-haired assassin, whose blood-crimson eyes were occupied by pure mania. As the man who called himself Max perched himself on the table, he aggressively deployed his knife and brought it to the neck of his opponent.The blond-haired receiver of the threat suspended himself in time as he began to process the fact
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9: Framed Perspective - Part 9
The calm, orange sunset began to fade into a blood red canopy as the once-friendly ocean converted into a ferocious beast. For the first time since his mind arrived at the lonely and windy island, Charlie lifted his head out of his legs. He watched as the color shift occurred in the sky. “Oh… It’s begun. Someone’s hurt… It’s probably my fault.” Charlie lowered his attention to his shoes. The beastly ocean water had flooded his feet and was up to his ankles. “Not long… Before it ends…” As the waves continued to crash into Charlie’s feet, he continued to watch the waves, waiting for the moment it all ends. —— Savior: Original Story by OneSevenEight Episode: Framed Perspective - Part 9 —— “Let’s get started, shall we?” Dark, dreary clouds interrupted the sun’s path of light, which led to darker, more lifeless alley. As murky, repulsive water gently dripped down the grime-stained walls, Max held Char
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10: Framed Perspective - Part 10
“Well now, look who decided to get up. You decided that you need more of an ass-beating?”“Please, that cheap shot was nothing.”Anna’s current appearance contradicted her retaliatory statement.Blood was exiting through a gash above the bridge of her nose and running in between her eyes. Her left eye had remained closed, and her nose appeared to be crooked.As Tsuru watched the standoff, she attempted to convince Anna to back down.“Stop, Anna! You need to sit down! You’re going to hurt yourself more-““Tsuru, it’s fine. I don’t want to see you, or that useless dork, die.”Max flashed a nauseating grin.“Look who decided to step up and play hero. I’ve gotta admit, I thought you were just relying on that wannabe for protection.”Anna responded with a face of conviction and determination.“I always thought I was stronger
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