
Chapter 4

I woke up in a daze, unsure of where I was or how I got there. My head throbbed, and my mouth felt dry as I tried to focus on my surroundings.

I looked around and realized I was lying in a bedroom with an IV drip in my arm.

Memories of the previous day came flooding back to me, and I groaned in pain as I remembered the intense stomach ache that led me here.

It had started as a dull ache in my lower abdomen but had quickly escalated into a sharp pain that had me doubled over in agony.

I remembered feeling so weak and helpless as if my body was no longer my own.

Now, as I lay on the bed, I felt a sense of relief wash over me. The pain was gone, and I felt a strange sense of calm.

I knew that I was going to be okay, but I couldn't shake off the feeling of vulnerability that had taken hold of me.

As I lay there, lost in thought, a nurse entered the room and greeted me with a smile. She checked my vitals then she assured me that I was in good hands, and went out.

Alpha Lucas and Beta Sam came in after the nurse left and I propped myself up to talk to them.

Seeing me struggle to lift myself, Lucas walked over to me and helped me, "Easy there," he said as he helped me up and pulled the pillow to my back for support.

His touch was warm and it sent tingles through my body and his eyes, dreamy, entrapping my soul. I felt like I was in a movie with my Prince Charming and although I wanted him to continue, I needed to ask about my children.

"Hmhm," I cleared my throat, pulled away from him, and asked, "Any news on my children?"

"Yeah, we discovered a lot. Sam, report!" He ordered.

Sam stepped forward and cleared his throat before he began his narration.

"When my men and I assessed the burnt car, we discovered that the car brakes were tampered with which caused the failure and she was being followed by a black car. It seems they were the ones who took the children from her and hit her on the head. We were unable to get the plate number and track the car when it left. But we sent out a message to all stations informing them of the missing car." He said as he reported his finding without missing a detail.

I remained rooted on the bed, tears streaming from my eyes. "It was a setup and I fell into their trap," I said crying, feeling guilty for the predicament of my children. "I was just careful enough."

Lucas sat down on the chair, his legs crossed and his hands on his chin. He was brainstorming. "Find out who knows the children are mine and report back to me!" He ordered and dismissed Sam.

I was still crying on the bed when Lucas walked towards me and sat on the bed and pulled me to his chest.

He combed my hair with his fingers and comforted me, "We'll find them, Bailey, no harm will befall our children. I promise you."

He stood up after a few seconds before returning to the chair where he sat down and maintained his cold, Alpha-like demeanor.

I looked at him in surprise, wondering how he could shift emotions so quickly. He was comforting me a few seconds ago and now he's over there acting like I wasn't in the room with him.

I wiped my tears and turned over, away from his gaze. I didn't want to look like a weakling in front of him.

After a few minutes, I felt a pain in my arm and remembered I was fixed to a drip. I turned over and looked at him.

"What happened to me yesterday evening? Did I faint? What did the doctor say? I bombarded him with my questions.

"The Doctor will come in soon to answer your questions." He sighed before he closed his eyes and drifted into thought.

I sat on the edge of the bed, my palms clammy and my heart pounding with anxiety.

The pain in my stomach had been nagging me for weeks, and I knew I couldn't put off seeing a doctor any longer.

As I waited for the doctor to arrive, my mind raced with all the possible outcomes and worst-case scenarios. I tried to stay calm, but my body betrayed my nervousness as I fidgeted restlessly.

To keep my mind off the topic, I began to pray to the Moon Goddess for the safety of my children and my health.

Finally, the door opened, and in walked a middle-aged man in a white coat. He smiled reassuringly at me, but his expression quickly turned serious as he looked at my chart.

I sat up without any help and the nurse took out the needle in my arm.

The Doctor walked towards Lucas wanting to inform him of my status but he was stopped.

"Inform her of her report and health status, not me." He said calmly. The Doctor bowed his head and walked up to me with the file in his hands.

I sat anxiously, my mind racing with worry about what the doctor would say. My stomach had been hurting for weeks, but I never knew that it could be something seriously wrong. I fidgeted nervously as I awaited the results.

"Ms. Bailey, I'm afraid I have some bad news," he said gently. "Your test results came back, and it appears that you have both an ulcer and appendicitis."

My heart sank at his words. I had been hoping for a simple explanation, something that could be fixed with a few pills or some rest. But now it seemed that my condition was much more serious.

The doctor went on to explain the details of my diagnosis and the treatment options available.

He spoke in a calm and measured tone, but his words were like a blur in my mind. All I could think about was how this would affect my life, my job, and my relationships.

As the doctor finished speaking, he looked at me with concern. "Do you have any questions, Ms. Bailey?"

I took a deep breath, trying to process the news. "What does this mean? Can it be treated with medication?"

The Doctor shook his head. "Unfortunately, in your case, surgery is the best option."

My stomach dropped as he said those words. Surgery? That was the last thing I wanted to hear. I didn't want to go under the knife again, especially for something as serious as this.

The Doctor must have sensed my anxiety because he quickly added, "I understand that the idea of surgery can be scary, but it's the best way to address both conditions and prevent any complications down the line."

He explained the details of the surgery and answered my questions, but I could barely concentrate. My mind was racing, and I couldn't believe this was happening to me.

I shook my head mutely, feeling overwhelmed and lost. The reality of my situation was just beginning to sink in, and I knew that my life was about to change in ways that I couldn't even imagine.

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