Red Velvet & Anemones (Pagosa Cliff, Book One)

Red Velvet & Anemones (Pagosa Cliff, Book One)

By:  Editingle Indie House  Completed
Language: English
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Betrayal always offers the choice: Bitter or Better? After her sister's death, wedding cake artist Milli Velvet Haywood left her busy life in Vegas behind; Hoping for a new beginning in the small town resort community of Pagosa Cliffs, Colorado. But with a newstart comes challenges. Her attempt to return to her old life brings a different set of dangers. Can she move forward and be better? Or will the bitterness of her life sour her future chances at happiness and love. This story is all about choices. It is about overcoming versus succumbing.

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31 Chapters
A six-year-old Milli Velvet struggled to carry her baby brother Duran. She had to run; she had to get away from their mother, Diva Divina Velvet before she killed them too. Her brother was limp in her aching arms as she ran out into the street to get away from the drunk monster screaming and staggering after them. Car tires squealed as Milli fell down. She was sure they were going to die, about to be squished like the neighbor’s cat. She closed her eyes and braced herself for the impact. Suddenly, there were people, then ambulances, and police cars all around her. Her face and head hurt from where her mother had hit her when she tried to stop her from striking a crying and feverish Duran. As the people tried to help her and her baby brother, her mother was carrying on like she did on the day her sister Roxie was murdered. Strangers who didn’t know the truth tried to comfort Milli’s mother. The EMTs rushed Duran away in one ambulance and Milli away in another. Dr. Emi
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The February before… Milli Haywood was rapidly decorating cupcakes for a wedding when her boss shouted at her to pick up line two, it was her sister.Scowling, Milli snatched the cordless phone tossed her way out of the air, “Not now sis, I got a thousand cupcakes and a cake to finish by 5 PM for delivery.”Marni laughed at Milli’s tone. “You always say that.”“Well, this time it is true. The family booked a wedding online, but the outside caterer they hired off the internet was a scammer and took them for the whole food budget. We are scrambling to get the wedding cake and cupcakes for over 500 plus ones done and delivered by 6 PM.” Milli shifted the phone and shouted out, “Tray pickup!”“Ow! Too loud!” Marni complained.Twisting the icing bag in her hand, Milli made black bows with a practiced hand and revealed the wedding details tiredly, &ldqu
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Milli stepped out into the hospital lobby just as Heith opened the stairwell door and stalked toward her.“You sure are a skittish little thing.”“No, I am just cautious around men I don’t know.” Milli looked him up and down critically. “Nice to meet you. I hope your cousin recovers soon.”Tipping his head, Heith watched her walk away then caught up to her. “Miss Milli, I don’t know what kinda men you’re used to, but I was raised to be a gentleman. I wouldn’t feel right not taking you to dinner after you saved my cousin’s life. There is a very nice restaurant at my hotel, very public. I promise no funny business.”Milli eyed him, and battling against her cautious side, she agreed. “Fine, but I need to take my sister to work, she… she doesn’t drive. Where is your car? You can follow me.”“I came straight from the airport; I was going to Uber
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Three months later… As Milli listened to soothing piano music and piped black swirls onto two tiers of a white velvet five-tier cake, she remembered her wedding only six weeks ago. The love she had for Edgar poured out her hands into the delicate, beautiful design she was creating on the cakes.He was her first in everything from the moment she had saved him from being mugged outside the Velvet Rope Club, to the first thought she had this morning when she woke up. She had gone to pick up Marni at 3 AM. Her sister was always getting off work just as Milli was getting ready to head to work. She and her sister’s life always blended seamlessly from the day Haywood adopted Milli. Side-by-side sisters, always there when the other one needed them. Nothing ever came between them. If Marni didn’t have the job she had, Milli never would have met the man of her dreams.As her hands flew over the surface of a cake, stacking the tier
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Milli was still shaking when she arrived at The Velvet Rope. Marni was sitting in a car with a guy Milli had seen before. Jarvis Adams was the lawyer for the owners of the club who were not so secretly connected to the mafia. Milli had catered many parties for the Valtini cousins, she sent cakes to their family members back east, and even sent a cake to the local Federal Supermax four times a year. Milli was horrified when her sister leaned over and kissed the lawyer before getting out and walking over to Milli’s Subaru.Marni smirked and waved a handful of large bills. “Take us to a hotel, sis. There is no way I am going home to the jerk tonight.”“Fine,” Milli readily agreed. She didn’t want to go home either.“Wait? You’re okay with this? Since when did Ms. Frugal approve of spending unnecessary money?” Marni stared at her like she had grown two heads. Marni knew Milli never wanted to spend money on anythi
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November in Vegas…   Milli and Marni sat side by side in the airport, waiting for a text message or a phone call or anything that would explain why their husbands weren’t on their flight. Edgar and Heith had not returned after the two weeks it took to arrange the funeral. They hadn’t returned the next month, or in the six months since their grandfather’s funeral. Milli had been trying to get Edgar to come home, but he always had an excuse to stay in Texas then he stopped answering her calls and text messages completely. Out of sheer desperate curiosity, Milli stalked Edgar’s prolific social media posts and saw both cousins tagged in several pictures with ex-girlfriends and other beautiful women out at restaurants, clubs, or business-social engagements. The women were all tall, thin, and fair skinned like Marni, and nothing like the short, curvy Milli with her afro-hair that hung in shiny, frizzy curls, or her caramel colored skin with i
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Milli walked behind another nurse into the west wing of the hospital and walked down one flight of stairs in silence. “Do you know how you would like her remains handled?” The nurse asked kindly, interrupting her memories. Her name badge said, Stacy. Milli drew in a deep breath, trying to fill the emptiness with air as they stood outside the door. She knew her sister was on the other side, just as her parents had been, just as Roxie and Duran had been. Her soul rebelled against what her mind knew was true. She was alone again... except for Baby Emily. Milli forced the words out. “Our parents’ ashes are at Our Lady of Angels. They can call them to... to... get... her...” Milli’s sobs shook her. “Oh honey, is there any other family we can call to be with you?” Stacy offered. Milli shook her head violently, “I was adopted, and we only have an old widowed aunt in Colorado and some cousins in Alaska.” “Do you want me to stay with you?” The
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“I’m so sorry… I… I forgot to eat.” Milli profusely apologized after she fainted in the NICU nursery. “Mrs. Rowling, you need to be more careful. Your blood sugar was dangerously low.” A doctor had scolded her for not eating because of her morning sickness. He was concerned, “Your baby’s heart sounds fine, and like it isn’t under any stress. Are you certain you don’t remember when your baby last moved?” “Maybe yesterday,” Milli wasn’t sure if it moved or if she had gas from binging on enchiladas, tacos al carbon, and refried beans with Marni. He left after ordering her to eat small meals every four hours and see her obstetrician as soon as she could for a complete workup. “Men don’t understand morning sickness or cravings, or the actual effect stress has on a pregnant body, mind and baby.” The nurses assured her as they rolled their eyes at the doctor, then offered Milli every sort of treat they could find. However, the nurses didn’t want her to drive herself
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On the Sunday before Marni’s funeral, which was to be held the following Tuesday, Jean was flying back to Dallas to face Edgar’s mother and file the divorce papers. She would get them through the court before quitting so the divorce couldn’t be stopped. The Rowlings were evil enough to have a judge under Colleen’s claws that would approve the papers the same day. “Good luck, Milli. Take care of those little angels.” Jean hugged her. “In a few years, you can go back to doing your cake contests. If I’m still around, I promise I’ll watch the Foodie Network for you. But if you ever run across the Rowlings, just lie and tell them Emily and Jr are not their kids. They can’t make you give them a DNA sample without a court order, and a judge will need more than hearsay to order it. Show the judge those pictures of bachelor number two we doctored the dates on. The pictures of Edgar in compromising positions should be enough to discourage them from bothering you, especially if you thr
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The week of Thanksgiving, Dallas Tx, six months after leaving Vegas…  Heith scowled at his phone for the hundredth time this week. Tomorrow was Thanksgiving. Marni hadn’t texted or called him since Halloween, and neither had Milli, he wondered what had changed. Marni had been pleading and needy the few times they actually spoke, proclaiming that she loved him, and begging him to come home, while he demanded she move to Texas with him.Milli had pleaded for their husbands to return and he had agreed reluctantly, then asked his cousin’s secretary to book tickets for Labor Day weekend. But his bruised ego couldn’t let go of the fact that Marni and Edgar had an affair and he changed his mind. Marni admitted the affair the night they learned his grandfather died, and her heated, hateful words still burned in Heith’s mind. Edgar had shrugged off his part in the affair and his own infidelity after the funeral, sam
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