Rebel Blood

Rebel Blood

Oleh:  Celice Wylder  Tamat
Bahasa: English
12 Peringkat


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In a time long forgotten, when humanity roamed free, basking in the warmth of the sun and dancing beneath the stars, life was beautiful. But that time is a distant memory now. The vampires came, and everything changed. It's been a decade since my mother tried to kill me, and took her own life, leaving me to fend for myself. I've been living with Baron, our vampire master, ever since. Everyone either hates or envies me, but no one knows the truth. No one knows the hell I'm in. I am just about ready to end it all, when Aldric walks into my life. A vampire unlike any other. Despite my fear and hatred of his kind, I feel myself drawn to him. For the first time in my life, I know true kindness and love. As I grapple with my feelings for Aldric, I find myself confronting not only the harsh reality of my past and the unknown future ahead of us, but also the darkness that linger within my own soul.

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Joy Hayden
I loved the way this book was different from most vampire stories!
2023-09-26 14:17:00
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I really enjoyed this book. Not predictable but a great story and characters I want more!!
2023-08-03 05:30:53
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Deb Eff
This was a refreshingly different take on vampires v their own humanity. I enjoyed Simone's character growth and the ending was *chefs kiss* exquisite!
2023-08-01 02:38:32
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Amber Moore
Absolutely love this book
2023-07-16 02:49:20
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the story is imaginative and the author is great at putting the reader in the new world. The story is sexy and has the proper amount of humor to balance the drama. book is updated often.
2023-07-01 04:37:41
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Amber Moore
I absolutely love this book I can’t wait until it’s finished and hopefully you keep it going for a while
2023-06-30 03:46:15
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Soo good! Can’t wait to see what happens next!!
2023-06-15 01:26:25
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Wylder’s alpha males are always so delectably tragic, and the FMLs start off timid and dejected, but quickly grow into strong and powerful adversaries. It’s beautiful witnessing the character growth. If you’re looking for a sweet, bashful, terrifying ancient beast to fall in love with, look no more.
2023-06-01 23:17:16
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Just started and already hooked! Trying to go slow so that I don’t catch up!
2023-05-30 12:26:31
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Sooo good. I’m eagerly awaiting the next update.
2023-03-28 08:24:14
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Already hooked.
2023-03-24 05:32:40
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Natalya Hart
Really good so far! Can’t wait for more.
2023-03-19 06:01:57
74 Bab
Chapter 1
Simone's POVRocks and thorns pierce through the soles of my feet as we run through the dark town. The bottom of my feet are torn to ribbons and every step is sheer agony. I want to stop, but Mommy keeps going, and no matter how much I beg and plead with her, she won’t turn back around and go home.Mommy isn’t thinking right. We should have left at daybreak when the vampires run into their hidey-holes, but she said we couldn’t because the werewolves were out, patrolling Baron’s grounds.I told her, but she wouldn’t listen to me.I hadn’t seen Mommy in days and days, and this morning she came to me and told me we were running away. “Right now, Mommy?” I asked.I was tired. The sun had just come up and Darma, my nanny, came to pull my curtains so the sunlight wouldn’t bother us.“No not now,” Mommy said. “Later.”“But we have to go now. While the vampires sleep.”“Later, Simone,” Mommy said. “After sundown.”I told her it wouldn’t work. I told her, but she thinks I’m just a silly littl
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Chapter 2
Simone's POVA knock on my door wakes me from the terrible nightmare. I’m soaked in sweat and my throat burns. I've been told I scream in my sleep, so I've always just assumed that's the cause of my nightly sore throat.It’s always the same dream. Every night without fail.When I’m awake, I can push the memories away. Pretend everything is okay and that I’m happy, but when I go to sleep, it comes back with terrifying clarity and it always takes me a few minutes to calm back down. “Lady Simone,” the slave calls on the other side of the door. “It’s getting late.”I snort loudly to myself. Lady Simone. I became ‘Lady’ after my mother walked into the ocean and left me all alone in this world, surrounded by bloodthirsty monsters. I love her, but I hate what she did to me. “Lady Simone!” the slave calls, her voice taking on an edge of panic.“Come in,” I croak and throw my legs off the bed. I yawn and stretch languidly.The room is beautiful and luxurious. I have the best of everything and
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Chapter 3
Aldric's POVI hover outside the girl’s bedroom window, delighting in the confused expression on her face. She can’t see me because I don’t want her to see me, but I won’t be able to hang out here all night watching her. Sooner or later, Baron will come looking for me.I float back to solid ground and head to the catacombs that are carved into the mountains behind Baron’s mansion. I push the heavy wrought iron gate open, and without bothering to light one of the torches, I step inside the gallery.The walls are nothing but mountain rock and the floor is compacted earth. The tomb in the middle of the catacomb belongs to our oldest ancestor, Asmodeus. No one has ever looked inside, we dare not open his tomb, but we’ve all heard him. On the last night of the Festival of Creation, we can hear him wailing from inside his sepulchre.Along the walls, each vampire in his own sarcophagus, are the rest of the originals. Twenty-one in all. I walk past them, down the first corridor to the right.
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Chapter 4
Aldric's POVThe next two days pass in a bit of a blur. Despite his aversion to religion, Baron honours the rituals and celebrations to the letter of The Book.I don’t usually come here to celebrate, but this year Baron insisted that I attend. Almost all the elders are here. The only exception is Vesper, my brother. He’s an open traitor, working with the human rebellion. Baron placed a price on his head years ago, but no one can seem to find Vesper. I know exactly where he is, but I’d rather drink battery acid than tell Baron.Every morning after the others have gone to bed for the day, I check on Simone. It’s as if some kind of invisible force pulls me to her. I can’t help myself. I have to see her, I have to make sure that she's all right.This morning, I was just in time to see Baron climb off her. She lay there for a long time afterwards. Limp like a ragdoll, her sad eyes empty, staring off into nothingness.I wanted to take her. God help me, I wanted to go into her room and take
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Chapter 5
Simone's POV Before I can even think about it, I put myself between Aldric and Baron. “Stop,” I say and put up my hands. Baron stops dead in his tracks. He gives me a confused look, maybe because I’ve never given him an order before, I don't know. “Why are you with him?” he asks in a watery voice. “You are mine.” It’s my blood doing that to him. I’ve seen it before. It changes him. Sometimes he'll be all giddy and nice, other times he'll be weepy like he is now. “I asked him to bring me up,” I reply and slowly walk towards him. “All those vampires were looking at me,” I make my voice small and try my best to sound more like the child I used to be. “I was scared.” “You should have come to me, not him,” Baron spits. "I look after you. I protect you." “You're right-” I lay my palms flat on his muscular chest -"but you were busy. You are an important man. You don’t have time for silly little girls that are afraid of silly little things like a few vampires looking at her.” I kick my f
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Chapter 6
Aldric's POV “I said no. I said no. He didn’t care. You were right.” “Okay.” I get on the bed with her and pull her into my arms. “You need to calm down for me. Breathe.” “I can’t.” Her rage is quickly giving way to panic. “What did I do?” “Nothing. He won't even remember this in the morning, but we’re going to leave. It's the only way you'll stay alive.” “He’ll come looking for me.” My brain is in overdrive, I need to get her out of here, and I need to do it safely. “No, he won’t. I’m just gonna go ahead and assume that you can handle a little pain.” "Yes," she mutters. She's starting to go limp in my arms. She's going into shock, and we're running out of time. I don't have time to be nice. “I’m really sorry about this.” I grab a handful of hair and yank it out. Simone gasps, but otherwise doesn't show any outward signs of pain. I let her go and sprinkle the clumps of hair over the bed, then I reach into my jacket and pull out a pocket knife. “Hold out your hand.” Why?” “I’
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Chapter 7
Simone's POV I wake with a violent start. I inhale sharply and bolt upright. “Good afternoon, Poppet,” an unfamiliar voice says to my left. I let out an involuntary little squeal and grab at thin air, looking for something, anything, I can use to defend myself against a possible attack. It takes me a hot minute to realise I’m no longer in Baron’s mansion. I’m lying on a soft rug in front of a warm fire. For the first time in my life, I feel…cosy. I have no other word for it. “You are safe,” the man says, his voice calm and comforting. Frowning, I turn my head to look at the speaker. A vampire with long, spider-white hair, wearing a robe made from roughly woven material sits on a couch on the other side of a coffee table. He closes the book on his lap and puts it aside, then rests his head between his thumb and forefinger and gives me a little smile. I should probably be scared, but I'm not. It's just more of the same. At least I understand them - vampires. I am kind of relieved t
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Chapter 8
Aldric's POVBaron lets out a loud wail and comes straight at me. I leap into the air, and all he manages to do is to smash the chair I just vacated. “Yes,” I say. “Keep doing more of that. Destroy everything you’ve worked for and built. That’s a great idea.”“You took her,” he bellows. “You took her from me.”“I didn’t. She tried to defend herself. I saw it all. By the time I got here, you had already drained most of her blood. I tried to save her, but…she was too far gone.”“Lies!” Baron hisses and jumps back to his feet.My eyes fall on the stake still lying on the mattress. I throw it at his feet. “She tried to defend herself with this.”Baron’s eyes go wide and he bends over to pick up the piece of wood. “Why would I kill her? I love her.”“You lost control. It happens to the best of us.”The hand holding on to the stake goes limp and the wood falls to the floor with a loud clatter. “But I never have…I never…I never…”“She said no to you and you lost your damn mind.”“You heard h
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Chapter 9
Aldric's POV“Yes,” I say and step into the kitchen. That strange pull she has over me is compelling me to move forward. It’s almost as if I have no control over my own limbs. “I am sorry I didn’t come to say hello right away. Vesper said you were asleep.”“I can’t sleep at night,” she says.“Of course. You’ll get used to it.”She nods. “I guess so. I didn't really like it to be honest.”"The daylight?"Her head keeps bopping up and down. "It hurts my eyes and stings my skin.""You're just not used to it. You need to go outside. You need sunlight. It's good for you.""Maybe," she says and starts to chew the inside of her mouth.“Are you okay?”“I don’t…I don’t know what to do.”“Whatever you like.”“No,” she says and shakes her head. “No, it doesn’t work that way.”“Why not?” I take the seat on the bench opposite her and try to ignore her enticing scent. I just fed, and still my mouth waters for her.“Surely I have duties? If I’m not to be your or Vesper’s donor, then I must do somet
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Chapter 10
Simone's POV Dumbfounded, I stand in the kitchen, staring at the door. I don’t even bother to go after Aldric or go out to try to find him. There’s really no point. What happened? What did I do? I’ve never touched a vampire of my own free will. I’ve never trusted a vampire or wanted them near me. Aldric is different though. I want him here with me. I want to know what it will feel like to be possessed by him. There was a time that the thought of another vampire touching me would send me screaming to my death, but now I desire it. No, I don't, I realise. I just desire him. Why? Why am I suddenly like this? I can’t trust him. I can’t trust a vampire. Even the ones who claim to love you, like Baron, will hurt you in the end. It’s all they know. They thrive on it. Tired and confused, I leave the kitchen and go to my new bedroom. I pull the curtains shut so the sun won’t bother me when it comes up and get into bed, clothes and all. I lie awake for a long time, listening to the sounds
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