Pregnant for The Three Alpha's

Pregnant for The Three Alpha's

By:  penny honey  Kumpleto
Language: English
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Snarls and screams erupted around me as massive dark shapes stormed through the trees, colliding violently with my packmates. I stood, stunned and disoriented amidst the chaos. These were not just rogues trespassing on our lands. These were the Night Walkers - the most vicious pack around. "But why would they attack us so brazenly?" I startled back to my senses at the sound of a pained yelp. "Father!" He was battling fiercely with the Beta of the Night Walkers, but he was outmatched. They must have caught us off guard, while our most able fighters were asleep.

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Sharri Willis
this was a good book but is there a second one and if there is what is the
2024-04-18 02:16:29
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Čila Gabrić
10 chapters and I'm disappointed and depressed, so much abuse and tormenting, I don't know if I'm willing to read further. BTW The grammar is on point, and well written.
2024-01-05 02:00:47
189 Kabanata
Chapter 1: Bleak Future
NataliaThe sun's rays filtered through the canopy of trees, dappling the forest floor as I ran through the woods. My paws thudded rhythmically on the leaf-strewn ground, the wind ruffling my fur. As I leaped over fallen logs and ducked under low-hanging branches, I felt utterly free. This was my element. My name is Natalia and I am the daughter of the Alpha of the Wild Crest Pack. For as long as I can remember, I have been groomed to one day take over and become the Alpha myself. It was my solemn duty and greatest honor. I had just finished my training for the day with some of our best warriors, working on combat skills and battle tactics. As the future Alpha, I needed to be ready to defend our pack at a moment's notice. My mentor Rylan was impressed with how much I had improved, even beating him in our last sparring match. "You're getting fast, Nat," he had chuckled, picking himself up off the ground. "Pretty soon you won't need me around at all."I had grinned, shifting back into
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Chapter 2: Sold
Natalia Weeks had passed since the devastating attack that ruined everything I held dear. The Night Walkers had taken all our food supplies and weapons, leaving us to scavenge like starving dogs. We struggled to survive on what little game we could catch, my pack growing gaunt and weary. Although no longer the Alpha's daughter, I still did what I could to help my packmates. I knew they looked to me even now for some shred of hope, a glimmer of the strong leader I had been training to become. I owed it to my father's memory to not give up on them.One morning I joined a small hunting party to seek food. There were three of us - me, Marco, and Amanda. We slunk through the underbrush, every sense straining for signs of prey. My pack hadn't eaten properly in days. We were desperate.At last we came across a young buck grazing at the edge of a meadow. Silent as shadows, we fanned out and began stalking towards it from downwind. Closer, closer...I held my breath, muscles tensed and ready
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Chapter 3: Welcome To Hell
NataliaThe van came to a jolting halt, tires crunching on gravel. As the doors were wrenched open, I blinked against the sudden brightness, taking in my new surroundings. I was at the heart of the Night Walker's pack grounds - a sprawling, heavily fortified complex. While it appeared modern and almost civilized, there was an undeniable sinister edge to the entire place. Heavy gates and high concrete walls topped with curled barbed wire surrounded the compound. Guards with guns and fangs patrolled constantly. Everywhere I looked, the Night Walker's symbol was on proud display - a menacing black wolf with blood-red eyes.As I was forcibly dragged out of the van, raucous jeers and taunts rose up from the crowds of Night Walkers milling about. I kept my head high, refusing to show any weakness, but inside I was trembling. I was deep in enemy territory now, completely at their mercy.The guards hauled me straight to a administrative building and into a sterile white room. A bored-looking
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Chapter 4: Luke Walker
Natalia Another bleak winter morning descended on the Night Walkers’ compound. I awoke shivering violently on my rickety cot, body aching in protest after yesterday’s endless hours of kitchen work. The frigid air stung my raw, cracked hands and feet as I hurried to dress in my threadbare slave’s tunic. I eyed the flimsy fabric critically, doubting it would provide any protection from the icy wind outside. Just one month I had suffered here, but it felt like an eternity already. Gone were the simple comforts of a warm fur coat and the sheltering forest I once called home. Now my life was an endless grind of backbreaking labor and cruel torment.In the loud, sweltering kitchens, the head cook immediately singled me out. “You there, girl! Take this slop bucket out to the hog pen and dump it. Then haul firewood back for the stove.”I simmered with resentment at her imperious tone, but silently picked up the heavy metal bucket brimming with rancid leftovers and kitchen scraps. The frigid
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Chapter 5:Humiliation
NatalieThe harsh clanging of the wakeup bell jolted me from uneasy sleep. Bleary-eyed, I sat up on my thin mattress, the frigid morning air raising goosebumps on my skin. Around me, the other slaves were rising sluggishly to start another day of endless menial labor. I quickly splashed some water on my face from the basin in the corner and got dressed. The roughspun slave uniform, a plain black knee-length dress. It offered little warmth or comfort, but it was all we had. At least today was Distribution Day - the one small bright spot in our otherwise dismal existence. Once a week, the Alphas granted us slaves a slightly larger meal as reward for adequate service. It was the closest thing we had to a celebration. Stomach growling, I joined the procession of slaves trudging toward the dining hall.Inside, long wooden tables and benches filled the drafty room. Harsh fluorescent lights cast a sickly glow over the scarred wood and concrete floors. The hall could easily seat two hundred
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Chapter 6: Bow to none
NatalieA weak sun filtered through the narrow window of the slaves' bunk room, rousing me from a fitful sleep. I dressed quickly in my roughspun slave uniform, wincing as the fabric irritated skin that was still raw and tender. It had been three days since Lucas forced me to kneel naked before the entire pack and eat scraps from his hand like a dog. The humiliation still burned fresh, along with the urge to shred his smug face with my claws. But I buried that futile anger as I headed to the kitchens to start another grueling day of work. Survival here meant accepting that I was utterly powerless. I was a slave - my life belonged to the pack now, to do with as they pleased.At least the kitchen work itself was straightforward. As long as I kept my head down and followed orders, I could lose myself in the routine. I set immediately to scrubbing a towering stack of pots and pans, keeping my eyes averted and my responses brief as the rest of the staff trickled in. I could feel their
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Chapter 7: Plaything
LucasSunlight streamed into my suite, stirring me from luxurious sleep. I stretched lazily beneath the silken sheets, reveling in the feel of the superfine threads against my bare skin. Only the finest for an Alpha in the making.With a yawn, I rolled out of bed and headed for the massive walk-in shower, already imagining which of my cars I would take out for a drive later. The sleek midnight blue Ferrari, perhaps, or the classic cherry red Mustang convertible. Choices filled my world.Steam billowed around me as I stood under the dual rainfall showerheads, going over my plans for the day. As one of the triplet Princes of the Nightwalker Pack, I held a position of power second only to my father, the Alpha. And with his health in steady decline, my brothers and I had taken over most of the day-to-day leadership duties. It was a responsibility I wore casually - being obeyed and admired came naturally to me. As did the finer pleasures in life.After showering, I pulled on dark fitted j
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Chapter 8: Ambush in the dark
Natalie Another grueling day of kitchen work was finally drawing to a close. As the other slaves cleaned and stored the last of the cooking implements, I sagged against the wall just trying to stay on my feet. Every muscle in my body screamed in protest. I had been assigned all the most strenuous tasks today - hauling endless buckets of water and firewood, scrubbing massive cauldrons encrusted in burned food. It was petty punishment from the head cook for breaking that other slave's nose during my fight last week. Not that she needed much excuse to torment me these days.Since Lucas had turned the others against me with those vile rumors, I was scorned and ostracized by slaves and guards alike. Only Mary still dared talk to me, whispering encouragement during the brief moments we weren't under close scrutiny.The isolation gnawed at me. I had never felt so alone, even when Lucas first claimed me as his personal whipping girl. Back then I still drew strength from defying him openly.
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Chapter 9: Adding salt to the injury
NatalieI awoke the next morning feeling like I had been trampled by a stampede of actual wild horses. Every inch of my body throbbed and ached, protesting the simplest movements. Even rolling onto my side in the rickety bunk sent fresh stabs of pain through my bruised ribs. Groaning softly, I sat up and gingerly probed the lump on my temple where my head had been smashed cruelly against the hard ground. The swelling had gone down some, but the area was crusted with dried blood and exquisitely tender.My memories of last night's vicious ambush in the dark were hazy, blurred by panic and pain. But Lucas' handsome, cruel face flickering in the shadows was seared into my mind's eye. He had orchestrated the whole thing - I was utterly certain.Yet another twisted game of his, designed to humiliate and terrify me into complete submission. Clamping down on the raw fury that threatened to choke me, I focused on simply getting to my feet. Survival first. Vengeance later.I washed and dressed
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Chapter 10: Breaking Her In
LukeI reclined lazily in my office, boots propped up on the heavy oak desk as I reviewed security plans for the upcoming quarter. Being one of the triplet Alpha to be, of the Nightwalker Pack meant my days were consumed with official duties. Not that I minded the power and authority - quite the contrary. I reveled in keeping the rabble in line through fear and intimidation. As a future Alpha, it was my birthright.A knock at the door heralded my assistant Marcus entering with an update. I waved him in impatiently. "This better be good news, Marcus. The perimeter breaches last month were unacceptable. Have the flaws been shored up or do heads need to roll?""The fence has been reinforced and additional sentry posts established per your instructions," Marcus assured me. "We've increased patrols as well - no one will be sneaking through."I nodded approval, tapping my fingers on the desk. "Excellent. Can't have rogue wolves wandering in, contaminating the bloodline. Now, was there some
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