
Chapter 7

The next morning, Matilda woke up feeling groggy and disoriented. She had tossed and turned all night, haunted by nightmares of her parent's death. As she got dressed, she tried to push the memories out of her mind and focus on the day ahead, she heard a knock on the door. She opened it to find two omegas standing in front of her. One was a tall, thin blonde named Felicia, and the other was a short, plump redhead named Emily. Matilda recognized them as two of the pack's other omegas.

"Hi, Matilda," Felicia said, smiling slyly. "We heard you're the Alpha's new personal omega."

Matilda nodded, feeling a bit uneasy.

"We just wanted to introduce ourselves," Emily said, grinning. "And also give you a bit of advice."

Matilda raised an eyebrow. "Advice?"

Felicia nodded. "Yes, advice. You see, being the Alpha's personal omega isn't an easy job. You have to make sure you're always available to him whenever he needs you. And you have to do everything he asks, no matter what."

Emily chimed in. "And you have to be careful around the other omegas. Some of them might get jealous of your new position."

Matilda felt a lump form in her throat. She had a feeling she knew where this conversation was headed.

"Also, word travels fast in the pack," Felicia said, her tone turning slightly snarky. "So, just be careful who you talk to and what you say."

Matilda knew that Felicia and Emily were trying to intimidate her. But she refused to let them see her fear.

"Thanks for the advice," she said, her voice firm. "But I'll manage just fine."

Felicia and Emily exchanged a knowing look before nodding and leaving.

Matilda sighed, feeling a bit relieved that the encounter was over. But she knew that she had to be careful around the other omegas. She couldn't afford to make any mistakes, especially now that she was the Alpha's personal omega.

As Matilda made her way out of her room, she was surprised to find Stella waiting for her outside.

"Good morning, Matilda," Stella said with a warm smile.

"Good morning," Matilda replied, feeling grateful for the friendly face.

"I hope you slept well," Stella said, glancing at Matilda with concern.

Matilda hesitated for a moment before admitting, "Not really. I had nightmares all night."

Stella's expression softened. "I'm sorry to hear that. Is there anything I can do to help?"

Matilda shook her head. "No, it's okay. I'll be fine."

Stella seemed to sense that Matilda didn't want to talk about it further and changed the subject.

"I wanted to introduce you to a few more omegas," she said, gesturing to two girls standing a few feet away. "This is Olivia and Naomi."

Matilda smiled and greeted them, feeling relieved to meet some friendly faces.

As they chatted, Felicia and Emily appeared, walking past them with a sneer. Stella noticed Matilda's discomfort and quickly interjected.

"Hey, Felicia, Emily, hold up a minute," Stella said, stepping in front of them. "Can I talk to you for a moment?"

Felicia and Emily exchanged a look before reluctantly agreeing.

"I just wanted to remind you both that Matilda is under my protection now," Stella said, her voice firm. "I don't want to see either of you bothering her or making her feel uncomfortable."

Felicia and Emily scowled but didn't say anything before walking away.

Stella turned back to Matilda, offering her a reassuring smile. "Don't worry about them," she said. "Just focus on getting settled in and doing your job. I'm here to support you."

"Thank you," Matilda said, smiling gratefully at Stella. "I appreciate it."

"No problem at all," Stella replied. "Naomi and Olivia have been with me for a while now, and they know the ropes. They'll be happy to help you out if you need anything."

Naomi and Olivia nodded, smiling warmly at Matilda.

"Definitely," Naomi said. "We're all in this together."

"Thank you," she said, feeling grateful.

Stella patted her on the back. "Don't worry, Matilda. You're going to do great. And if you ever need anything, don't hesitate to ask."

As they walked through the packhouse, Naomi and Olivia chatted with Matilda, trying to make her feel more comfortable. They told her stories about their own experiences and how they came to be part of the pack.

"I was an orphan living as a rogue," Naomi said. "My parents were killed by hunters, and I was all alone until your parents found me."

Matilda's eyes widened in surprise. "My parents?"

Olivia nodded. "Yeah, they were out on patrol one day and came across me and Naomi. They convinced Alpha Terry to let us join the pack, and we've been here ever since."

Matilda had always known that her parents were good people, but hearing about how they had helped others made her feel even more proud.

"Thank you for telling me that," she said, her voice trembling slightly. "I miss them so much."

Naomi and Olivia gave her sympathetic looks, understanding her pain all too well. "We know," Naomi said. "But they would be so proud of you, Matilda. You're carrying on their legacy by working hard and doing your best."

Matilda smiled through her tears, feeling grateful for the support of her new friends. "Thank you," she said. "I hope I can make them proud."

As they continued walking, they turned a corner and bumped into another omega named Bianca. Matilda had never seen her before, but Bianca looked at her with disdain and sneered.

"You're the new omega, huh?" Bianca said, her tone dripping with venom.

Matilda nodded nervously, unsure of what to say.

"Well, just watch your back," Bianca continued. "This place isn't as welcoming as you might think."

Naomi and Olivia exchanged a look of annoyance, but Matilda could tell that they were trying to keep their cool.

"Thanks for the warning," Naomi said, her voice laced with sarcasm.

"What's your problem, Bianca?" Olivia demanded, her voice dripping with anger.

Bianca laughed mockingly. "My problem? I don't have a problem. I'm just letting the new girl know how things work around here."

Bianca just snorted and walked away.

Matilda felt a sinking feeling in her stomach as she realized she might have made an enemy already. But she refused to let it get to her.

"Ignore her," Olivia said, placing a comforting hand on Matilda's shoulder. "She's just bitter because she's no longer the Alpha's personal omega."

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