
Author: AngelKitsune

Chapter 1- how not to act when faced with a problem

New York, present moment in a divorce court.

The sharp sound of red heels echoed in the corridor that led from the cafeteria to the court and their sound made everyone look at the elegant blonde in Prada sunglasses who arrived with a very serious look on her face. Sarah Cárdenas needed to hurry her steps to the room where everyone was. the damn divorce that Roberth demanded: he needed to leave the way clear for Amanda Garcia to enter triumphantly, after all, all of Sarah's efforts to save her marriage could not be in vain. well, not entirely, due to the fact that Sarah loves it more than anything. She took a deep breath before entering, when a cold man's hand rested on her shoulder. as she turned around, she half-smiled, after all, her best friend and divorce lawyer was there.

- Honey, don't despair, after all, he's the one who wants it this way

-Ah Gregory... I don't know what to say, it's been 6 years with him of a lot of struggle and tension. I still love him and this is very hard for me - Sarah said through tears with the papers in her hands.

- Don't blame yourself, after all your marriage was doomed to failure since this woman's return..., but -Gregory leads Sarah to the main lobby - recover your aura and let's end this...

everything seemed to conspire to become difficult and sad that day. what could be worse?

Roberth was very nervous when he heard the click of the red heels that he knew so well: it was his ex Sarah, calmly coming into the room accompanied by her lawyer, while Amanda made no point of hiding her huge smile of satisfaction at the seeing your lover's ex-wife with a look of defeat.

the girl thought about how Roberth could do this to her? As? Everything was always so perfect between them until Amanda returned. Sarah swallowed hard and shook off the tears, no, she couldn't give them that taste. Not after all this. her heels needed to make noise if she wanted to highlight this day against Roberth. Not this time, she should remember the humiliation when she caught them making love in his car, or when Amanda started sending selfies and anonymous messages to her from random numbers, creating a disturbance in order to drive Sarah crazy. always treating her like an inferior woman.

Amanda began to drink her cappuccino in a way that irritated Sarah and made the situation as boring and painful as possible, forgetting her place in the relationship she had for the time being in Roberth's life, who was reading the divorce papers. All legal requirements were being met. 6 years of marriage to Sarah cost him desires, money and his health in an unfortunate choice, which at that time seemed like the right decision, while the divorce judge continued to read the requested agreements Apart from Sarah's lawyer and friend, Gregory Martinez, Sarah only asked for financial compensation and some simple assets, etc. etc.

the whole time Roberth looked at his ex-wife as she read the legal settlement documents, paying attention to any detail that might go unnoticed. He watched her serious posture for anything that betrayed the sadness on her face, instead, there was a seriousness and serenity that he had never seen before. Sarah looked at the documents full of minimally satisfactory clauses.

time seemed to pass slowly for everyone present in the lobby as silence prevailed, interrupted by sighs and tapping on computer keys and Macbooks in the room and printing of documents. Sarah's lawyer placed his hand in a very intimate way in front of Roberth, who began to wonder if he was really doing the right thing.


-... Mr Robert Smith, do you agree with the terms proposed by the applicant, amicably agreeing to provide the amount requested by the applicant?...

Roberth didn't seem to hear anything, just signing and waving wanting to end it all, and something strange growing inside his heart and mind as Amanda slid her hand into his.

-... it will be better this way, dear, after all, in 8 years you have not been successful at anything... she did not give you an heir like me...

the shock on Sarah's face was evident. no, her dream...Amanda stole everything from her rival. Sarah is supported by Gregory.

Roberth looked astonished at his now ex-wife without understanding what her "serenity" and lack of action meant. He expected her to cry, or push the sassy lawyer away, or humiliate herself to him. But she didn't show any reaction, just the defeated look that everything had come to an end. Everything had turned to dust in the wind in a matter of minutes. Sarah had signed all the sheets, while Roberth had many unanswered questions in his heart and mind. How could Sarah and he remain so far apart? What was wrong with all this?

he didn't understand. A mixture of disgust, anger and jealousy dominated his reasoning.

for Sarah, Amanda's pregnancy was a gigantic betrayal, and it would open the gap between her and her billionaire ex-husband much further. Sarah loved Roberth madly, but she couldn't take away that baby's right to have a father, meaning an eternal break with him...she signed the documents and handed them to her lawyer while staring at Amanda who threw herself on top of Roberth. This pregnancy for Amanda was an endless betrayal on the part of her billionaire husband. They both looked at each other before Roberth spat:

- 72 hours to vacate the house and remove your personal belongings. The remainder, as agreed by the judge will be sent soon, goodbye Sarah.

-...- Sarah couldn't say a word, there was so much pain in her heart.

Roberth nodded and smiled, followed by a dark expression on his face that Amanda couldn't understand. Action and reaction are completely different things.

As Sarah tried to put the pieces together in her heart, many things were going through her mind. The main one was an absurd truth for her at the time: Roberth didn't love her, because love shouldn't be like that. Everything didn't make sense to her.

A beeping text message from Amanda telling her to go home and collect her personal belongings had only irritated her. This unfortunate woman already wanted to take over everything?

Since it was like that then, she drove to the mansion. The gates opened automatically as she passed through the main lobby, being stopped by Roberth. He was already a little drunk from the pain and the very expensive whiskey. the grip on Sarah's hand was strong, showing how displeased Roberth was.

-He didn't wait for the divorce to come out to throw himself into the arms of his slutty lawyer.

- It's none of your business. We're separated.

- Is it like that now? Are you distilling hate and poison Sarah? - said Roberth, already weakened by the whiskey.

-Yes, it's been like that since the day you and that girl became friends again. And what I do from now on is none of your business.

Sarah freed herself from Roberth and went up to the bedroom. He packed all his things and left hurriedly.

-Sarah! Hang on!

She didn't hear him.

In tears Sarah knew she loved him, but she would make him pay for it!

She soon began to rethink everything she had experienced in years with her ex-husband... where in those eight years had she gone wrong?

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