
Author: Bloomless_Stars


The Writer_

"Where is the alpha? I want to see him," Luna Lucia questioned the hefty guards that were standing in front of her mate's chambers and obstructing her path.

Her hands clenched by her side subtly. She had only just woken up from her nap when one of her maids informed her that the slut her mate has kept in the pack for months has finally gone into labour.

She couldn't describe how relieved she felt at the news. The bitch would finally leave their lives once and for all.

It was quite a shame to her that she was discovered to be infertile after getting mated to Santino Romani, the alpha of Bloodstone pack.

She couldn't give her fated mate a cub. She was unable to produce the future heir of the pack.

Despite this, Santino never stopped loving her or showing how much he cherished her, that was until a few months ago.

He got involved in a one night stand and had accidentally impregnated the stray wolf. She didn't fuss about it. It was like the moon goddess heard their prayers.

So she tried to be elated about the news. But just a month after the news that a stray wolf had gotten pregnant for the alpha went viral, Santino began to spend lesser time with her. He wouldn't even come back home for weeks.

That was when she discovered that he had been spending time catering to that bitch's needs in the little cove he had gotten for her because she insisted that she wasn't going to share the palace with that bitch.

That was a huge slap on her face. It didn't help that there were increasing rumours of the pack members mocking her that a stray wolf managed to achieve what she couldn't.

"The alpha gave strict orders not to let anyone in except the disciples of the doctor" One of the guards answered with his head bowed lowly. He didn't dare look her in the eyes.

Luna Lucia's clenched fists tightened. He wouldn't even let her enter now huh! He brought that bitch to their home to deliver her child but he wouldn't let his own mate in.

She turned around angrily to leave when one of the guards whispered to the other, "I wonder if the quads are in a stable condition now. It would be bad if something were to happen to our future heirs."

It was as if there was a sudden thunderstorm. She froze in shock. Quads!? Quads as in quadruplets!!?

Judging by the guard's words, the quads are all boys!!? Four males? A stray wolf managed to produce not just one heir but four.

Luna Lucia tried to resist from shuddering. Her face stung like she had received a huge slap.


"Prepare some clothes for me."

The two maids whispering to each other were startled when their Luna walked in looking extremely furious. They exchanged a look. Did she find out already? And that was what they were trying to avoid.

"I have to head to Willow Creek before nightfall," Her words stunned them.

"Willow Creek?" One of the maids exclaimed.

"Luna... The alpha has forbidden us to go there. Did you forget the old hag that was banished to that place? Alpha would have our heads on his plate if he finds out that we let you go there."

"And I'll personally feed your bones to the dogs if you defy my orders. No one is to know about this little outing," Luna Lucia snarled.

Frightened, the maids nodded and scampered away to set to work.


A few minutes later, Luna Lucia slipped out of the pack disguised in an old scarf and old dress that made her appear like a traveler. She walked to the outskirts of the pack and headed to Willow Creek.

By the time she got there, it was already sunset. She walked towards a cave and stopped few meters away when she saw the familiar, unkempt witch sitting on a rocking chair with her eyes closed.

Before she took another step forward, the witch called, "Why have you come to visit this old hag? Shouldn't you be following your mate's orders? He might have you killed if he finds out that you stepped your feet in this barred place."

"I need your help," Luna Lucia minced no words.

The witch let out a loud cackle that was frightening. "Are you scared? You think the stray wolf will take your place in the pack?"

Luna Lucia wasn't surprised. She knew that the witch was so powerful that she might already know her intentions for seeking her help even before saying a word.

"Do you finally know how I felt when the alpha asked them to stone me to death?" There was an undeniable animosity in the witch's voice.

Luna Lucia didn't say a word. She couldn't apologise, not after so many years have passed. Besides, the witch deserved whatever punishment she got!

It was as if the old hag heard Luna Lucia's thoughts because her eyes flew open, revealing a pair of blazing yellow eyes that were filled with hatred and fury.

Luna Lucia took a step backwards in fear. "Will you help me or not?"

The witch remained mum for just a minute before answering, "I'll curse them for you."

Her eyes filled with excitement and another emotion Lucia couldn't recognize.

"What do you want in return?" Luna Lucia knew there was nothing as free lunch but the old witch shook her head and turned away,

"You should leave. If you stay any longer, you might get caught. But the quads shall be cursed... For you."

Maybe the assurance of the witch's words caused Luna Lucia to be relieved because she turned away.

However she turned away too quickly that she missed the murderous intent in the witch's eyes.

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