

By:  Jordan Silver  Completed
Language: English
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Colton Lyon is a tough as nails biker who has no time for bullshit. He’d long given up the easy life afforded him by his wealthy upbringing to live life on his own terms. He lives hard and loves harder but has yet to meet a woman he’s wanted for more than a few screws that is until he meets his new assistant. The mousy little filly who’s afraid of her shadow. He gave her a week, even though his right hand man had begged him to give her the job. Nothing he hates more than sniveling females afraid of their own damn shadow.Kat’s moving halfway across the country to escape a dark past that’s left her scarred. Barely eighteen, she should have her whole life ahead of her, but instead fear has robbed her of the spark she once had. When she first meets her new boss she knows there’s no way she could take the job, he’s just too much of everything with his gruff demeanor and those smoldering looks. The first time she almost swooned at the sight of his muscular tattooed arms she knew she was in trouble.Meanwhile; Colton was trying to figure out what kind of hex the little mouse had worked on him to keep her on his mind. No matter how he tries to avoid it, there’s just something about her that keeps him coming backLyon is created by Jordan Silver, an EGlobal Creative Publishing signed author.

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Lyon is a steamy Romance genre about a bad boy protagonist novel written by Jordan Silver and is 9.5 out of 10 in rating with 49 reader ratings. Colton Lyon works hard and loves even harder, but until he meets Kat, who is terrified and meek, Lyon realized he has never met the woman he has desired for his existence. To escape a troubled past that has taken away her spark, Kat is relocating halfway across the nation where she met Lyon. Kat has been Colton's subject and wants to find out her past which breaks his hardness of heart. 

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Mosa Pebane
Love it, just an all around good read.
2024-04-22 16:22:17
user avatar
what's the reading order of these books? I know Lyons cub, seal team 7 etc is a part of it...but what's the order?
2023-10-16 11:48:43
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Tanique Greaves
Wow. I totally love this book, especially with it being on audio. I can do tasks while enjoying Lyon(smile).
2023-10-05 21:44:01
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Tasha Bird
Love this book. Definitely worth reading.
2023-09-06 16:11:03
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Tracey Downey
brilliant book would be great if it was updated x
2023-09-02 07:34:24
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I absolutely love this book! I just wish the author would finish it. It has been in the making for over a year
2023-08-29 11:41:46
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Tammy Tilbe
loved the book just wish you wouldn't have so many different versions
2023-08-10 08:21:58
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Renae Akuhata
when will you be updating next book series
2023-07-25 13:07:08
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Kim nicholson
love the book would love to see it complete the story. either in another book to in this one.
2023-06-22 05:20:33
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Tlhono Le Mellow's
5 ......️...️...️
2023-06-02 06:51:15
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Natalie Henry
Would love to see a book about Catie bear and Todd
2023-04-21 04:38:58
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Natalie Henry
Love this book but wish just once Kat would give him a bit of his own medicine and not let him finish as a punishment like he does to her. Not a huge fan of how he doesn’t listen to her opinions at all though otherwise great book
2023-04-21 04:38:15
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Kim nicholson
love this book, can't wait to read more.
2023-03-28 02:43:35
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Silas LuAllen
Lyon the story so much I bought the books!!! but still read them on every platform I find them on.
2023-03-16 20:57:39
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Michelle Cornick
Please don't do to much more chapters to ruin a good book!!!
2023-02-21 20:01:05
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181 Chapters
Chapter 1: LYON
I wasn't expecting her, so I guess that's why she blindsided me. This was totally unexpected and at a time when I had all but thrown in my hat and said fuck it.I'd been playing the field for a while now, and was tired of it. I was looking for something more; something was missing. I'd come close once, but thank God I escaped that nightmare. Turns out she was more interested in status, and all that other superficial bullshit.So I'd taken a step back, and taken myself out of the game. There just wasn't anyone in my circle that came close to what I was looking for, so I'd decided unofficially to hang it up. I was thirty two, and I guess my biological clock was ticking, if such a thing even existed for a man.That's when she sidled into my life with no big splash and no fanfare. That wasn't her style, and maybe that's how she did it. Maybe that's how she wrapped herself around my heart so effortlessly.She was a complete enigma, and she was totally opposite from every woman, or girl, I'd
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Chapter 2: LYON
After Jared returned from running her home I called him into the office. I had a few questions I needed answered.He was still all smiles and excitement, which led me to believe, there was more going on with them than he was saying."What's up, Colt, you wanted to see me?""Yeah come in and sit down."I studied him as he sat across from me, and his relaxed posture as he slouched in the chair."You sure she can handle working around here, Jared, this place is not your everyday run of the mill office.""Don't worry man, she'll be fine, just let her get settled in and she'll be a great asset I promise.""Why're you so into this girl? I thought you weren't interested like that.""Nah man, she's like my kid sister, it's just, she's had a hard time lately, and I just want to look out for her, ya know. We've always been tight. Our fathers are like brothers man.""Okay, if you say so. I heard you getting into it with Jennifer before, how'd that go?""Seriously, what did you ever see
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Chapter 3: KAT
I'm extremely nervous. It's my first day on the job and already I'm dreading it. The work shouldn't be a problem. I'm kinda smart, so taking orders and putting them into a computer spread sheet should be easy enough, but Jared hadn't told me his boss was so...male. Then again Jared doesn't know my little secret, no one does. "Kat, you sure you want to do this so soon. Why don't you give yourself some time?" "It's okay, dad, I need to stay busy. Don't worry about me, Jared will be there, so I'll be fine." "If you're sure, I just don't want you to think you have to work. I can give you an allowance until you decide what you want to do." "Thanks, dad, that's sweet, but I'm cool. Now eat your breakfast and get to work." "Yes ma'am, you know you don't have to do this everyday. I can always grab a bite at the diner on the way." "It's no trouble, dad, stop worrying." "So, how's this new boss of yours, he seem like a nice guy?" I took my time answering. I knew because of what
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Chapter 4: KAT
Chances are I was going to be fired anyway, so what the hell. "Fact of the matter is, you were obnoxiously rude, Mr. Grumpy. If you want respect, then you first have to give it." "Excuse me young lady, do you have any idea who I am?" "Marcª" Again Colton tried to intervene, but I beat him to it, enough is enough. For the past three months or so I've been playing the coward. Just because life had thrown me a curveball, didn't mean I had to roll over and play dead, and I'd be damned if I was going to play the coward here like I had in Arizona. "Listen, Dragon heart, I don't really much care who you are. From the looks of you, you have money, and maybe that's why you think you can get away with treating people just any old way, but your money doesn't mean squat to me, so why don't you take your money and your pompous attitude and go fuª" "Katª" " Sloaneª" Jared and Colton cut into my resignation speech before I could get to the good part. Suddenly there was a burst of
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Chapter 5: KAT
That night I called my mom for our nightly chat. My mom is my sounding board whenever my mind becomes overcrowded. "So how's the new job sweetie, you like it?" "It's fine, mom, pretty easy, but guess what. So this guy calls today and he's as rude as you want to be, he just rubbed me the wrong way you know, so I kinda let him have itª" "Wait a minute, you did what?" "I put him in his place, next thing I know he's showing up there." "He didn't hurt you, did he baby?" I hated the panic in her voice. "No, mom, let me tell you. So anyway, turns out he's this Uber rich old coot with the manners of a wildebeest, but guess what, he gave the boss a contract to supply him with bikes for all his ventures and apparently there are a ton of them.""Like, he works with Hollywood and racing circuits here, and in Europe, among other things. He said he liked my style, and that's why he finally decided to give Colton the contract." "Colton, ooh....... first name basis already, is this Colt
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Chapter 6: LYON
I was gone for about an hour before I felt it was safe to return. I'd done some thinking while I was gone, and I'd realized that part of my problem was Char's stupid prediction, which made no sense because I don't believe in that shit anyway. So there was really nothing like a blooming attraction, or anything going on, just the power of suggestion I guess. I turned the corner and almost had a heart attack. She was standing on the seat of a power bike holding onto the handlebars while my crew stood around watching her. I didn't run, or yell, or make any fast movements. I didn't want to scare her, and make her fall. She flipped herself over the bars and back into the seat in a seated position. That's when I moved forward, well when my legs finally worked anyway. The crew was whistling and applauding while she grinned the biggest fucking grin I had ever seen on her face behind the helmet. Everyone grew quiet when they saw me coming, and some of the men started to scatter. "
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Chapter 7: KAT
Well, I couldn't find a good enough excuse to get out of coming to the BBQ, so by Sunday evening, yes the last minute, I found myself in the nearest town shopping, something I used to love, but haven't had any interest in for a while. Everything seemed foreign as I perused the shops, like I'd forgotten how it was done. The last sales girl wasn't much older than I in this one place, and she was super helpful. She was all about body structure and what looked best on which frame, but I just needed a pair of jeans and some chucks, that's all. Instead, I left the place with some dressy cargo pants in dark blue, a white sleeveless silk tee, and three inch spike heeled wrap around sandals. When I tried to argue that the shoes weren't suitable for a BBQ, Susan, the helpful shopper, told me the outfit wouldn't work with anything else. So that's how I ended up at a BBQ packed with strangers, dressed like an idiot. Or at least that's how I felt before everyone started complimenting me on
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Chapter 8: LYON
I've lost my fucking mind. I know it's happening, but I can't seem do anything to stop it. "Come." I started leading her around to the back of the house. My old room will do perfectly for what I have in mind. My dick was about to break the fuck off it was so hard. If she isn't careful, she's going to end up bent over somewhere between here and my room, wearing those fuck me shoes. Shit, I'm going to embarrass myself. "Hold it." "Mom, shit." Are you fucking kidding me right now. No fucking way. "And who is this lovely young lady you're manhandling son?" As if she didn't know. My mind was a little sluggish since my IQ was about ten and a half right now. Yeah, all in the dick, but I'm putting this shit together. Mom's secret smiles, yeah, sneak. Kat didn't come here with Jared, Jared had a chick on the back of his bike. So how did she know about the barbecue? Of course, it was mom, and she had her sidekick with her."Hello, Chª" I started to say something, but the look on he
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Chapter 9: ELENA
"Char, what the hell did you see?" "Hurt, she's hurt and hurt bad, El. I didn't see the whole of whatever happened. You know how I pick up emotions sometimes. Well, our new little sister had some shit thrown at her." Char shook her head as we headed for the liquor cabinet. I had a couple hundred people in my backyard where I should be playing hostess, but like doc said 'they'll keep'. "Colton will take care of it, and her, I know my son he's his father incarnate. Though I think Daniel got a little more of the sweet, and a little less of the gruff." "Colton's a good boy, I'm sure he'll do right by our" We started jumping up and down like two toddlers at Disney On Ice, big grins on our faces. "What are you two hens cackling about now?" Daniel sauntered into the room in his chinos and a nice silk tee. His hair was still wet from his shower, and he'd splashed on his special after shave. Dirty dog, he knows what that particular scent does to me, so I c
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Chapter 10: LYON
I could hear the party going on outside, and the laughter and gaiety while one so young suffered just feet away.Life is strange as fuck. Some people can be suffering while others have no clue, and they are just going along with their daily life as usual. I wanted to go down there and yell at them to get the fuck gone, which was stupid. None of those people had anything to do with what had happened to her. What I was really pissed about, was the fact that I couldn't act yet, and I wanted to be up and moving, but I needed to be holding her more. This changed things, and I couldn't just fall on her like I'd been about to. She was obviously still hurt, and still healing, so I'd have to watch, and gauge where she was in her head. One thing is for certain, she isn't staying in that fucking shell a minute longer. Why should she hide who she is, because those fucks were cowardly assholes? She hadn't done anything wrong, and as far as I can see, they'd taken more than enough from her al
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