Lone Wolf

Lone Wolf

Oleh:  Lilith Jones  On going
Bahasa: English
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Juvia Simone is a quiet, smart 17 year old. After being found as a baby near a dense forest she was thrown into the system where she has bounced from pillar to post always unwanted and never settled. Doing all she can to save money and plan her escape when she turns 18 but being trapped in a house with an abusive foster dad and a horrid foster mom she all but gets pushed to breaking point. But after an accident, she starts to experience a strange and arrogant voice in her head. Just when she thinks she's going crazy she meets a handsome stranger, Leon, who brings her into a world she thought only possible in books. Juvia must uncover her past in order to survive her future.

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Lilith Jones
Hi guys. I hope people are well. Anyone that's reading the comments, I'm so sorry. I've had a baby and didn't have much time to write and now that I've come back to it, I seem to be locked out of my account but I will be re-uploading the book on this account ...️ sorry for the inconvenience
2024-01-14 22:54:28
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cathy knoblauch
it reads that book is still unfinished. When are there going to be more updates????
2023-10-05 00:59:58
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Shakira Meeraj
i really loved the book . is there a second book because i really wanna know what happens next
2023-04-30 22:04:46
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Delinda Schumacher
71 chapters 4-23-23
2023-04-24 08:21:57
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Claudette Spence
Wow!! it's been that long!!
2023-01-29 01:25:42
default avatar
Good story
2022-10-08 05:22:24
user avatar
When is the next chapter come ?????
2022-08-21 09:05:03
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Stacie Murray
Seems good so far. Maybe try breaking up your chapter a bit to make it easier to read
2022-05-08 12:32:17
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Tressa Pfeiffer
i have enjoyed reading this novel but the updates are painfully slow
2022-09-23 19:53:29
77 Bab
Chapter 1
Being a 17-year-old ‘unhinged rebellious bitch’ or an ‘unwanted rouge’ as others called me, who grew up in the system didn’t make me the most popular person but I’m doing what I can with what I have. I was found by the side of the road as a baby, no more than a few days old doctors thought, but from then I’ve bounced from state to state. From foster orphanage to foster home and back again over and over. For the last 2 years I’ve managed to stay in the same house, but it’s been… Challenging…I’m the oldest of 3 foster kids, which means I’m the one who gets the most shit from Florence and Winston or as we call them ‘jerks who just want the money’. They are two of the most uncaring and pompous assholes I’ve ever came across. They didn’t have the room to take me in when they did so they transformed a small storage room under the stairs to the attic for me to stay in, I guess they were fans of Harry Potter, and all because they wanted the extra money that came with taking me in. They knew I
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Chapter 2
School wasn’t my favourite place, but at least I was out of Florence and Winston’s way. I managed to make it on time today, thankfully. It makes it easier to be stealthy when the halls aren’t as crowded. I made it to my locker and then to class without incident or running into anyone I didn’t want to. It seems being the poor unloved orphan didn’t make me one of the popular kids, but it did put a target on my back for them. It came with a load of attention I didn’t want, nor did I have any choice over getting. Getting into first period I rush to the back and got my seat in the corner. Math. I like Math. Numbers aren’t mean and can’t lie. They are simple and factual. The next few classes flew by quickly and next thing I knew it was lunch time. Slumping into the queue, I quickly picked out a sandwich and left to go eat outside. I always enjoyed the outdoors. Growing up I rarely had access to outdoor activities so every time I got the chance to be outside, I would take it. I was too
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Chapter 3
Getting to the front of the house I noticed that Winston’s car was still here. “SHIT!” I muttered to myself. He would usually leave around lunch time when he finally rolled out of bed to go on a beer run, but he seemed to be running late today. Not wanting to deal with that shitstorm I went to the back of the old rundown house. There was a basement that had a window that was level with the grass bedding. It was small but luckily so was I. I carefully opened the window, clenching my teeth when it let out a loud squeak, and I slipped very ungracefully through. As my foot hit the bench underneath the window, it slipped off the edge and I crashed down landing on my ass with a hard thump. I heard footsteps above me and crawled backwards under the bench, waiting to see if I’d been caught, but thankfully, they continued down the hallway until I heard the faint jingle of keys and then front door bang shut. I let out a long breath and started up the stairs quickly to go and get changed so
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Chapter 4
“What the fuck?” the look in his eyes told me that I didn’t just imagine the voice I heard. But the way he was looking at me, did it really come from my lips? He glared at me for what felt like minutes before I heard the voice again. “Untie me and let me go!” it demanded. Strong and confidently. I didn’t understand, it was my voice, with something else coming through. I wasn’t speaking yet, I was. Catching himself again, Winston took a breath, “You almost had me there! For a minute I thought you were possessed.” He laughed before he continued trying to undo my button. A scream left my lips as pain I’ve never felt before radiated through me. From my head to my toes, to my fingertips. My fingertips. I looked up to my hands where I could feel the pain, and fear and shock overtook me. Winston following my eyes looked up. “What the fuck is that?” My hands weren’t my hands. Where my fingernails should have been there were claws. Long and sharp as if my nails grew into razorblades in
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Chapter 5
Aleister’s POV “Yo dipshit. Are you on patrol tonight?” Liam said coming into the room shoving toast into his mouth. “Dude close your mouth, I just had the room cleaned. Yeah, I’m on the south side tonight why?” Shoving me over on my sofa he threw his feet on the table looking over to my screen and rolling his eyes. “Don’t you ever do anything other than study? I was talking to Leon, and he said if its okay with you, can we switch up tonight. I’m over east beside the human forest. It’s a guaranteed easy night, but Cassie is working south, and I think she might be the one, man.” Looking at my brother I rolled my eyes “Wasn’t Steph the one? Or wasn’t it Alicia? Oh no wait, it was Heather” I laughed. “Dick! I thought they were, but I swear man, Cassie is just such a babe and she is playing hard to get.” “Fine I’ll switch just this once, but you owe me. You know its boring over by the human forest.” “You’re the best brother EVER. But don’t tell Leon or Nate I said that. I wanna liv
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Chapter 6
Aleister POV “Wait” I tried to shout but even in human form she was so fast. I took off after her while opening a mind link. “Leon, she doesn’t know. I shifted to try and talk to her, but she doesn’t know she’s a wolf or what we are, but she’s seen me and bolted” I screamed down the link panicked. “Shit Aleister. You need to get her. If she tells anyone or if she fucking shifts in public it will get back to the hunters. You need to stop her. Kill her if you need to. I’m sending more men.” I cut the link about to shift when I seen her exit the tree line. I heard the screeching sound of tires followed by the sound of her hitting off the front of a vehicle. “I don’t think that will be necessary. She just got hit be a car on the road.” I linked Leon. “Good. Get out of there.” He answered angrily and cut the link. I walked over to the tree line to see what had happened. Seeing her lay on the ground, she was covered in blood looking at the stars. I was about to leave when I seen her
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Chapter 7
Leon POV For the next few hours, I just get a feeling of unease and can’t seem to focus. I got up and walked over to gaze out of my window until I feel the link from Aleister again. “Leon, the girl, I think she’s a wolf but hasn’t shifted. I can’t smell which pack she would be from, and she doesn’t smell like a rogue. What do I do?” Shit, if she’s not alone or a runaway she could lead others here. “Just follow her a bit longer. If she turns towards the forest drive her out. The last thing we need is more unknown wolves trying to get on to our territory.” I snapped, feeling like shit right after as I felt him cut the link. Crap, I hope he doesn’t think I’m annoyed at him. I paced in my office for what seemed like hours waiting on Aleister giving me an update. “He is smart and strong. Don’t worry about him. We have trained him well.” My wolf Khaos reminded me. I’ll just sit down and get some more plans started, I thought but quickly a link opened with Aleister who was shouting in
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Chapter 8
Leon POV “Come in.” I grunted, followed by Eric popping his head through the door slowly as if he was expecting me to throw something. “What has your thong up your ass dear Alpha?” he joked, grinning until he noticed the look in my eye. Clearing his throat, he stepped into the door and set something on the floor. “Seriously, what has happening Leon?” I looked at him a few minutes before looking to Aleister and he followed my eyes. Aleister was just staring into the beer bottle as if waiting on a genie coming out to grant him wishes. “Is he okay? Is this about the girl you mindlinked to find?” he asked I was about to speak when Aleister threw his bottle across the room. “She was a wolf. She just didn’t know it. I should have seen the signs in her eyes. If I had of taken my time, spoken to her gently, she wouldn’t have run. She could have discovered who she was.” Eric looked at him and then to me. 'This has really gotten to him, hasn’t it?’ Eric mindlinked me, and I gave him a nod.
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Chapter 9
Leon POV I opened a mind link to Aleister. “Al, did you leave a backpack in my office?” “I left it in the hall, I think Eric left it by your door, I told you I grabbed the girls things. I figured we might find out who she is. I seen it sitting at the door of your office when I left.” He said agitated, when I remembered he said something about it before Eric came in. “Right, sorry. I forgot. I saw this bag and didn’t know where it came from. I’ll check it and let you know in the morning if I find anything. Get some rest” I cut the link and made my way over to the bag. Khaos was acting weird, pacing in my head. “What is with you?” I asked annoyed. ‘I don’t know Leon. Something is off here but I don’t know what it is.’ I lifted the bag and was hit again with the sweet scent. I opened her bag to find a few items of clothing, not much, some rolled up cash, again not much and a few books. I was so lost in the sweet scent that, before I knew what was going on, I realised Khaos had ta
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Chapter 10
Juvia POV Hearing the sound of machines beeping, I started to realise I was no longer on the road watching the stars overhead. I tried to move but it hurt me all over to do so. Opening my eyes slowly, I was blinded by a white glowing surrounding. “I’m in the hospital?” I questioned with a raspy voice. “Oh sweetheart, your awake. It was so touch and go for a while we didn’t know if you were going to wake up.” I looked over to see an elderly nurse looking at a chart. “Would you like a drink of water?” she asked sweetly. I nodded and she made her way to the hall and came back with a cup of water and a straw. “Sip it, dear. You have been out for a full week. You were in a very nasty car accident, but you pulled through, thank the heavens, and you seem to be healing extremely well. You have a fractured skull, a broken wrist, a fractured ankle and a few broken ribs. One rib punctured one of your lungs but your surgery obviously went well, and it was repaired.” As I listened to her, I
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