
Chapter 3- Zayed

I turn to look at Grey so fast I almost get whiplash.

"Was that Raya in there,"I demand looking him square in the face.

"Yes, yes it was but it's not what you think Zayed,"he says his voice pleading.

"And what is it exactly, if it's not what I think," I reply in a soft but dangerous tone.

"W-w-well you know your birthday is coming up, so we were just brainstorming ideas together, it wasn't anything more than that I swear,

You know we're just friends right?"He stammers.

I give him a very long look and don't say anything for a while. I'm trying to understand why he looks so guilty if it was indeed something so innocent. Grey's been my best friend since the day we met in middle school, I was the new kid and was easy prey for bullies. I was bullied for my silver eyes and was almost beaten up when a short boy with brown curls and blue eyes stood up to them and took me under his wing. We had remained fast friends throughout high-school with him being Quarterback and I the Hockey Captain and we had never fought over anything not even girls, so the thought of this betrayal is heart wrenching.

I'm still deep in thought when the door opens and Raya pops her head out.

"Grey what's wrong? Who was that?

Oh it's you Zayed," she says with wide smile.

"I've missed you so much," she continues and comes to give me a hug.

I return the hug and take in her familiar scent of apples and jasmine. She looks as good as ever and from the normal and innocent look on her face I'm convinced that nothing was truly going on.

"I missed you more babe but I'm not sure you really missed me because you came here after you got back and didn't even think to tell me",I reply as I keep hugging her tightly to my chest. I really missed her a lot and seeing her makes my chest loosen and I feel less worried.

"Babe it's not like that, I was going to surprise you and I just came to talk about it with Grey."

I look over at Grey and he looks uncomfortable.

I'm about to ask him what's wrong when Raya breaks the hug and drags me inside the bedroom.

We settle on the bed with her sitting in between my legs and me resting on the headboard. I start to play with her hair and I marvel at how thick and soft it is.

Grey shuffles in and closes the door and joins us on the bed but sits by the edge.

"So tell me what were you two talking about",I ask directing the question to Raya.

She gives Grey a quick look and replies, "it's a secret, you'll find out soon don't worry".

She then starts regaling me with stories from her stay at her cousins and I listen and input from time to time. Throughout the whole conversation Grey is quiet and has this pinched look.

I finally can't hold it in anymore and ask Raya to please get me a drink from the kitchen as an excuse to talk to Grey alone.

She obliges and leaves the room still talking and I can't help but admire her beauty.

I'm still staring at the door when Grey clears his throat noisily, bringing me back to the present.

I turn to face him and say, "OK It's just the two of us here, what's wrong man?"

"Nothing's wrong, he replies, everything is fine, didn't I tell you we were just talking"

"Yeah about that , I'm sorry for jumping to conclusions, I should have known better, you're my best friend there's no way you'd betray me like that, I just can't imagine losing g Raya you know how much I love her."

"Yeah I do, its cool man no hard feelings"

"Thanks bro, but are you sure you're OK?"

"Yeah I'm just thinking of how I'm going to clean this place up before my parents get back from their trip"

"You really went crazy with the party huh, what was the occasion and why wasn't I invited," I ask teasingly.

"It was nothing special, I just wanted to celebrate finishing high school and to have some fun since my mum and dad were away, I didn't know it'd get out of hand and I didn't invite you because I know you don't like this kinda stuff."

"It's fine, I was just wondering why you didn't tell me, but you've told me now and I'm glad I didn't come it's like a pig sty down there."

"I don't know how it got out of hand, It's about time I ended the party anyway, we've been partying since midnight, Let's go Zayed."

He says as he gets down from the bed and moves towards the door. I get up to follow him out and we had both almost reached the door when we hear a piercing scream from downstairs and I look at Grey

"Is it just me or that sounded a lot like....Raya!"we both shout and rush down the stairs to go helpher.

And the only thing on my mind is how I'm going to kill whoever hurt her.

We get to the kitchen and find Raya alone in the kitchen, she's facing the kitchen windows her eyes wide with terror.

I quickly check through the whole downstairs area and also the back yard to catch whoever it was but I find no one, i guess all the guests had left while we were upstairs and the house was completely empty except for us three. I return to the kitchen and find Grey comforting Raya, who's still whimpering and shaking with fear.

I kneel in front of her and take her hands into mine, "Raya baby can you tell me what you saw", I murmur in a low soothing tone.

"I was cleaning the dishes when, I felt someone looking at me through the window, I glanced up and I saw a very big Dog with Reddish brown fur there, it looked more like wolf than a dog to be honest and it was staring right at me, I got so scared I screamed. At my scream it ran and flew over the fence. But I'm not sure it was a normal dog , it looked too intelligent and I'm sure none of Greys neighbours have that breed," she says shivering as she said the last part.

"Maybe it got lost and jumped into our yard by mistake, it didn't harm you right?"asks Grey.

"No it just stared and ran away"

"You see, I'm sure it's not a threat, I'll drop you off at home so you can rest, you've helped enough already and your mum also needs you there, after that I'll go report to the local Animal Center that we spotted a Large dog on the loose, they'll find it and return it to its owner", I reassure Raya.

She nods her assent and I promise Grey I'll be back to help him clean up and I carefully lift Raya up and carry her to my truck.

Raya's quiet the whole ride and I can't blame her given the scare she just had. We drive in silence and I can't help but think of what she said.

A dog that looked like a wolf? Was it just a coincidence that I also had a dream with the same wolf/dog or is there something more to it.

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