Home is where the heart is

Home is where the heart is

Oleh:  Writeenfingers   On going
Bahasa: English
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Richard, a 49 year old widower with two daughters. Richard had spent his life devoting his time to his girls and to his work. Ava, a 23 year old girl from a countryside with little or no knowledge on how to survive in Bellamy- city of bright lights and dreams and fortunes. These two crossing paths could only be coincidental as they lead different lives with a huge age gap between. But, maybe they were waiting for each other all their lives to fill the gaps. It would take a lot to be together. But how much can one take? An angry girlfriend. A selfish daughter. They'll find out that love is never enough!

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Home is where the heart is by Writeenfingers is an emotional love story. Richard dedicated his life to raising his two daughters and is approaching his golden years. He is a widower whose life revolves around his family and work. He meets a young middle age girl named Ava. A clueless country girl lost in the city trying to find a better life. The two get pulled together, and their feelings become interlinked. But the age gap becomes a source of rejection from people around them. Can they work it out? Or is it better to be apart?

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2024-04-02 03:20:33
34 Bab
Chapter One
RICHARD "We got forty six individual applicants but I ticked some boxes and narrowed it down to just ten applicants." "Just ten?" Richard McCaul asked as he readjusted his tie and shrugged into his black suit jacket. Truthfully, Richard wasn't interested in how many people that applied for the job. He just needed someone, fast. His housekeeper and cook of over twenty years had just decided to take three months off to go stay with her daughter who had just given birth. At first, he was reluctant about letting her go but that would be selfish and insensitive of him if he declined to give her the three months she had requested. Maria, his housekeeper and cook, has been nothing but of great service to his family. So, he had given her the three months she asked for and had also signed her a fat check. Being the CEO of one of the country's top three biggest Estate development company, gave him the opportunity to get whatever he needed at every point. But that wasn't who Richard was
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Chapter Two
RICHARD Throwing a hand over his eyes, Richard groaned and turned on his stomach. Groaning into the pillow, he opened his eyes and looked at the giant wall clock. It was few minutes after seven in the morning. He groaned again, this time loudly. He hadn't woken up that late in weeks. Months even. Actually, he knew why he had woken up late. Simone had kept him up most of the night. Looking over to the other side of the bed, he found it empty and guessed Simone had left earlier. Richard pushed himself off his bed and quickly wore the shorts he'd stripped off during their heated rump the night before. He'd been in an on and off relationship with Simone for two years now. It wasn't that he didn't like her or find her convenient as a potential partner. The attraction between them had always been great. The sex was even super. His daughters even liked her. Yet, he always hesitated. She was an actress and had even been married once which obviously didn't work out. They'd met at the la
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Chapter Three
AVA The city of dreams. And fortunes. And bright lights. Do not leave out the bright lights. That was what Ava had heard all her life about Bellamy city. The city where anything goes. The city where only the fast and the strong survives. She thought they were all myths until she had finally seen it for herself. At first, she had thought the bright lights were fireworks till she had realized they weren't. Moving to Bellamy was a big decision for Ava, since she had spent twenty three years of her life in Salta- a countryside, just outside of Crocs. After three years of taking care of the only family she had left- her grandmother- who still died, she was left with no choice than to move. A father she never met. A mother who abandoned her on her grandmother's doorstep and never returned. Grandma Sherri had taken her in and loved her till she'd got sick. Ava had done her best to return the favour, that she had to forfeit her college scholarship just to take care of her. Grandma Sh
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Chapter Four
AVA Ava was sure she had never felt so incompetent ever since she had started working at the club. The blaring lights and the booming songs made it all the more difficult for her. Scanning her eyes over the sea of heads that were dancing and getting drunk, she searched for Nicole from her position at the bar. Nicole was nowhere to be found and Ava guessed she must have escaped somewhere with a customer. It was normal for girls like them to go to dark corners with the clubbers. Working at the bar had given her the chance to always escape from the conspicuous attention- literally. She could never escape from the stares but the physical barricade gave her a kind of protection from the men. Passing off the shots across the counter to the guy who seemed like he needed a sleep more than he needed a drink. But that's their problem, they never know when to stop. "Ava I should take over." One of her colleagues shouted to her over the din. That's their
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Chapter Five
RICHARD Out of the ten applicants Victoria had interviewed from 9am till 2pm that Thursday morning, she had decided on just three. One looked efficient but wouldn't stop batting her eyelids. Victoria asked her why she kept doing that and she had said that she had blepharospasm. It wasn't anything serious that would prevent her working efficiently but Victoria wasn't taking any chances, as it already made her uncomfortable. Sorry. You have to go, Victoria said, and then rather told her that she'll hear from them soon. Sorry. Again! Shoving them aside, stacking the three CVs on top of the rest, she exhaled in deep exasperation. She had to get someone real fast before Richard's daughter gets back. Knowing she had to tell him the extent of the interviews, she gathered up the three files without looking at them and went into his office. Richard was expecting her to brief him about the success or failure of the interviews, but judging from her expre
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Chapter Six
AVA "Ava! Ava! Wake up!" Nicole shook her still sleeping friend, trying to wake her up. Ava just groaned and turned on her side, shrugging off Nicole's shoving hands. "Leave me alone," she mumbled in her sleep. Her voice coming out groggy. "You'll be late for the interview." That was all Ava needed to hear. Snapping her eyes open, she swerved her head to stare at Nicole. "The interview?" She asked. She had got an email to come for the job interview and she had spent the rest of the day, picking out an outfit. She had told Nicole that the interview was the first step to her answered prayers. She was so excited that even after Nicole had left for work, she had stayed awake till 2am in the morning. Nicole was probably shocked to find her still asleep when she returned. Ava was told to show up by 9am and it was already thirty minutes after 8. Scrambling out of the bed, "why didn't you wake me up?" The sheets tangled around her legs and sent her dropping to the floor, in a heap.
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Chapter Seven
RICHARD "I still think she's a bad decision. I can get someone better. She's like a child." Victoria informed Richard, immediately they returned to his office. Richard was with Mr. Xavier when she got back, she had to hold her horses and wait till the papers were signed and eventually left. She had her reservations about Xavier Co. She thought it was a bad investment but Richard was the kind of man who never gets out of what he had made up his mind about. Still, Victoria always gave him a piece of her mind. Richard, still sitting at the head of the table in the boardroom, with the papers and empty water bottles scattered across the table, met Victoria's intruding gaze. "It's good that she's like a child. At least, I won't feel like I'm in danger around her," he said, as he loosened his tie and rounded his desk to sit on the recliner. "She hates bacon egg muffins too. That's a good thing right?" Her voice sounded wary, which had Richard glancing up a
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Chapter Eight
AVA Gray eyes. Bright gray eyes. That was the first thing Ava noted, the minute she turned and stared back at the man who stood at the doorway. She hadn't heard him come in, so she had gasped when she found him standing there gazing at her. How long had he been standing there for? Blinking hard against the masculine figure before her, she felt her heartbeat speed up and drum sporadically. He wasn't anything like the gigantic portrait of himself that stood at the corner of the sitting room. Gray hair. Gray beards. Fine lines. He wasn't anything like the kind of men Ava was used to seeing. For a man his age, he sure looked really breathtaking. Heck! She hadn't seen a man like that. His streaking gray hair made him all the more formidable. Raising a hand to her throat, she swallowed and prayed he didn't hear and see how nervous she was. Looking down sharply at herself, she was grateful for the apron that covered her ugly outfit. It was d
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Chapter Nine
RICHARD Richard knew he'd got to ask the question that had been on his mind since he saw her in his kitchen. He needed to know to sate his curiosity. He'd never been particularly interested about a woman's hair, but hers? It just stirred something in him. He'd never seen a red hair so curly and frizzy like her's. It reminded him of an artwork he'd seen at an exhibition a long time ago- Taylor had literally dragged him to one. It wasn't anything about a hair or a woman but it made him think of sunsets and rainbows. That was just what Ava's name made him think of. Sunsets and rainbows. And her name? He'd never met an Ava before. He even liked how it rolled off his tongue. Christ! what's wrong with me? It had just been few hours and he was already so weird and had never felt that way around anyone before. Her eyes pierced into his as she lulled over his absurd question. Richard was sure he would never ask anyone that, so what's going on? She casually
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Chapter Ten
AVA It was few minutes past 6pm when Ava got home. Nicole was doing her makeup, getting ready to leave for the club. Thank goodness, she's out of that shitty job, Ava prayed silently. She toed off her shoes at the door and slumped on the bed, visibly tired. She still couldn't get over the fact that she had sat and ate and talked with her employer. No one had ever paid her that kind of attention. It was a thrilling experience, but she knew that it just couldn't be. Maybe that was how he was. Just being nice and friendly. "I can see you got the job, since you didn't get back earlier than I expected." Nicole said, leaning closer to the mirror to get a good look at the eyebrows she was trying so hard to draw. The way she drew them always made Ava think of the cockroach antennae. Funny! Sighing heavily, "I did. Like I told you I would. Isn't it great?" She asked, not expecting a response. Nicole stopped and turned to look at Ava, her brows raised. "Really? Is that ostentation I he
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