
85~The restore of her home

They all made towards the palace while the status quo remained as they had left it.

Hours passed by and the celebration of the warlock’s freedom became more of a watered down consideration in comparison to the matter at hand.

The warlocks hadn’t settled their controversies regarding the position of their new ruler.

“Does this mean the resistance is taking over?” Some murmured.

“No, it can’t be. We hailed Isabella as the new ruler.” Another set prided in their own earlier justification.

“Isabella said it with her own mouth that her daughter is the new ruler.” A last set went on with their heart-felt truth.

Contradictions arose over what they had been led to believe and without a constituted authority to address them, the horde almost fell into anarchy.

The entire Warlock community would be in turmoil as different tongues telling separate tales would brew confusion on which would be true.

Was there a leader, what would happen going foreword as regards how they would prosper.

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