Hating the Billionaire Heir

Hating the Billionaire Heir

Oleh:  SweetGina103  Tamat
Bahasa: English
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~They say there's a thin line between love and hate, and I’m about to find out just how true that is~ When the Masters family moved to Rixon Hills at the start of my senior year, I caught the attention of Roman Masters, the sole heir to the billionaire family empire, and also a new transfer student at my school. His arrogance, infuriatingly handsome smirk and stupid nickname for me instantly makes me dislike him. But as time goes on, things start to blur, and I’m starting to forget my reasons for hating him in the first place…

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Cherilyn Kauwalu
Is this plan to discontinue this story without ending. Interesting story until you abandoned it. I’m disappointed, I’ll choose to NOT read anymore stories by this author. 17 days with NO update.
2024-02-19 12:17:55
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Rachel N
I love this book, Very fun and interesting! Nice one author.
2023-12-29 01:04:46
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Chapter One
“Lindsey Marie Jordan!” my Mom yelled from downstairs. Okay, so I was in major shit, first because I skipped school on the first day of resumption without telling my mom and second because I had paid my deceitful twin brother Leo, twenty bucks to help convince my mum that I had left for school early this morning while I had been hiding in my room the entire time. I know I shouldn’t have trusted the deceiver to cover for me. I grumbled under my breath as I rolled off and out of my bed, no need to hide now since the cat was already out of the bag. “Coming” I yelled back hoping to sway her from the issue at hand. My Mom hated skipping because for some reason she believed that skipping one day of school would mess with my perfect grades and affect my life and I would end up a loser, right? Yeah I know, I should be used to her theatrics by now because having spent seventeen years of my life as her daughter, I'm used to all her exaggerations already. As I reluctantly came down the stair
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Chapter Two
A few hours after Cassie left my house, I had to go to the grocery store to do some grocery shopping, part of my punishment for skipping school. It seems like I am officially the house's errand girl for as long a duration as Mom pleases, maybe I shouldn’t have skipped school after all, I’m normally not one to regret my decisions but the punishment seriously does not fit the crime here. After picking up all the things on the list, I decided to get a treat for myself. I searched for my favorite snack, a chocolate and coconut flakes cookie. As I came across the shelf where the cookie was supposed to be stocked I found it empty. I didn't give up though, I rummaged through the entire shelf and neighboring snack baskets until I came across an old pack. It may have been old and dusty and squeezed but it was still my chocolate coconut cookie so I was buying it regardless. Just as I was about to throw my cookie pack into my basket with the rest of my groceries, it was snatched from my grasp.
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Chapter Three
Shit! Okay, so I was late! Although I had everything straightened out last night before going to bed, from arranging my backpack to laying out my outfit for the next day down to the undergarments I would be wearing, it looks like today was planning on being a mess up, like a shit load of mess up. First, my alarm which was usually so loud that it could even wake up Mom and Leo somehow failed to wake me up this morning, had it not been for Leo annoyingly barging into my room to use my skincare and waking me up in the process through his terrible singing that could wake the whole of Rixon Hills, not because it was loud per se but because of how bad and off key it sounds. Safe to say, a musical genius Leo is not, and although someone should let him know, that someone won't be me, I would leave it for Mom or Elsie, his girlfriend, I’m not opening that can of worms. Standing in front of my large wall mirror, thirty minutes later after a rushed shower and dress-up routine, I take a go
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Chapter Four
Shaking my head at his weirdness which I was already used to, I thanked him and headed to the direction of the west wing. I was about to begin my search when I heard noises. First, it was a girlish squeak, which was then followed by a husky male chuckle that seemed oddly familiar. I wanted to go check it out but then I remembered the saying: curiosity killed the cat. Deciding to ignore the sound I continued my research. Not a minute later I heard another sound this time it was loud and it was clear and it consisted of moans and I knew I couldn't ignore it any longer. I was considering whether to abandon my search and hightail my ass out of the library when my thought process was further interrupted by the little ongoing coupling session. “More, please, right there....” If I hadn’t already been sure of what was happening, this right here clarified any doubt and at this point, I just knew I had to find out who was violating this sacred library. As I crossed the corner, I saw somethi
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Chapter Five
Just as I rounded the corner in the hallways after swiftly exiting the library, I bumped into Cassie. “Hey there, I've been searching for you for a while now,” I said, breathing heavily. “Yeah, Oliver told me. Why are you so flushed girl? You look like you just ran a marathon or had sex, either one of the two” She looks at me with narrowed eyes, examining me from head to toe. Thankfully, just as I was about to give some silly excuse explaining my state, the loud sound of the warning bell interrupted us. Thank God, I murmured under my breath, I don’t think I could have come up with a decent lie on the spot and I don’t need to be interrogated by Cassie right now, she always knows when I'm not being truthful. Linking our arms together to distract her, I pulled her towards where our next class of the day was located. “Let's get to class before we get tardy” We picked up our books for the next period which was English. English was the only class me and Cassie shared so we went together
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Chapter Six
It has been a week since I delivered my unspoken threat to Roman. I had come up with dozens of methods to make him pay. First, I thought of buying a can of pepper spray, using it on him, and then kneeing him in his most treasured body part but I could get charged for physical abuse, so that was off the list. Then I thought of spreading some anonymous rumor about him having some sort of STDs or having a small ‘equipment’ (ha-ha if you know what I mean). And then I thought about finding out his address and putting his house on fire but that would be going too far just thinking about the collateral damage It would cause plus he lives in the Masters family mansion all the way in Rixon Garden where the highs and mighty of Rixon Hills live according to the unsolicited information provided to me by Cassie. I can see the infamous billionaire family wasted no time settling among their fellow wealthy peers although none of the few millionaires making up a small percentage of Rixon High populat
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Chapter Seven
“Lindsey? What the hell are you doing here?” He questioned, briefly taking a few steps toward me before pausing just a few feet before me. This day just kept getting better and better… “What I’m doing here is none of your business, Roman,” I answer, making sure to maintain eye contact with him, for some reason I didn’t want to act too weird or awkward by showing unnecessary fear of what I had just seen. As I raised my head to meet his gaze, my breath caught in my throat from the sight of his lower lip which had a cut and was bleeding. “Oh my gosh, you're bleeding,” I said, and without thinking my actions through I crossed the distance between us and began examining his face. “I didn't know you cared” His gaze shifted to my hands which held his chin between my pointer finger and thumb. Immediately realizing how close to him I stood I dropped my hand and crossed my arms across my chest before replying. “I don't, and what were you thinking hitting that man like that, actually you k
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Chapter Eight
I had been awake for the past three hours, but I just couldn't get out of bed, so I just laid awake my thoughts drifting to a particular boy. I couldn't believe how I never told him no, how could I have been speechless? I thought about the many excuses I could've given him, but they all just turned out lame and stupid. He had said he would text me but the only text I had received so far was of Cassie sending me pictures of her new 3-day-old nephew. I checked my phone again for a text from an unknown number but I didn't find any. Then I remembered that I never even gave him my phone number. At first, I was relieved but then I felt a sudden rush of disappointment because I had kinda been looking forward to the date. Good Lord, what the hell was wrong with me? There was absolutely no reason for me to feel disappointed. No justification whatsoever, rather I should have been pleased the stupid date was not going to be happening. Pushing my conflicting thoughts aside, I headed to the b
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Chapter Nine
It's Friday evening now and Cassie has not relented on pestering me about details of my "date" with Roman. Although I've told her countless times that there's nothing of that sort going on she insists and believes I'm holding out on her. She even recruited Anna into this obsession and now I'm getting pestered on all sides. Last night she tried to convince me to go to our school basketball team's first game of the season which was to be held Friday afternoon, her major point to convince me was that Roman was going to be playing, unknowingly to her that was the number one deterring reason, followed by the fact that I know nothing about basketball and don't derive any joy watching the sport. Today, our team won the match by a milestone and the players are throwing a celebratory party which Cassie has been convincing me to go to with her, Case, and Anna. Although I initially strongly refused, my resolve is already waning because safe for the drama that occurred in the parking lot on Mond
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Chapter Ten
"Woah, remind me not to compliment you ever again, Cookie" Roman says, with raised eyebrows in shock. Ugh, that stupid nickname again. "That wasn't a compliment, you were mocking me" I counter, "I should knee you in the balls for that alone, but coupled with all your other crimes from the first day I was unlucky enough to hear the name Roman Masters, castration is the "appropriate equivalent" I continue, throwing his earlier words back at him. Yeah, I know, I might have gone a little overboard with the threats but he honestly brought out the worst in me. Collins takes a step back from me after my threat at Roman and everyone is looking at him and waiting for his response. He surprises us all by bursting into laughter so deep that he wipes tears from his eyes. What is it with him and laughing at my threats? Before anyone else can say anything, Whitney's loud voice breaks the silence. "Let's play a game" she offers, grabbing Roman's elbow and gazing up at him with some forced sedu
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