Oleh:  Alejandra Garcia  Tamat
Bahasa: English
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After being cheated on by her boyfriend Gabriel, Alice ran away to start a new life without saying she was pregnant. Six years later she comes back to Mexico where her past stood still waiting for her to say the truth. But what she didn't know is someone else was waiting for her, Ian, the one whom she gave strength to walk out on his religion to pursue his dreams. What's going to happen when her old boyfriend decides to fight against anything to conquer her heart again? Gabriel said he was going to love her forever but, is he going to fulfill his promise even if she's pregnant with another man's baby?

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Milord Jacques
I love m’y little Joseph . He made me cry ...
2023-06-17 00:51:04
36 Bab
A new day, the same boy was there, in front of his little desk, the same but different child among his classmates. White skin, slightly brown-haired and that pair of beautiful brown eyes is how we can describe him. Meantime, his classmates had skin as white as snow, blond-haired, sometimes curly-haired, other times straight-haired with blue or even green eyes. The little boy was considered unique in that classroom and not exactly due to his physical, but for speaking two languages at that short age. With his family, he spoke in Spanish and by his surroundings; he made himself understand in English. Everything in his life seemed to be perfect; his mother loved him, her aunt was willing to give her life for him, his grandmother (who wasn't exactly his grandmother by blood), was the typical grandma who pampered him even when he was wrong; and finally, he had his second aunt (who was not his aunt by blood either) who he played with after school. Whoever who met that beautiful angel woul
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Her colorful world fell apart at that moment. Nothing would be the same. Sometimes, trusting someone completely weighs more than the same betrayal. It's not the betrayal that hurts because, in the end, all of us experiment that, what really hurts is the betrayal of that person whom we gave everything. That's the difference. It's not the lie or the mistake, but the lie or the mistake of that person who swore not to hurt us. The room where Alice was didn't know anything else but sadness and darkness. She had been there for a couple of hours without letting anyone come in, fact that was worrying the two women there; Rosa and Maria. A beautiful morning like that one hadn't filled with darkness before. Alice had always being a delighting girl, willing to go against whatever hardship that comes to her. She, being a fearless girl had gone through so much at her very short age. Just a 17 year-old girl. She had dreams like any other teenager but today, everything was vanishing between her ha
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No matter how much Alice expressed her sadness in her words or in her attitude, no one could understand how dead she was feeling. As time went by and with that time, an explanation of Alice to her sister where she explained how everything happened. Alexa couldn´t find the reason why the most innocent people have to suffer more than others, more than those who go back and forth hurting the innocent ones. Why do people look for making this world a miserable place, hurting those who can change the reality of lives just with their presence? That morning she was heading to her school to hand in her documents to get registered in her last year in high school when an unknown phone number sent a message to her. The message was very clear. If she wanted to find the hidden truth she had to assist to the address that was given at the end of the message. A truth where her real boyfriend was about to be revealed. That boyfriend of hers who was the first one in her life, the first one to give her
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She had woken up from the most beautiful dream he gave her. Many precious memories went to trash when those words came out of his mouth. From now on, no more hugs from his mother while saying it had been a blessing that she has turned up into her son's life. It hurt her as hell realizing the same lie that made her happy was vanishing into nothing. It didn't matter to remember how she met him or the adventures that shared together; it didn't matter to turn back time to see all the crazy things she did for him. That part of their lives together didn't matter anymore.Now, what matters is to know she had woken up and will get by. No one else will toy her again. It hurts to know the world had won. They stabbed that innocent heart which won't live again unless she accepts to be like the world. Anything else but pure feelings. “Get out of my life. Don't even think about me, forget about my existence. Get out of here!” She yelled at him earning the courage to see him go away. “Please, Al
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SIX YEARS LATER What is fated to blossom, will blossom sooner or later, what is meant to be, will be in any ways. What is fated to live, will live, no matter how big the desire to destroy it is, it will live, it will live, because it is the mere life which stays where it has to stay. Six springs had gone since the moment Alice held her son between her arms, six summers had gone since the moment she cried with her sister while saying she was not a good mother just because she couldn’t guess her son was hungry, five falls had gone since her son’s first birthday party and five winters had gone since the last moment she stopped thinking about her son’s father as her first and eternal love. Gabriel didn’t exist in her thoughts since her heart became stronger to face the pain of being betrayed and then, being able to bury it in the deepest corner of her heart, he had not been a mistake in her life, he had not been that stone some trips over with, he had been the bearer of miracles that
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Alice ran back and forth while her son just looked at her sitting down on his little chair. If his mom had woken up earlier she wouldn’t be like that. Her beautiful smile drawn on her face was brighter than ever, since that little angel was brought to her life, she was not able to see beyond that pair of brown eyes where she couldn’t help but see the vivid image of that man she loved the most one day and… maybe, whom she was still in love with. It had been some years since the last day her lips were kissed by a man, the only man that made blossom the miracle to make her a mother. Perhaps that was the reason she felt like she was in love with him because, before and after him, it was only him. . “Let’s go, honey,” Alice called to her son, while sipping her orange juice. “Let’s go, let’s go, Mom!” The little boy of her eyes ran ahead after seeing his mom running behind him. Hand by hand, a young mom and a little angel ran to the nearest avenue to get a taxi. It wasn’t so late, the
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What should she have said? Ian had called to that boy before she could explain something. The least she wanted was to give false hopes to her son about his father but regrettably, whatever she wanted to say was left aside.“Mom?” asked Joseph trying to figure out who he was.“Say hi, my cute angel, he´s an old friend whom I met today.” Alice smiled making Joseph to feel confident again.“Hi, cutie, my name is Ian,” said Ian bending over him.“Hi, my name is Joseph Gabriel, nice to meet you.” Joseph extended his hand formally.No matter how cute he smiled to Ian or how polite he seemed, that name brought him thousands of memories. That was the name of the unfaithful man who tore Alice´s heart apart, was she a masochist to name her son after that cruel person?Alice looked at them. Her son seemed perfectly fine with the man in front of her.“How was it that my mom found you, Mr. Ian?” asked Joseph politely.“Mr. Ian? Aren´t we already friends?” Ian raised an eyebrow.“My mom says I have
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A new opportunity came into the lives of two people. Alice, the one who never let herself fall since the birth of her son and Joseph, the little boy who was starting to understand there are mistakes in life that deserve to be forgiven. The following day, Alice woke up nervously. She couldn't sleep as she used to. That day she had the interview that Ian had talked her about days before. She was the first one to wake up. Alice prepared breakfast for everyone in the house and then, she went to wake up her son who opened his little eyes at the first call of his mom. He welcomed that beautiful day with a big smile and a surprising amount of energy. To tell the truth, days were more beautiful, brighter and lighter than before due to the presence of that person who seemed to give everything for nothing. Finally, after having done their morning routine, Alice and Joseph arrived at his school. His mom, being all nervous bent over to give his son a kiss. “Okay, my son, I need you to do
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Past and present, it was truth that past is what makes our present and then, our future. There was nothing left in the past that wouldn´t have consequences for our present and future. Every day, every minute, every action and every though we have is like a brick we use when we’re building our houses, the house that would save us in our future and will be the same house which we can save someone else’s heart. Past and present, they always come as one. Life couldn’t without one or the other. Gabriel knew that from the moment that past he believed he had buried in the darkest corner of his heart, had come back for just one reason. If it was right according to Rosa’s words some years ago, that kid could be his. “I can't believe it, Gabriel. I can't... Are you sure of that?" Her mom questioned him, leading her hands to her mouth. “I don't know, sometimes I think I saw her clearly but other times I just... I just, don't know.” Gabriel sighed heavily. “Do you know what it means if it'
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What is a mistake? What is the difference between a mistake and a lesson? And, a failure, what is a failure in life? Is it true that after a failure, there´s no life? Maybe, what people don’t understand is, after a failure, after a mistake and after a lesson, there is always a life. A mistake from the past. What is a mistake from the past when this one has just been buried in the deepest corner of someone's heart carelessly? But what no one wants to know is; a mistake from the past can mean present and future at the same time. In front of Gabriel's eyes was that woman, the woman he hurt the most back in those days when the innocence of her eyes always healed his lonely heart, that woman who clung to him even if her insides told her not to do that, the same woman who he got everything from but... didn't know how to cherish her yet is was enough a stumble to lose everything. A mistake from the past, Gabriel was finally realizing the price of that mistake, because watching them from th
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