Girls Can't Be Alpha!

Girls Can't Be Alpha!

By:  Saree  Ongoing
Language: English
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Thirty would be Alpha males determined to prove themselves and practically bursting with testosterone stuck on a mountain together. Oh, make that twenty-nine males and one stubborn female. All because Alpha Braden of Misty Glen has every confidence his daughter is just as good, if not the best that the werewolf world has to offer in terms of a leader. She’s been raised to believe she’s just as strong, smart and capable as any male. Dakota is convinced nothing could stand in the way of proving herself. Except of course, finding out that her partner at the alpha Blood Creek camp is none other than her fated mate. Dex has always been the strong silent type, but meeting Dakota forces him to see everything through new eyes. The eyes… of a mate. Excerpt: My wolf lets out a low growl to assert his dominance, and to let this creature know that we are not going to take the bait. It’s actually a brilliant idea. There’s literally no chance any males would expect this kind of trap. So dangling a sweet smelling and likely beautiful she-wolf in front of us makes sense. Only there’s nothing else out here. Nothing at all. Where the hell is the wildlife? And surely there are some camp people out here to witness this? Not that I think anyone would physically hurt a female but… They wouldn’t be dumb enough to throw her literally to the wolves would they?

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37 Chapters
1 - Camp Blood Creek
~Dex’s Point of View~The sting of the cool air hitting my face feels like heaven. It feels like freedom. But it's all a false feeling, only temporary. I’m far too disciplined to allow myself any indulgences, but this one I’ll hold onto for the moment. It’s allowing me to ignore the blood pulsing in my ears, the hairs on my arms standing on end since I woke up this morning. Today could be the last day of my life. Or it could be what makes me a legend. My gaze moves to the sky, trying to get a glimpse of the moon that has brought me so much comfort. It's the only real constant you can count on, especially for a werewolf. *I feel its electricity! Almost like its alive I swear,* my wolf shouts, as if I will struggle to hear him from within our brain.“Coming up ladies! Man up or go crying home to mama,” someone yelled. I just caught it over the tornado whipping into the train car. I had no idea if we were at camp yet, but something told me we were. *The smell has definitely shifted. I
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2 - Partner
~Dakota’s Point of View~*Well I expected all these boys to be blithering idiots in front of us, but I didn’t expect this crap. The Goddess is NOT funny,* Laney says, sighing at the scene before us. Our mate. And he’s just as stupid and dumb a male as the rest of them! Thanks a lot Goddess!!I’d prayed for a simple, loving male. One that wouldn’t be intimidated by a female Alpha. But that’s like asking for the moon and stars. No male wants to be second fiddle to me. And this one? Ugh! I don’t know who he is, but he’s just like the rest. Big head and big… Hmm. Well, size isn’t everything.Like my virgin body would know. But still, if you’ve seen one naked male you’ve seen them all!Right? DON’T STARE!*There’s always rejection and while I don’t want a weak and pathetic mate…* Laney says, eyeing the male who’s stammering like he’s been caught tugging one out. I have enough brothers to know, sadly.But he’s kind of cute. Certainly smells good. And because he was showing off we got a ni
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3 - Swingin'
~Dex’s Point of View~“My name is Dex, not even short for Dexter,” I state, as the female I now know as Dakota scoffs.The bold tattoo on the male next to her, tells me exactly who he is, and that I have to get him the fuck away from her. I’d carefully studied the top five would-be Alphas that would be here, and I know damn well he’s the worst. The fact that they know each other makes me sick. I’ll have to get to the bottom of that. Thankfully my pack is isolated, we don’t really have any enemies. But I know that isn’t the case for most.How the hell did I miss a female Alpha though… Well, I’ll blame that on everyone who was supposed to have researched these people. I had a whole team who wasn’t supposed to have missed shit like this!!*Must be from some small, nothing pack,* Kent chides, snickering to himself. Not that Shadow Cove is all that well known, but we like it that way.My wolf has already determined our mate needs us, she’ll fall in line like a good she-wolf. So naive. Even
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4 - Hungry
~Dakota’s Point of View~“Why don't you have any tattoos,” I whisper, still not believing that I’m cuddled up to my mate. At Alpha camp.“Haven’t earned them yet. I’m not putting some freebie shit on my body. Some mark that tells everyone what my family line is, what was handed to me at birth. I’ll be a fourth generation Alpha, because I earned it,” he says, as he tightens his arm around me, pulling my back against his chest. I pull my knees up to my chest and get comfortable.I instinctively touch my birthmark. Literally the first thing anyone sees when they look at me. I was never self conscious about it until I started filling out and looking at boys. People stare at it all the time, I imagine it's hard not to. My grandmother has a similar one but I guess it skipped a generation. My mom can’t even remotely understand that while it does make me feel a bit special, it also makes people constantly look away from me. If a wolf is marked, it’s usually a bad omen… So people say.“I hat
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5 - What Kind of Alpha
~Dex’s Point of View~*Damn I’m so full, now we need a nap,* Kent says, nearly falling over.Our eyes wander to our mate who is licking her paws clean, happy with a full belly. While a massive sense of pride fills me for providing for my girl, I need to get her away from this deer, and the corpse that isn’t far. Kent pushes with all he’s got to stand, then we find the clothes and pick them up. Thankfully, Dakota’s wolf gets the hint and we take off. When we find a new overhang just before dark, another boom echoes in the forest. We both shift immediately, and take in our surroundings. It’s the ever constant reminder that I need to keep my focus, but my heart doesn’t get that message. The useless organ only wants to cuddle up with our mate, and do things that are dangerous.“I don’t even know how many that is now. Four? Jeez,” she whispers as she gets dressed. It’s a solemn feeling. Each cannon boom should make us excited, but it doesn’t. Not everyone here will die on the mountain,
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6 - Help Or Get Out Of My Way
~Dakota’s Point of View~ “Ooohhh oooohhh! Ooohhh oooohhh,” I call, using my hand as a makeshift megaphone to taunt whoever might be out there. “This is insanity. I don’t know if I have the balls to do this, so what makes you think they will,” Dex whispers. “Well I guess I’ll be the only one on this mountain with balls,” I snicker. I squint as I gaze up at the sun. The pounding of at least two four-legged animals are in the distance, making my brain twitch. Just standing here like bait absolutely goes against all my training. I quickly blink and turn to look down over the cliff to the water below, the waterfall that is absolutely gorgeous. There’s no way to know how deep it is below, this could be suicide. “Got a better idea on how to get the word out,” I say. Dex half turns toward me, and the look on his face is unreadable. It’s clear he’s not happy and yeah… I’m backing him into a corner. But I have to try. The footfalls are heavier now, closer. “You say that like anybody is
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7 - Play With Her
~Harley’s Point of View~ Hmm, hmmm. Hmmm. My wolf stirs in my mind, unsure what to think. *I don’t like it, something is up. But how do we get her to talk to us? Now we’ll have to get rid of that puppet to get to her! Talk about a cock block,* my wolf snarls, pissed beyond belief that Dakota is not our partner. My father went to absolute great lengths, even offered bribes to get her as my partner. She’d have to watch me day in and day out defend her. Hunt for her. It’s what I need, I am a provider, it’s just in my DNA. And I crave that female and the fact that she pushes me away pisses me off to no end. There’s no doubt she’d be in my arms every night. I carefully tap my lips, lost in thoughts of her creamy skin. “What are you gonna do Alpha Harley,” Mitch questions. I bite the inside of my cheek hard, and draw blood. For whatever reason it calms me, helps me think. And Jaxson heals it within a few minutes anyhow. “What have you found out about this shit stain Dex,” I ask, loo
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8 - Privacy
~Dakota’s Point of View~ *I hope you know what you’re doing. Things are in motion, no going back. I think Harley will want to please us,* Laney says, as she licks her paws clean. That’s both good and bad, jeez. He’s the last person I want to have a debt owed to, especially because I know fully well he does not forget… a thing. I sigh, and look over at the wolf I now know to be Kent. Kent. Kind of like… uppity huh? I mean, I don’t know what I expected his wolf to be named but not that. *Well at least he keeps catching our meals so I can just relax ohhh, I’m exhausted,* Laney boasts, as she turns to her side and stretches. I mentally roll my eyes. Exhausted from what exactly?! Within seconds, Kent is on his feet and then rubbing his nose against our head. Laney and I both practically hum with the contact. Okay sooo maybe having a male around isn’t so bad! At least our wolf mate is sweet. The human mate… ehhh still figuring him out. Wolves are so much simpler. *Because he doe
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9 - Lifeline
~Dex’s Point of View~ “Stay here,” I say, as I carefully but quickly lift my mate off my lap and pop to my feet. “Fat chance,” she says, and I see her snatch up her shirt and put it on in a swift movement. Kent makes me watch her tits as they move, they’re fucking hypnotic. “Alpha dies, distracted by tits in battle.” Not because someone else was the better male, but because of titties. And the intense smell of her arousal on my face, on my hand that I can’t wash off. Probably wouldn’t be the first time a headline was out like that, but I can’t afford to let it be me. There’s no hiding the smell of sex from a wolf. Snarls and growls are close and I suddenly feel like I need a weapon. But having one means I can’t shift. I take the chance and grab two large rocks with sharp edges. Dakota copies me and we move out of the cave. It's barely thirty seconds before we’re at the fight, and when the four males see us, they stop dead in their tracks. They all look mean as snakes and my
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10 - Gamble
~Dakota’s Point of View~ “I feel like Robin Hood, just without the money,” I rave, as I pluck a camera from a tree and throw it back against the hard bark to smash it. Dex smiles, and it’s absolutely genuine. That was probably camera number twenty that we’d gotten rid of, and we were having an absolute blast. I love seeing him like this, just happy and carefree. He’s even gotten a bit of PDA in while we’ve been out today, though we knew nobody was around. Still, it’s a glimpse of what life with him might be like. Freely able to hug and kiss, snuggle and nuzzle with my mate. *It’s been amazing, but we really need to get on to the good stuff,* Laney protests. I bite my lip, but quickly get butterflies when Dex turns around with a handful of blueberries. My eyes light up and I greedily take them. He’d already found a pecan tree this morning, and we both stuffed ourselves. All I’ve been doing is wondering what our life will be like in a month, in a year. When things are more simple.
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