
Chapter 74: Sometimes Words Can Be More Effective Than Your Fist

The scattered blood and weird substance united as one and flew towards the man's right eye as it pierces his eyeball as it reaches his brain.

"Gargh!" The man lost his grip as he quickly holds his right eye.

That kind of small attack will pretty much deal a huge blow if one would use it right. And Mike uses that to his chance. Little did we know Mike also felt surprised that it actually works since he's not in the water that he didn't know if the weird substance will actually move.

And that is still in testing mode.

(But it works so it works! So who cares!?)

The man was stunned for a couple of seconds as he deals with his damaged right eye.

While the man was distracted, Mike steps his foot onto the ground to stand up as he balances himself leaning to the nearby tree. He suddenly feels dizzy for some reason.

(I guess I'm running out of fumes.) thought Mike as he clearly feels his small amount of blood circulating through his body. Too

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