
Chapter 9

I will admit, tonight's supper could have gone a lot better and a bit more smooth on both of our parts.

The lady continued asking me uncomfortable and unneeded questions, which were just resulting in me becoming apprehensive about myself and would wind up with me shuffling over my words.

It also did not encourage me when Nickolas was shooting daggers at me each time I said something he found inappropriate.

I was trying my best with what limited knowledge I knew about our contract, but it's not like I could outright lie when one of the Johnsons would ask me something about my home life.

I have no shame about anything that has happened to me in the past, and I will not be apologizing because my mother was indeed absent from my life because she became a substance misuser.

I'll admit, I could have probably kept that little piece of information to myself. Again, I was not thoroughly prepared when I came here tonight to be thrown to the wolves.

That's undoubtedly how I, personally, viewed the Johnson's.

The wife was like a wolf stalking around its prey, and I felt very much like I was under a police investigation lamp, shining brightly with all the attention on me.

The food, however, was magnificent. I ate a little too much, but now I understand why Nickolas has a personal cook. She knows how to blend the ingredients just right that left my taste buds tingling for more.

I couldn't take any credit for hosting anything about this supper, which Mrs. Johnson was delighted to inform me that she herself cooks the food for her husband's dinner parties.

She then proceeded to ask if I could cook, and again, I told her the truth. My grandpa constantly informed me that it would be better to always speak the truth, even if it would sound better.

I was close to losing my patience at this point, but I still did my best to remain calm. I tried to explain to the overwhelming woman who seemed to be overcompensating for something, that being my grandma was sick, I had little time to learn because I would always get home from work past the time to start cooking dinner.

“I'm sorry to hear about your grandmother,” she said and scrunched up her nose. “We donated a very generous amount to transplant surgeries last year for Christmas.”

Of course, you did.

I fought the need to roll my eyes and mumbled, “That was very kind of you.”

Nickolas and her husband had dismissed themselves, Nickolas sending me a pleading look not to blow it more than I already had, and followed Mr. Johnson out of the dining area.

I felt betrayed to be left alone with this exasperating woman when I would much rather be watching the football game that's going on in the living room.

I guess this will be something that I will have no choice but to get used to. I'm almost positive this will not be my last dinner with the Johnson's. If tonight goes as Nickolas planned before, I got a wild hair and showed up unannounced.

“Oh, that was nothing. My husband and I are big into giving back to those who are more in need,” she smiled big, showing her clearly bleached white teeth, and finally, I found something that wasn't perfect on the woman.

I have never been so self-conscious about myself, then sitting across from a woman who I had until a few seconds ago believed to be perfect, but it seems she does, in fact, have something about her body that she doesn't like.

Her teeth have been recently cleaned, and I bite down hard on my lips to stop from snickering at the sight of her red lipstick smeared across her teeth.

I have never been one to pick apart at another woman's appearance, but she has been doing that to me all night, and I won't lie. It feels good to notice something non-perfect about her.

She even commented on my glasses.

“Nickolas, surely you can afford to buy your new girlfriend a better pair of glasses. They look as if they came from a discount store,” she giggled as she gently cut a piece of delicious and perfectly cooked steak.

I seriously had to fight the urge to not throw my bitter tasting wine at her face. “Nothing is wrong with my glasses. My grandpa bought them for me,” I mumbled my displeasure, which only caused Nickolas to slide his hand under the table.

He settled it on my thigh and squeezed it silently, telling me that he was once again displeased with my response.

“Oh of course. Sentimental value. I understand that, sweetie. My mother and father gave me diamond earrings for Christmas one year, and I kept them tucked safely in my jewelry box back at home. They are adorable but not suitable for a business dinner party,” she said, brought the fork against her lips, and took the piece of steak into her mouth. “Time and place for everything,” she added after she finished chewing, holding a hand over her mouth.

“I will take her shopping tomorrow. I fell in love with her because of who she is, not because of how she dresses,” Nickolas chuckled easily, not sticking up for me but nor was he agreeing fully about my cheap glasses. “This is her first formal dinner party. She is nervous, and I'm sure we can all remember our first dinner party, I know I remember mine, and I was a nervous wreck.”

“Sure, I remember mine,” Mrs. Johnson paused and then added. “I believe I was seven years old. My father had invited me to one of his business partners' birthday dinners and I do remember feeling like I would mess things up, but I was just a child and the night ended up running like a smooth oil machine,” she giggled. “My father owns a chain of oil rigs, so that was a little family joke.”

“Oh right, you are, Nick. I remember how I felt, and it's not a good memory,” Mr. Johnson's full belly laughed. “I wound up spilling my wine onto the table, and it dripped on one of my father's friends' wives' dresses. My mother was furious and sent me to my room.”

I thought after that brief conversation, the rest of the dinner would go a little more smoothly, but I was wrong. Once the men left, she started back on the questioning, and this time, they made me out to look like a hooker, looking for a better life.

“You like staying here with Nickolas?” She asked me and lifted her eyebrow as she looked around the room. “He has a nice home, but with his amount of money, he could afford a munch bigger one.”

“It's nice,” I told her truthfully and pushed my plate away. I have only taken a few bites of my steak, but for some reason, my stomach feels overly full, and I believe it's because of the nervous butterflies flying around inside my belly. It could also be because I'm so darn uncomfortable sitting in just her and I. I know she is judging me even more with each question I answer.

“I'll be honest, I'm surprised that Nickolas fell for a woman like you,” she hummed, lifted her wine glass, and took a small sip. “No offense, of course, sweetie,” she added, but a part of me is starting to think she actually means to be offensive.

“No offense taken,” I lied and counted to ten inside my head before I ended up blowing on the woman. I have never been on to let my angry rule my actions, but this infuriating woman had me wanting to flip this table on top of her.

“It's just that. Nickolas usually goes for a certain type, and you don't exactly fit that,” she shrugged and looked apologetic, but I could tell she really wasn't sorry by the bright shine in her eyes.

She was enjoying this little game she and I were currently engaged in, and it was a game called how many times she could embarrass Nickolas's new girlfriend?

She was currently winning.

“People's taste change once they fall for someone,” I shrugged and acted like her words didn't bother me.

“Yes, I'm just wondering what made him fall for you. How do you both truly meet? You can be honest with me. Were you an escort when you met Nickolas?” She asked and forced her question to sound innocent.

The absolute nerve of this woman.

“Were you?” I snapped and instantly regretted my question.

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