Billionaire's Captive

Billionaire's Captive

Oleh:  Ruthie Lee   On going
Bahasa: English
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“Like we both know… you’re my tool, I am the handyman, and I’ll use you as I wish…” He growled glowering down at me as his hand gripped my waist. “You’re not human Hardy” I shook my head letting the tears fall. “We’ll see about that,” He said as his entire mouth aggressively covered mine. Joanne McCaine’s night suddenly went from normal to Bizarre, after being taken against her will the night of her best friend’s birthday, and to a villa owned by Hardy, a Ruthless billionaire who lived a secretive but yet mercurial life. Not knowing why she was suddenly kidnapped, Joanne soon learned that her best friend, Bailey and her father were in Hardy’s debt and Bailey had written Joanne off as payment in her place. Now wrongfully held as Hardy’s hostage, Joanne became not only his tool for revenge but also the center of attention of pleasure for Hardy after shaking his world- - .*

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Naomi Kira
I love this book so much, ...... it's so fascinating and captivating. The FL is so relatable and I can't wait for Lisa's murderer to be revealed.
2024-05-02 19:03:00
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Chapter 1
I simultaneously felt the cold nail polish on my fingers and the soft brush on my hair. The strong metallic and sweet odor caused my stomach to churn, but I couldn't tell whether it was the nail polish or my nervousness that was involved.As one of the maids attempted to apply mascara to my unstable blinking eyes, I apologized after she attempted to conceal her anger by tsking incessantly."Ma’am”, please," she pleaded.I apologized again after clearing my voice.Once I had completed adorning my face, I was calmly instructed to stand and cautiously enter my luxurious purple silk gown.I was following whatever these maids in black and blue uniforms told me, and before I knew it, I looked like a completely different person as I stood in front of the mirror to look at myself."You look amazing, ma'am." The youngest-looking maid among them said, smiling at me.I wanted to thank her, but I couldn't find my voice after she continued."Master will really be pleased with you."Master...The wo
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Chapter 2
The sun had set, and the night coldness had slowly crept its way through the day.My mind was in complete havoc, and my body refused to relax.I quietly let out a grunt as Trinity, the head maid, tightened the corset around my waist. She immediately flashed me an apologetic smile."I'm sorry, beauty is pain, isn't it?" She joked and laughed to herself.I remained quiet and watched nothing but my reflection as I recalled what their 'Master' said to me this morning."I'm sure you know it's tonight." His words repeated themselves for the hundredth time in my head, and I shivered.What was tonight?What about tonight? I've had on about three outfits today in this very room, just for the sake of this master, and all the dresses were made of silk, but I only saw him once. I was very likely to meet him tonight, and that is to say, ten minutes from now.And now this third dress came with a corset that was trying to squeeze the blood out of my body, leaving me drained.Trinity quietly arrange
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Chapter 3
-JOANNEComing from a low-income back bone and being a workaholic, I was rarely exposed to luxurious places.So I gasped like a fool when I took a good look at the breath-seizing dining room in front of me. The walls were nearly as high as the sky, with strings of gold glistening on them.A large crystal-like chandelier hung from the roof, brightening the area and adding gold hues to the big dining table beneath it.The floors were wooden carpets that reflected practically everything above them, and the dining table was fit for a king and queen. Everything was deeply untouchable, and I instantly felt out of place, recalling the small, terrible apartment Bailey and I shared.I gulped.Out of all the rooms, this looked the most expensive, given that it was only a room to dine in.I haven't been in many other rooms, so I guess there is still so much I haven't seen. But heaven help me, because I wouldn't want to break anything here. I immediately noticed the man called 'Master' sitting
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Chapter 4
JOANNE contd. I stared back and forth between Hardy and Theodore.The two men were trying to kill me before I could get a chance to life. The words Hardy had breathed seconds ago were still making my entire body shake.I would be carrying his child and I signed a contract on it?On what planet did that happen?“She’s not the one, there has been a mistake Hardy” Theodore repeated his words, getting Hardy’s face to slowly morph into anger.I had no idea who Theodore was to Hardy, but I could tell they were really close, because of the way he spoke, he didn't care to place the formal tone everyone else did. But what is actually going on? "What do you mean? What mistake?" Hardy spat getting on his feet. Theodore breathed out a sigh, before he started speaking. "Joanne here, is here against her will, she did not sign the contract or any contract from us, she doesn't even know what she's doing here. She was basically robbed." "And How did you find out? Why are you just finding out? H
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Chapter 5
JOANNE- I opened my eyes to meet nothing but a pure white surface; my stomach gave an uneasy feeling as I tried to ponder where I was. Suddenly the events and words that happened earlier replayed in my mind and I found myself gasping for air. "Miss Joanne... Are you okay?" A familiar feminine voice rushed towards me, but I was too busy trying to catch my breath to decipher who it was. "It's okay, miss. Just breathe" I felt someone hold my hand, and I immediately grabbed a hold of the person's hand to gauge myself.Like an infliction every said words from Hardy and Theodore hit me. Surrogacy. Contracts... Debt.. What in the world had I fixed my legs Into. I shut my eyes and could only hear the sound of my breath and slowly my mind traveled back to 'that night'. I opened my eyes again and turned to my side to make out who was beside me. And of course it was Trinity. "You're okay," she smiled. "What happened?" I asked, about to sit up. "You passed out," Trinity replied, g
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Chapter 6
-JOANNE My insides felt like jello as my waist was still imprisoned in Hardy's grasp. His voice and breaths behind my ear made every nerve in my body prickle. He sounded angry.But what the hell did he mean? I just made a hell of a mistake.It wouldn't have been a mistake if he had just let me go. And I had checked the hallways earlier; they were refreshingly empty. Where the hell did he come from? I turned to face him, with my waist leaving his hand, and his eyes almost melted me into the wooden floor.His stare was as alarming as it was charming; he was glaring at me, and the glare said nothing but how he wouldn't mind killing me because I tried to escape. I didn't really know if that was what he was thinking, but that was all I could see. If glares could kill, I would be dead. Because Hardy wasn't taking it nicely on me. Still glaring at me, Hardy raised his hand, and immediately two men, built in body but not in height, dressed in casual clothes, walked into the hallway an
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Chapter 7
JOANNE* Adjusting his neck tie, and taking his off his jacket after,Hardy gave me a look. My gut gave me a weird feeling, like he was going to force me to the bed any minute. He wouldn't now, would he? I held my breath, as I watched the man in front of me. His eyes never left mine as he managed to take off his wrist watch, and unbuttoned the first two buttons of his white shirt that was almost a see through. I gulped. Hardy sighed "Now…" Now what? What did he want now? "I don't like you sitting on the floor. Would you get up." His voice was gruesome and demanding.I got up. "Good" He breathed out. "Now… let's have a proper conversation, take a seat" His voice was low, as he gestured his hand towards the wooden chair at the end of the room which was hardly visible. I looked back and forth between Hardy and the chair, not wanting to have any conversation. "Go!" He ordered, and I found my feet making their way towards the chair.So bossy!And I didn't know what he would d
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Chapter 8
I was lying on Hardy's king sized bed watching my life fall behind me. His room had become mine, which was more like a prison than a room, I wasn't allowed to go outside the room myself. I never had a reason to, and even when I once decided I would like to see the sun and feel the wind on my skin, I had more than four entourages, including Theodore, they all stayed glued to me like I was going to fly if they glanced elsewhere. Well I did plan for my big fly, but they never glanced elsewhere at the same time. I won't blame them, they were just doing their job. And I was doing somebody else's job. How sad. And after that day, I never requested to go outside again, all I did was eat and sleep in such a room. I got so sick of everything at one point, I tore down the gorgeous gigantic portrait of Hardy, crushed everything into almost crumbs, waiting for his worst. He did see the mess I created, but said nothing, he ended up ignoring me just like always, and I almos
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Chapter 9
That night, Hardy had stepped into my room - The room that used to be his. And with his sleeves all rolled up, exposing his veiny hands, he gave me this look. That look that somehow became the hardest thing for me to decipher. I was Joanne McCain, the brainiac in school who was smart enough to solve things right in a flick of an eye. But there was something about the look he gave me that I couldn't solve. It was not unpleasant yet was not pleasant either. "What?" I shook my head, when he wouldn't say a thing, but bury me alive with his stare. "Watch your tone," He scowled. I rolled my eyes as I took a seat in front of the newly built wall mirror and the princess-like table in front of it. Supposedly, it was to make the room more feminine-like and also to my liking, but it just made me feel like Rapunzel, the three days old pregnant version. I picked up a brush and started to brush my hair with it, doing that to buy time and not feel awkward with Hardy in my room or his
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Chapter 10
"Miss Joanne. . .""Miss joanne!""Joanne!" I was brought back to life thanks to the small tap one of the maids behind me dropped on my shoulder. I turned to my side to see Trinity beside me, her mouth slightly parted open, and her eyes craving for my attention. "Yeah…" I managed to say, adjusting my weight on the Chair."You've been spacing out more than usual, is everything okay?" Trinity asked. Nothing about my life was okay, as long as I was under Hardy's custody. I said nothing, but my eyes said more and Trinity grabbed it. Seeing that the maids were all done brushing my hair, Trinity told them to excuse us. The room emptied in one go, leaving Trinity and I alone. As the head maid, she got more respect than every other person, including me. She sighed. "I heard Master Hardy came to your room last night." "Mmm hmm.." I nodded, taking a chance to stare at my reflection with the mirror in front of me. "And I guess he must have said something that's become
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