Alpha's claim

Alpha's claim

Oleh:  socialoutreach101  On going
Bahasa: English
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As the leader of his pack, alpha werewolf Lucas has always gotten what he wants. And what he wants now is Jessica, a fiercely independent woman who has always resisted his advances. But when danger threatens their pack, Lucas sees his chance to finally claim Jessica as his mate and strengthen their bond. As they work together to protect their pack from a rival clan, Jessica can't deny the electric attraction she feels for Lucas. But she's always been determined to make her own choices, and the idea of being a submissive werewolf mate doesn't sit well with her. Lucas must find a way to convince Jessica that their connection is more than just physical, and that submitting to him doesn't mean giving up her independence. But as they navigate the dangerous world of werewolf politics, they may not have the luxury of taking things slow. Will Jessica be able to let go of her reservations and accept Lucas as her alpha and mate? Or will their differences tear them apart and leave their pack vulnerable to attack?

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9 Bab
Feral Urges
Jessica woke up with a start, drenched in sweat. She had been having the same dream for weeks now, a vivid and intense dream that left her feeling both aroused and unnerved. In the dream, Lucas was holding her down, his teeth bared and his eyes glowing with a fierce intensity. He would growl and snarl as he took her, and she would submit to him completely, lost in a sea of feral urges. She shook her head, trying to clear her thoughts. She knew that these dreams were dangerous, that they spoke to a part of her that she wasn't ready to confront. But try as she might, she couldn't shake the feeling that something was changing inside of her. Jessica got out of bed and headed towards the kitchen, hoping that a cup of tea might help calm her nerves. As she walked through the silent house, she couldn't shake the feeling that she was being watched. She turned around, but there was no one there. Lucas was already in the kitchen when she arrived, his broad shoulders hunched over the counter
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The Alpha's Pursuit
The full moon hung low in the sky, casting an eerie glow over the forest. Jessica knew better than to venture out alone at night, especially during a full moon when the werewolves were known to roam. But she had urgent business to attend to, and she couldn't afford to wait until morning. As she hurried through the dense underbrush, she heard the sound of footsteps behind her. Her heart leaped into her throat, and she spun around, ready to defend herself. But it was only Lucas, the alpha of the local werewolf pack. Jessica had always been wary of Lucas, with his intense gaze and commanding presence. She knew he wanted her as his mate, but she wasn't ready to give up her freedom to anyone, let alone a dominant werewolf like him. "What are you doing out here alone?" Lucas asked, his voice low and rumbling. "I could ask you the same thing," Jessica replied, her tone cautious. Lucas took a step closer, and Jessica felt her pulse quicken. Despite her reservations, she couldn't deny the
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Dangerous Territory
Jessica spent the next few days avoiding Lucas, unable to shake the memories of their passionate encounter in the woods. She knew she couldn't keep running forever, but she wasn't ready to confront him yet.On the third day, Jessica received a summons from Lucas, requesting her presence at the pack's headquarters. She tried to come up with an excuse to decline, but she knew she couldn't keep avoiding him forever.Taking a deep breath, Jessica made her way to the pack's headquarters, a sprawling mansion nestled in the heart of the forest. As she approached the grand entrance, she felt a surge of nervous energy coursing through her veins.Jessica had never been to the pack's headquarters before, and she couldn't help but feel overwhelmed by the sheer size and opulence of the mansion. The grand entrance was flanked by two massive stone pillars, with the pack's emblem emblazoned on the wrought iron gates.Jessica hesitated before pushing the gates open, her heart pounding in her chest. As
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Moonlit Confessions
The next few days were a blur of activity for Jessica. She spent most of her time training with the pack, honing her skills and learning new techniques. Lucas had taken her under his wing, teaching her everything he knew about combat and strategy. As they trained, Jessica felt a sense of camaraderie with the other members of the pack. She had never felt so connected to a group of people before, and she knew that she had found her true family. But as the days wore on, Jessica began to notice something strange happening to her. She felt a restlessness building within her, a sense of energy that she couldn't quite explain. At night, she would often find herself staring up at the moon, feeling a strange pull towards it. She didn't understand what was happening to her, but she knew that it was something powerful and primal. One evening, as she lay in bed, Jessica felt the restlessness reach a fever pitch. She tossed and turned, unable to shake the feeling that something was happening t
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Pack Dynamics
As the days passed, Jessica grew more comfortable with her new life as a werewolf. She had quickly learned to control her transformations and had become a valued member of the pack. But as much as she loved her new family, Jessica couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. She knew that there was more to being a werewolf than just running through the forest and howling at the moon. One day, she decided to talk to Lucas about her concerns. They were sitting by a campfire, the flames casting flickering shadows across their faces. "Lucas," she began hesitantly. "I feel like there's something I'm missing. Like there's more to being a werewolf than what we're doing." Lucas nodded thoughtfully. "You're right," he said. "Being a werewolf is about more than just physical strength and agility. It's about understanding the pack dynamic and your place within it." Jessica furrowed her brow. "What do you mean?" Lucas leaned forward, his eyes locked onto hers. "Every pack has its own hierarchy
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Tempting fate
Jessica tried to acclimate to her life as a werewolf but a persistent unease lingered within her. She couldn't quite put her finger on what was wrong but she knew something was off with the pack. Despite her unease, she threw herself into her training and spent her days bonding with her fellow pack members, hoping to shake off the feeling. However, as time went on, the tension within the pack only seemed to grow. The underlying sense of danger made her feel like something was lurking beneath the surface. With each passing day, the feeling became more intense, causing her to wonder if she was losing her mind. She began to notice that the other pack members were on edge, avoiding eye contact and keeping to themselves. The once boisterous and playful group was now sullen and tense. She knew something had to be done to address the mounting tension within the pack. Despite her fear, Jessica made the decision to speak up. She couldn't stay silent any longer, her concern for the pack's saf
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The mating dance
As the tension within the pack finally began to ease, Lucas and Jessica found themselves drawn even closer to one another. The bond between them had grown strong, and they both knew that they were meant to be together. One night, as they sat by the fire, Lucas took Jessica's hand in his, his gaze intense. "Jessica," he said softly. "I know that we've been trying to fight this, but I can't do it anymore. I need you, and I know that you need me too." Jessica's heart raced at his words, and she knew that he was right. She had been trying to deny her feelings for too long, and now she couldn't hold back any longer. With a fierce determination, she leaned in to kiss him, their lips meeting in a fiery embrace. The passion between them was intense, and they both knew that there was no turning back. As they kissed, Lucas gently laid Jessica down on the blanket, his hands exploring her body with a hunger that left her breathless. She moaned softly as he traced the curves of her breasts, hi
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Claimed By The Alpha
Jessica woke up the next morning feeling both euphoric and a little nervous. She had given herself to Lucas fully and completely, and now she was his mate in every sense of the word. As she looked over at him sleeping peacefully beside her, she couldn't help but feel a sense of awe at the powerful alpha male lying there. Lucas was hers, and she was his. It was a feeling of possession that both excited and scared her. The rest of the pack had been quick to accept their new alpha pair, and Jessica was grateful for their support. She knew that there would still be challenges ahead, but she was ready to face them as long as she had Lucas by her side. As they got up and dressed, Lucas seemed to be a man on a mission. He was focused and intense, and Jessica couldn't help but feel a little intimidated by him. "Come with me," he said, his voice low and commanding. "There is something I need to show you." Jessica followed him out into the woods, her heart racing with anticipation. She tru
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Ferral understanding??
Jessica awoke with a start, her body bathed in a sheen of sweat, tangled in the aftermath of dreams that lingered in the realm between arousal and disquiet. The vivid images of Lucas, teeth bared and eyes ablaze, holding her down, growling in a sea of feral urges—intense and unnerving—had become a nightly ritual, a dance with desires she wasn't ready to confront.Shaking her head in the dim morning light, Jessica tried to dispel the haunting remnants of her dreams, recognizing the danger they posed. Dangerous, not in their explicit nature, but in the truths they hinted at, truths she wasn't prepared to unearth. Yet, like shadows, these feral urges clung to her.Venturing towards the kitchen, the silent house seemed to pulse with the weight of unspoken tension. Lucas, broad-shouldered and enigmatic, already inhabited the kitchen, sipping coffee as if nothing extraordinary had transpired between them. His smile, warm and inviting, caused Jessica's heart to flutter like a captive bird."
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