Alpha King's Human Mate

Alpha King's Human Mate

Oleh:  Lana Mora  On going
Bahasa: English
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Dora, a scrappy orphan barely scraping by, is kidnapped and dragged into the hidden world of werewolves. To her shock, she learns werewolves are real and she was already ""mated"" to the Alpha King against her will. The problem was, Dora had mistaken him for a human trafficker, and had unintentionally rejected their bond. As punishment for her crime, Dora was sentenced to two years of servitude to repay her ""debt."" As time passes, the broken bond between Dora and the King slowly mends. But doubts plague them both - will the King forgive Dora's unintentional rejection? And even if he accepts her, will the pack ever welcome a human as their Luna? Or will they demand the King take a werewolf mate who meets tradition's standards?

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30 Bab
Chapter 1 Cold, Hungry, and Utterly Alone.
Dora's POVI dragged my feet up the steps to my apartment, exhausted after another failed day of job hunting. "Come on, Dora, you need to find a job quickly or you won't be able to afford groceries or pay rent," I scolded myself. "Get out there and keep applying - something will turn up soon if you stay persistent."With no job on the horizon, I worried about how I would pay for necessities like food and housing if my unemployment stretched on much longer.It had been a month since I was let go from my job at the diner, and my savings were completely dried up. Being an orphan, I had no family to turn to for help. And since moving to this town right after high school, I hadn't made many close friends either. As I unlocked my apartment door and stepped inside, my stomach let out a loud growl."Gosh, I'm so hungry," I said aloud to myself. "It feels like it's been forever since I've had a good meal."I walked to the kitchen and opened the fridge, frowning when I saw how barren it was.
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Chapter 2 Crashing The Gang's Party
Dora's POV"Shit, I'm fucked." I blurted as I rounded the corner, coming face to face with a hulking bouncer. He had to be over six and a half feet tall, with bulging muscles straining against his black t-shirt. But it wasn't his size that made my heart skip a beat - it was the large silver fang dangling from a heavy chain around his neck. I had heard whispers about the notorious Silver Fang gang that controlled this part of the city. They were a secretive bunch, identifiable only by the fang accessories and tattoos that marked their allegiance. I had never laid eyes on one before tonight. Just my luck to stumble across one now."I...I was just..." I stammered, taking a few steps back. The instinct to flee was overpowering my craving for warmth and a hot meal. Nothing good could come from engaging with a gang member. I pivoted to hurry away, but collided with a solid wall of muscle. "Oww," I groaned, looking up, I saw another hulking figure, this one with a gleaming silver fang ea
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Chapter 3 Paired With The Gang's Boss.
Dora's POVI was focused on clearing my plate of food, not paying much attention to my surroundings, when a bone-chilling howl suddenly echoed through the hall. The music and idle chatter ceased immediately. My heart hammered as I took in the group entering with domineering strides. "What the hell?"At the front were five powerfully built men, taller and broader than anyone else in the room. Black leather ensembles and ornate wolf masks obscured their features, but their commanding presence left no doubt - these were the gang's leaders. Silver fangs glinted menacingly at throats and earlobes. My eyes were drawn to the central figure, clearly the top boss. Though I couldn't see his face, there was an air of lethal grace surrounding him that appealed to my baser instincts."Stop staring unless you want to die!" A girl beside me whispered, elbowing me to the guts not so gently.I tore my gaze away and kept my mouth shut.The rest of the crowd instantly parted for the new arrivals, bowi
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Chapter 4 Caught & Bitten!
Dora's POVI bolted from the hall, the deafening howl ringing in my ears. I didn't dare look back, certain I'd see men chasing after me. But as I ran headlong into the night, the only sound was my frantic footsteps. Finally I had to stop, gasping for breath."Hopefully he won't look for me."I pressed myself into a shadowed doorway, praying I had put enough distance between myself and that strange hall of thugs. But I knew staying in the city was impossible now. As my heartbeat slowed, I became aware of the chill rain still falling. The storm seemed reluctant to release the city from its dreary grasp. Shivering, I hunched deeper into the scant shelter of the doorway. "Where could I go now?"The streets were mostly empty in the late hour. I began walking again, aimless but unable to bear remaining still. At every corner, I glanced over my shoulder nervously. The city was unfamiliar to me, but I had to keep moving. At a street crossing I bumped into a man, mumbling an apology. When
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Chapter 5 Tracking Chip.
Dora's POV I awoke slowly, aware first of dull soreness in my neck. Blinking up at an unfamiliar ceiling, it took me a moment to get my bearings. I was in a luxurious bedroom filled with morning sunlight. "For a brief, confused moment I wondered if I had died and somehow ended up in heaven."Gingerly I sat up, pressing a hand to my tender neck. Flashes of memory returned - the fangs, the chase through the rainy city streets, and King's handsome but terrifying face as he pinned me down, his teeth at my throat..."Blast!"I bolted from the bed and rushed to the bathroom, afraid of what I would see in the mirror. Bandages were taped to the side of my neck over two small mm puncture marks - bite marks. King's bite. It all came rushing back. How he had bitten me in some bizarre possessive gesture before I mercifully passed out in the SUV. Revulsion and anger churned in my gut. I had been kidnapped by that gang leader who insisted I was his "mate". I was halfway to the door, ready to f
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Chapter 6 Make A Wish
Dora's POVI paced around the luxurious bedroom, scratching angrily at the tiny tracker chip under my skin. "This insidious device is like a ticking time bomb," I muttered. "Escape is impossible now." Despair overwhelmed me.Until a gentle knock on the door caught my attention as the nurse entered with a meal tray. "Time to eat," she said cheerfully. "Get out!" I screamed, throwing a pillow at her, my voice growing hoarse. "I won't eat anything in this gilded prison!" The food tray crashed to the floor as she fled from the room. Ignoring the mess, I tore at the elegant bed linens and smashed a vase against the wall in rage. My tantrum didn't go unnoticed as Mary, the maid soon came rushing into the room. "Ms Dora, please calm down," she implored, her eyes welling with tears as she cleaned the mess left by the nurse.I watched from the other side of the room trying my best to keep my tears in. "Ms Dora...""Leave me alone!" I threw another pillow at her as well, scaring the little m
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Chapter 7 The Missing Necklace
Dora's POVI awoke the next morning feeling refreshed after a full night's rest. "Sunny days are signs of a great day." I smiled, stretching out the knots in my bones.The knot of despair in my chest had loosened overnight. "Perhaps today I would find the perfect opportunity to regain my freedom if I persevered."I rushed into the bathroom and quickly washed up. And for the first time ever since I arrived, I allowed myself to enjoy the luxurious bath. "Good morning, Luna." Mary chirped the moment I stepped back into the room. I bit back my scoff and grunted a reply."Morning Mary, how was your night?" I said instead, then scolded myself for asking. I watched with dismay as the girl's eye widened in surprise. "I'm alright ma'am! Thanks. I brought your breakfast. I don't know what you like so I made everything."I glanced at the table by the window. She made everything indeed. Eggs bacon, sandwiches to pancakes.I shook my head. "I don't need those, I'm not hungry." I wasn't, all tha
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Chapter 8 The Alley
Dora's POVI thrashed around desperately as King's strong arms wrapped around me from behind. He had caught me while I was searching the dark alley for my lost necklace. "Let me go!" I cried out, trying to break free from his grip. But it was useless against his muscular frame.King spun me around to face him, his eyes flashing with anger. "Just what do you think you're doing out here? Planning another escape attempt?" he growled."No, I was looking for my necklace!" I insisted, close to tears now. That necklace meant everything to me. It was the last gift my mom gave me before she passed away. Losing it felt like losing a piece of her. But King didn't seem moved by my explanation. "Don't lie to me. You know you're not allowed to wander off on your own," he said gruffly. Before I could protest further, he began dragging me back towards the sleek black car idling nearby. Derek sat in the driver's seat, one hand casually draped over the steering wheel. He glanced up when King shoved m
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Chapter 9 An Eventful Dinner
Dora's POVKing stalked out of Mon Beau, fuming. How dare she continue moping over some worthless old trinket when he had just lavished her with the finest riches? Derek scrambled to gather up the mountain of glossy shopping bags and escort me back to the car. I kept my eyes downcast, too afraid to meet King's furious gaze.As we drove back towards the mansion, my stomach let out an embarrassingly loud growl. I hadn't eaten anything since that morning. King's anger transformed to concern in an instant. "You must be famished, pet. We'll stop for dinner right away.""Oh, no that's not necessary!" I protested weakly, but King would have none of it. "Nonsense. Only the finest dining experience for my queen," he declared. Before I could object further, he had directed Derek to pull up in front of Le Lys Blanc, the most elite five-star restaurant in the city.I balked as we entered the grand foyer with its soaring ceilings, massive crystal chandeliers, and ornate gilded details. The patro
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Chapter 10 Brittany's Revenge
Brittany's POV"That little rat Dora is going to pay for this!" How dare she show up flaunting lavish jewels and an arrogant alpha, acting like she was better than me? Me - Brittany Woods - the most popular and envied girl in school! And then she had the audacity to assault me in the bathroom when I tried claiming what was meant to be mine. That necklace should have been mine! I seethed as Jake's beta drove us away from the restaurant, my wrist still stinging from where Dora had slapped it away. "Don't worry babe, I'll make her regret laying a hand on you," Jake growled. But he was just talking big. He couldn't even retaliate while King had beaten him effortlessly in that bathroom brawl over a measly orphan. No, I would have to take matters into my own hands. A sinister plan started forming in my mind, bringing a smirk to my face. King's weakness was clearly his new little pet, Dora. And I knew exactly how to exploit that vulnerability.I had Jake book me the next flight to Miami.
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