A Wolves paradise

A Wolves paradise

By:  Sasha L  Completed
Language: English
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They had lived in peace, a small tribe in the mountains for generations, but when the humans figure out what they are. Packs begin to go missing, villages wiped out. Then, when Lycia wakes up in a facility with no memory of how she got there, her life changes, along with all the others who were forced to enter there

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A Wolves Paradise is a werewolf novel, written by Sasha, and its readers claim that it is an amazing novel. Starring Lycia, she stayed hidden with her pack for almost a thousand years, so they wouldn't be hunted, but one day they were found by humans, yet she cannot be repressed, and her exorbitant wolf strength will come out. If you are looking for a novel of action and unexpected twists and turns, you must read A Wolves Paradise.

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Sasha prior
Brilliant read I’m really enjoying it
2021-09-03 15:34:54
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Sasha prior
I like the story, it feels like what would really happen if humans found out about things like werewolves
2021-08-31 05:58:47
29 Chapters
Chapter 1
The small towns scent was vulgar and sickening, the smell of rusted metal and heavy smoke circling the bitter icy air, entrapping me in its folds. I groaned, attempting to shake away the queasy feeling in my stomach, though it only proved to make matters worse and I heaved; lurching forward. My partner in the annual run stopped suddenly at the sound of my distress, turning back to gaze in my direction as I had seemed to have fallen behind. Blowing out a long breath, I watched the condensation seep from my lips, forcing myself to concentrate on anything other than the putrid smells; wondering briefly how to people lived here with the ghastly smog looming all around them. The world continued to change, bringing new smells and rules that I had not heard of before, though why, I was unsure. To me, the way that things had been almost one hundred and fifty years ago seemed completely fine, if not perfect. At least, that was
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Chapter 2
My sister cackled with laughter as she loaded our belongings onto the elegantly carved sledge, her shoulders shaking as she fought to catch her breath. I tugged the store door shut as I followed her down the street, wondering why she had gone completely mad, and if I myself had caused it.It took several hours for us to make it home, the conversation between us bare and simple, as though we could hardly wait to be free of one another. Which of course was true, I couldn’t stand being around my sister for more than a few hours, our foolish bickering always driving my mind towards anger. Something not one of us could allow, anger made us dangerous, to everyone. Mortal or immortal. We delivered the cart to those whom we had been ordered, our paths once again parting ways as my sister returned to her own hut, preparing to cook for when her mate arrived home from the hunt. I turned
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Chapter 3
The alpha’s hut was the largest of all the others in the village, able to hold several of our people and still have room for more, it held a large double bed, a fire pit and a place for Terious to receive up to ten people at once. I took a large breath and cleared my throat, the alpha conferring with another member of the tribe about sharing the food equally among the tribe. Something i did not care to listen to as i was eager to learn of what would become of me.“Lycia. Do not interrupt me.” Terious snarled, causing my entire body to shiver and forcibly bow. Something that i had always hated to admit affected me.Why should one man have control over all others of the tribe? And why must the anger in his voice frighten me beyond reason? I knew the reasons, but I despised them all the same. I did not believe that one man should rule over an entire village the way that he
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Chapter 4
Terious smiled wildly, his eyes blazing with something i had never seen before. “Take your time. But after the full moon, i want you to declare that you are mine.”I took another step back when he began to walk towards me, struggling to answer; I nodded. How could I possibly make such a decision in one day?“you’re dismissed.” He said after a long silence, seeming to finally notice my sceptical mind.I nodded, forcing a small smile as I turned to leave, my mind racing over a thousand possibilities and questions.“Tomorrow then.” He called after me, his toothy smile once again sending shivers of confusion down my spine.I smiled, exiting the tent as I spoke. “Tomorrow.”I stood in the centr
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Chapter 5
“Lycia, why have you come?” My mother asked me with a frown, as always disheartened to see her disappointment of a daughter.My smile dropped along with my  a confidence as I spoke. “I'd like a word with you and father ... Privately.”“Very well.” My father nodded, turning towards my sister’s. “Take your brother and wait outside.”The girls nodded, taking Terion by the hand and retreating from the hut, both of them knowing better than to disobey our father. I waited in silence as my mother and father stood from their seats and stepped towards me, their features blank of expression.“Don’t tell me that you have been banished from the tribe. You are my biggest regret Lycia, why can’t you just behave like the other women.” My father blu
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Chapter 6
I woke just outside my small hut, naked and cold, my entries body burning in agony from the changing. I hated the pain of the  morning after, but waking up alone and scared was the worst part of all. I couldn’t handle the feeling of solitude any longer as I pulled myself from the ground, a strange scratch showing allow my lower chest. Had I gotten into a fight?Shaking my head in anger I stumbled into my hut, quickly moving towards the spare pair of clothes in the corner, why must I always wake with no clothes? Surely that was the worst part of the transformation, waking in the nude where the whole pack could see my virtue. The pain I had gotten used to, but I could never grow used to being naked in the middle of the village; that was too much. Truthfully I couldn’t decide what the worst  part was, all I knew is that I hated everything about the transformation
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Chapter 7
“Yes, I will marry you.”He rushed towards me wish a glistening smile spread across his bulky features, ripping from the ground as though I weighed nothing and spun me around in the air. Pulling me towards him I was embraced in my first kiss, the taste of fresh blood on his lips. I sunk into the kiss, wrapping my arms around his neck as he cradled me, holding me tightly in his arms. I sighed happily when he finally pulled away, feeling as though I could finally be happy, more so than I had ever been before. He placed me onto the ground and took a step back, watching me so intently that I feared I may have had a zit or a scar on my face.He cleared his throat, shaking his head as he ran a hand through his tangled hair. “Apologies. I fear that I lost control for a moment.”I mimicked his movements, at first unsure what to say. &l
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Chapter 8
A sharp sound pounded towards my ears as I shot awake, my heart thumping recklessly against my chest as Terious stirred beside me, slowly awaking from his slumber.  Had someone come to finish the job they had started a few weeks ago, just after I had fully recovered from the poison? I bit my bottom lip, pulling the blanket up to my chin as I attempted to ignore it, passing it off as nothing other than my terror getting the best of me. I jumped to my feet when the thundering clang sounded once more, the alpha finally waking as I stumbled to get dressed; knowing that we needed to find out where the sound was coming from. I couldn’t ignore it anymore as several more echoing shots rang out, filling my ears with a strange ringing. Was it one of the other tribes coming to settle a feud? The humans? Who was attacking us in the dead of night?“Terious, I’m scared.&rd
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Chapter 9
So that’s why they were attacking, they knew what we were. But how? Who had informed the humans that we exited here, and how did they find us? Something clicked within my mind. The doctor. The doctor must have told them we were here. No one else knew where we were. Traitor, I growled, knowing that the human doctor was responsible for my people being attacked and shot down.The men jumped back, recoiling as I growled, the man sat in front of me moving back in fear. Funny, I thought, that they are more afraid of me than I am of them. But if so, why had they come?“Calm down. We are not going to harm you.” The man who sat not far from murmured, his eyes wide as he watched me for a response. Believing that I would attack him.“Where is Terious?!” I snarled, finding a strength from deep within me I lunged, scratching the man&r
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Chapter 10
I groaned, stirring against the harsh florescent light, my eyes burning as they fought to adjust, the sudden change in atmosphere clear to me as i tried to move; my entire frame bound by something I couldn’t see. I opened my eyes again, nervously waiting for them to adjust to the knew light, immediately searching for something that i could use to free myself. After a moment i sighed heavily, the glossy white room was completely bare except for the floating bed i was bound to, strange wires disappearing into my arm through a small incision. I quickly began to panic, my heart thumping in reckless motions​, where was I?I screamed, thrashing against the bed as i remembered what had happened, the world had suddenly turned black and I was taken to a strange place. Bound and locked in a strange room with no door. But where was Terious? He had promised to return for me, to come back when he had saved our people. Only their w
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