Lahat ng Kabanata ng Accidentally Yours: Kabanata 1 - Kabanata 9
9 Kabanata
“Brielle Wallace, do you take Ace Reynolds to be your lawfully wedded husband?”The priest inquired gently, his gaze and every other gaze in the cathedral, including the cold one in front of me, settled on me, anticipating that I replied with a “yes”.Maybe they all expected I smiled along with my answer, which was so ridiculous considering no one thought I would be asked this silly question until a few minutes earlier.I was dressed to be the bridesmaid, not the bride. I wasn't supposed to be the bride, my sister was. This wasn't my fate, it was my sister’s. When I was very young, my mother always read this bedtime story to me. It was about a princess who got her fate swapped with a river goddess by merely standing by the riverside.I always thought it was a ridiculous story because I didn't believe such a crucial thing as one’s fate could be swapped in a split second. Now, I understood.Indeed, it was possible. It was feasible because it just happened to me.All my dreams of final
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He kissed and kissed. He didn't stop. When I thought he would stop, he didn't.His lips were soft on mine. Hot, urgent, and hungry.Why would he kiss me in this manner? He seems to be enjoying it. Ace cupped my cheek, his thumb caressing it gently as he intensified his kiss.My legs turned to a piece of jelly. My trembling hands doing nothing but, resting my hand on his hard rock chest in an attempt to pry him off. Why is he doing this? Why is he kissing me like he wants me? Why did he say what he said earlier? What did he mean?I shuddered in fear hoping all of these is over soon.Finally, he breaks the kiss. He broke the kiss but, his face was still dangerously close to mine. I try not to stare into his eyes but, he takes my chin in his delicate fingers and shoves my face up, forcing me to look at him.And when I did, I melted underneath that gaze. It was the brightest shade of blue I had ever seen. Menacing yet, intoxicating.“Congrats on this new phase.”He whispered to me, plant
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But, why would he take Isobel? It made absolutely no sense. He probably was the one who asked her to marry him. Why would he do that and then proceed to abduct her on their wedding day?I instantly made it to the party, not bothering to ask questions I didn't have answers to. Scrambling through the crowd, I searched for Mom or Dad desperately. They need to know that man had taken Isobel and so help me God I see one of them before Ace does.As soon as I sight Mom in the crowd, sipping champagne and staring into space, I breathed a relieved sigh.I walked up to her with steps of desperation. Immediately Mom noticed me, she frowned, settling her flute of champagne on the tray of a server who sweeps past her at that time.“Honey, where did you go again? Harper went to pay a visit to you and your husband but, you weren't—”“Mom please!” I cut in. “For the love of God, can you stop calling that man my husband? It's just a stand-in, remember?”Mom looked taken aback with the way I had snapp
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I let the night breeze brush my pale skin as I peered out the window of the black SUV.The breeze was chilly against my skin but, nothing could be more chilly than the thought of starting a home with Ace.Becoming his wife.Ace Reynolds took a different car. A Rolls-Royce Sweptail driving closely behind us.I supposed I should be relieved that we weren't sharing the same breathing space at the moment and I was but, whenever I peered back and caught a glimpse of the Rolls-Royce behind us, I felt my stomach twist in anxiety.It even felt worse.It felt like I was being watched. I was under the watch of the most ruthless man I know.He wasn’t with me in the car but, his presence wasn't missed either. I felt it. Closely. Like he never left.Ace Reynolds had grabbed my wrist forcefully and pulled me out of the party before I had time to protest - which I wasn't even planning to do.However, when I saw my mother watch me as I got pulled out by Ace Reynolds, a proud smile touching her lips as
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“Hey. What's the problem?”Luke asked, a tiny frown planted on his forehead.“Can you lend me your phone real quick, please?”My voice came out urgent and unsteady.“Brielle, you don't look good. What's happening?”When Ace began to make it into the cafè, closer to me, searching every corner with his hard gaze, I fisted Luke’s work Tshirt violently.He flinched at my sudden move but, I didn't care to apologize. I was on the brink of doom.“Just give me the damn phone!”Luke brought out his phone and handed it over to me. I grabbed it with trembling hands.“Brielle, if you need me to—”“I'm fine!”I snapped at Luke, scrambling to find a hiding place to call Valerie.A water dispenser stood at the rounding of a corner and I quickly went there to hide, moving away from Luke.I bit my finger as I waited for her response to the call. On the fourth ring, she picked.“God, Val! Where are you? I'm at your workplace!”“Brielle? I called in sick today. What's wrong?”Fucking hell!She started sp
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Waiting for the year I finally turn eighteen and finally getting the chance to do anything of my will such as; having sex and breezing in and out of a bar as much as I wanted, was indeed a long torture of wait.I had plans with Elijah. Sexual plans. I wanted to try the sexual things my peers discussed amongst themselves.There were so many of them. Blowjobs, fingering, tongue-fucking, and all of that. And only with Elijah and Elijah alone.However, Ace had snatched all of that reality out of my firm grip. I had lost it, the possibility of it ever happening drifting away.I couldn't believe that just a day in my life could change my fate so drastically like that and rid me of my long-life dreams.Life is so funny.Once we crossed the border of Brookline, I let yet another tear slip down my face, followed immediately by others.Ace, stationed next to the wheels and driving along Brookline highway, passed a handkerchief to me.I now sat in the passenger’s seat of Ace’s Rolls-Royce, the s
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My trembling fingers tugged at the hem of my dress nervously, contemplating on adhering to his command and let him take my virginity or, try for an escape. The only escape route was the floor-to-ceiling window overlooking the beautiful views of Brookline skyscrapers. And, the only way I could make an escape through that was by crashing into the window and landing on the ground floor below, which could result in a broken spine, a damaged brain, or even a demise. The door entrance wasn't an option either. It would be stupid to try for an escape through that. This was his house and he surely knew his house by every length and breadth. He would effortlessly fish me out of any corner I hide in seconds. My eyes watered. I had lost count of the number of times I cried today alone. Ace’s puzzled frown knocked me back to my senses and I realized I had been keeping him waiting. I also realized something else - the wine, silky nighties he was extending to me. “You can change into this.” I
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I backed away slowly, watching with a panicked look as Jasper approached me.He had a tiny frown on his forehead.He regards me from head to toe. Checking out my outfit.I've never had to wear something as expensive and exposing as this. No occasion prompted me to afford such piece, not even my extravagant 17th birthday party. I couldn't afford it nor could I afford the Jimmy Choo heels I wore to compliment the dress.Jasper wasn't stupid. Though, he knew nothing about fashion but, at least, he knew I should be in Chelsea, not several miles away. He knew I shouldn't be in an expensive restaurant and in this expensive outfit, doing God-knows-what.I swallowed hard.“What are you doing here? Is Elijah here?”His frown deepened as his gaze sweeps around the restaurant, expecting to see Elijah somewhere. I panicked, my brain doing a quick analysis of a lie I could come up with.Something that would ease me out of this mess, effortlessly.But, I came up with none except the one lie that s
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Ace stepped before me protectively, keeping me out of Jasper’s reach as he sauntered into the room.Jasper now had his gun removed out of his holster, steady in his tight grip.I shivered.Jasper just caught me kissing not just anybody but, a criminal. The man he intended to put behind the bars.“Wow. What a pleasant surprise, Brielle. Does Elijah knows you are fucking a murderer?”Murderer. The words he had used in describing Ace even terrified me more. But, how was he right. Ace Reynolds was indeed a murderer. I'm sure the number of the people he had murdered was twice my age.And, I was married to him. I was the wife to a man who rendered a lot of people motherless, fatherless, childless, and even orphan. I let him kiss me. Irritation stirred a bile in my throat.“Maybe I should do you a favor and let him know.”Jasper fished out his phone, placing his gun in his other hand, steadily. Panic rose in my throat. No. Hell no!“Jasper, I—”“Leave, Brielle.”The command burst through A
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