Lahat ng Kabanata ng THE ALPHA'S REVENGE: Kabanata 1 - Kabanata 10
10 Kabanata
Someone is watching me. You know that eerie sensation of being under surveillance? It's been haunting me all week, during my walks to school, at work, in the library, and even now as I make my way home from my job. It might sound crazy, but I'm convinced I'm not imagining it. That feeling of being watched is unmistakable. As I step into the two-bedroom apartment I share with my friend, I quickly lock the door and rub the goosebumps on my upper arm. "Hey, what's wrong?" Clara, my roommate, asks, genuine concern etched across her face. With her golden-hued blond locks cascading over her olive skin, she's a vision of beauty. I met Clara during freshman orientation, drawn to her by her boisterous and comical brothers. She may claim embarrassment, but her affection for them shines through as they proudly carried her on their shoulders, proclaiming to the entire freshman class that their baby sister was the most brilliant person alive. And they weren't wrong; she's the most intelligent
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However, it turns out to be just my phone ringing, and I nearly jump out of my skin at the sound. So much for being brave. I rush back to the couch to answer the call, and my heart skips a beat when I see Clara's name flashing on the screen. "Hey, Chica," I answer, my relief evident. "Uhm, hey, I'm calling to let you know I won't be coming home tonight." Say what now? "WHAT!" I practically yell into the phone. "You've got to be kidding me." "No, I'm not. Lock up after you, see ya! Bye," she says casually before hanging up. Oh, God, no... I nervously contemplate returning to the kitchen but pause when a thought crosses my mind. My bedroom has a lock, and honestly, there's nothing valuable to steal in the living room. So, I decide to grab the essentials and retreat to my room for the night. And to top it off, I even had the audacity to tell the potential intruder to make themselves at home. Who does that? The next morning, I wake up feeling refreshed and ready to seize the day. N
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The week is passing by quickly, with Clara's frequent date nights and the persistent feeling of being watched that I can't shake off. So, this Friday night, I'm deciding to break my club virginity. Originally, I planned to do it with Clara, but she's off on another date as usual. It might suck going to the club alone for my first time, but it could also be an opportunity to make new friends. I start getting dressed at 7 pm, beginning with makeup and moving on to my hair, finishing it all off with the perfect outfit. I almost cry when I look in the mirror because who is this sexy goddess? My black smoky eyeshadow complements my black strapless dress perfectly, and you know what they say about black? You can never go wrong with it. I finish the look with red heels. By the time I'm done, it's about 11 pm, and I'm more than ready to have the time of my life tonight. It takes me about 30 minutes to locate the club because, for some reason, it's located in a hidden place. On a normal day,
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I wake up the next day with a hell of a hangover. Ouch! I slowly sit up and realize that I'm in my bed in my room, but I can't recall coming in last night. Alessia wasn't kidding when she said we were going to have fun. I've never been so drunk in my entire life as I was yesterday, and I've never had as much fun either. Now, I start to reconsider my choices because this hangover is brutal, and there's no denying that fact. I feel a wave of nausea hit me, and I rush into the bathroom to throw up. Once I'm done, I rinse my teeth and wash my face. I zombie-walk into the living area to find that Clara has brewed coffee and is already making breakfast. When the smell hits my nose, I suppress another wave of nausea. “God, I feel horrible,” I croak out. Water, I need water now. "Here, drink plenty of water and take Advil; you should feel slightly better after," Clara says, handing me water and some pills. Bless you, Clara. “After taking those, you can help yourself to some coffee. I hear
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Damn, I'm late for work again, and this time my manager is going to be on my case because it's the second time this week. Should I start looking for other jobs? I sprint, my brown locs falling onto my face as I rush to the diner where I work as a waitress. Sneaking into the employee area, I quickly change before my manager comes looking for me. I'm heading to the front when my manager appears with Ethan. “Hey, fancy meeting you here,” I speak first, my nerves still jittery from almost being caught. “You guys already know? That’s great because he is our new staff, and you are going to be the one to train him. We are short on staff, and some of the older ones don’t know how to show up on time,” he says, shooting me a pointed look. Oops, he definitely saw me running late. Of course, he did. “Let me leave you two to it. After your shift, Ethan, come to my office for the final evaluation.” With that, he retreats to his office. “So, where do we start, Miss Rebel?” Ethan teases. “Well,
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I put in extra effort to avoid Ethan over the next few days because, honestly, I'd like to live a little longer, and the smartest thing right now is to keep my distance, you know what I mean? Friday night comes along, and it's the usual end of the workday routine. I'm still responsible for training Ethan, but starting from Monday, he'll be working independently. I can't wait! After finishing our usual cleanup and making sure everything is in order, I'm more than ready to head out. Just as I'm about to leave, I see Ethan gesturing for me to wait. “Hey Tigress, do I need to submit an application just to see you these days?” I know he's joking, but I can't muster a smile. He notices my expression, and his features soften. “Hey, did I do something wrong? Why have you been avoiding me?” I might as well tell him now. “You know where I live.” He chuckles, “Of course I do, I walked you home on Monday.” I shake my head. “No, you don't get it. I didn't give you my address, but you walked
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After my intense run, I return home, still fuming from my earlier encounter with that guy, and head straight for a refreshing shower. As I step out, clad in a towel, I notice Claire getting ready to go out. "Where are you off to all dressed up?" I raise an eyebrow, genuinely curious. "Oh, it's just a date," Claire replies, a hint of excitement in her voice. "That's not new. I want details," I press, leaning against the bathroom doorframe. "You'll like him, I promise. In fact, after our date today, he's coming over to the house," Claire reveals. My curiosity is piqued. "Oh, okay then. Have fun," I concede, offering a small smile. With Claire out on her date, I decide to make the most of my day. After tackling my schoolwork, I indulge in a lazy day, lounging around and watching movies. Hours drift by in a haze of relaxation, punctuated by occasional naps and snack breaks. As evening approaches, I'm content in my solitary world, unaware of the impending upheaval. At around 6 pm, I'
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Throughout his stay at our apartment, I couldn't help but think that perhaps someone could hurt another person using ESP. I mulled over various ways to make him disappear, screaming my violent intentions in my mind. **GET THROWN OUT.** But alas, none of my internal plots came to fruition. It was, quite frankly, disappointing. However, what bothers me more now is the lingering aftermath of his visit. Claire has been noticeably quieter than usual since her guest left. I hope she isn't upset with me. I approach her on the couch and plop down beside her. "Hey, are you okay?" "Of course, why wouldn't I be?" Claire responds, but her cheerfulness sounds forced. "It's Lucia," I say gently. "You know you can tell me anything, right?" "I know, but I'm telling you there's nothing wrong right now." She gets up abruptly. "Maybe I'm just tired. I think I should head to bed. Goodnight." She disappears into her room. Well, she'll fill me in when she's ready, I suppose. But if that guy did some
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The following day, I go on a lunch date with Ethan. We've chosen a diner conveniently located near both work and school to make the most of our limited time together. My classes have just concluded, and my work shift will begin soon. "So, tell me, what do you do for fun, aside from wrongly accusing people?" Ethan inquires, a playful smirk gracing his lips. "I don't know, probably reading. When I was younger, though, I enjoyed playing video games," I respond, reminiscing about my childhood. My dad and I used to spend hours playing video games together. He taught me all the tricks and strategies I still use today. Back then, I struggled to make friends, so I rarely ventured outside or had playdates. My mom worried about my social life, but after a particularly harsh bullying incident at the park, she grew less concerned. The very next day, my dad returned home with a treasure trove of games and toys, and that's how I spent my formative years. "I wasn't expecting that. Think you can be
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The sound of that mysterious animal from the previous day continues to linger in my thoughts as I wake up in the morning. I can't seem to shake it from my memory, and a strange feeling nags at me that I've heard it before, though I can't quite place where. As I prepare for school, the routine tasks help distract me from my uneasy thoughts. I brush my teeth and put on my usual simple attire of blue pants and a white tee. Simplicity is key for me. On my way out, I cross paths with Claire, who also appears ready for school. "Want a ride to school?" I offer. "Nah, I'll pass. I need to pick something up before class," Claire replies, her demeanor a bit off. "Alright, chica, do your thing," I say, sensing something's been bothering her. Claire's behavior has been unusual ever since her guest came over. She's hardly at home, and she always seems to be on edge. After my morning classes, I decide to grab some lunch since I skipped breakfast. I briefly consider heading to the campus cafe bu
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