Semua Bab Her human mate: Bab 1 - Bab 3
3 Bab
Chapter 1
Arabella got down from her bike and heeled down the kickstand of the motorcycle just as the rain started to pour heavily around her. She parked the large black bike which looked much bigger than her very close to the building to avoid the bike being beaten by the heavy rain. She walked towards the bar in quick and long strode, loosing the chinstrap of her helmet and pulling it off immediately she got to the entrance of the bar and stepped in. She looked around , she was trying to find her brother or his wife. At the second scan around the bar, she located him walking towards the counter and he entered behind the counter . He poured a mug of beer from the tap. The sight still gave her chills. Cassius, Her beloved brother, Her family. The family she thought were gone, the family she thought she'd never see again. The fact that the once wealthy brother she remembered now tended a bar just made the scene more like a fantasy Hey Arabella, he greeted her as soon as he saw her, wi
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Chapter 2
Micheal was only half listening to the conversation going on around him , He had thought tonight would be okayThe bar was a place he’d never been, so it shouldn’t bring up memories. But the location wasn’t the problem.Maybe at some other places , it definitely was at times, but tonight, it was the company.He glanced up at the man sitting to his right. Robert Anderson, his best friend growing up. Robert had changed very little, maybe a bit thicker in the middle, broader in the shoulders. But he still had the same easygoing nature and a dry sense of humour. And he still had Sophia, his beloved wife.He glanced at Sophia, Robert’s wife for… was it five years already? Sophia looked the same, too. Maybe a little more mature, more refined too.An image of Sophia and Beverly immediately flashed through in his mind. One brunette, the other was blond, both had ponytails. They’d been as inseparable as he and Robert had once been. As all four of them had been. They’d always assumed they’d sta
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Chapter 3
Did you like it?”Micheal blinked, realizing that Anna was still talking to him.“I’m sorry,” he blinked again, trying to focus, “what did you say?”She smiled, not seeming to sense his distraction. “Sophia said you went to college in New Jersey. Did you like it there?”“I did,” he managed to say, even though he could feel the other woman’s eyes still on him.He stole a glance in her direction. She was still watching him, her light blue eyes, almost eerily pale, direct and unblinking.Who was she?“… I didn’t know how I’d like it here, because it’s a really small-town. And aside from the occasional bout of loneliness, I have really liked the change. Small towns are all that people say. Everyone knows each other. And people care about each other, help each other. It’s really nice.”Micheal nodded again, realizing that Anna probably thought bobbing his head up and down was the extent of his communication abilities. And at the moment, it was. Again, he caught a glimpse of the pale-eyed w
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