Semua Bab |Amore|: Bab 1 - Bab 10
10 Bab
Arabelle skipped through her class to the door giggling at her stupid imagination , Pigs in the sky ? what a sight it will be . She looked up at her locker and unlocked it getting a cold breeze from the now open doors of the hallway , as she started taking her notes out when her ears picked up her friends voice and she smiled widely ." Arabelle !" Denna Yelled and dropped her hand on Arabelle's shoulder . "I am so done already !" she sighs . "But its only the second period De " Arabelle stated while Denna rolled her eyes . " I know i know " . The girls walked to their respective classes when arabelle noticed a unknown girl walking through the hallways . She looked lost . She must be new ." Are you lost ?" Arabelle asked her as she leaned on the lockers . She body immediately jerked towards Arabelle and she smiled . " Yes i am . My name is Lucy " they both introduced each other while Arabelle showed Lucy the class she was suppose to be in ."Thanks " , " No pro
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Arabelle was busy eating that she didn't notice the slight change in air at the table . She looked up but her parents were talking silently . " What's wrong ?" she asked but her mom shook her head . Suddenly the door bell rang and her mom headed for the door . Arabelle immediately sensed Archer's heat from within and stood up .She giggled and hugged Archer who in return wrapped his arms around her and pecked her head . " You are here for dinner ? if i knew i would've waited Archer , common lets eat " she smiled and dragged him towards the table . Ararbelle's parents only sat stiff during the dinner not daring to interrupt their daughter's or Archer's conversation .They knew better than to do that ." How is Mary ? You never answer " she asked and Archer wiped the excess sauce of her lips . " She is doing great , she wants to meet soon " He answer coldly but Arabelle knew it was only because they weren't alone . Arabelle sighs as she makes her way to her bedroo
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Archer had helped his Belle make cupcakes that evening with no complains as he promised her so . She was excited to see her friends reaction , Arabelle happily bit her goodbye to Archer giving him two kisses , on his cheek and his lips . Archer certainly wanted to pull her back in the car and kiss her more but he didn't .However apart from the lovely couple one was indeed very much angry and not digesting the fact that Archer had a girlfriend . And a girl like Arabelle ? Lucy watched Arabelle climb out of his car giving him kisses before saying goodbye .Archer was undeniable handsome ,attractive and very much had Lucy's eye over him . She looked at him and turned to her class in anger .
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" Shit ! i swear if i had just fucken killed that mutt i wouldn't be this irritated now " Antonio Cursed as he punched the man in front of him as Archer watched him . " You should have though it before hmm ?" One of Archer's men spoke and Antonio sighs . " Sir , i have already half killed him , should i just shoot him already ? my hands are starting to get tired , and this fucker .." he said kicking him and that poor man spits out more blood , " simply not dying "Archer craned his neck and stood up adjusting his shirt . " Leave him be " he said and walked out . People fear Archer and his family because of their history . His father was a Mafia man , although Archer wasn't known to be in Mafia , he still did pretty bad jobs . His mother was a women know for her keen knowledge . She was one of them , very proud as well .Archer's family ran an organisation , not good but dangerous . Archer wasn't the man of word but he certainly was loved by his women . Everyone in
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"Archie , dinner is ready lets eat " Arabelle smiled at him as he closed his laptop and grab her hand . He didn't speak much as the maid was in the house but they had a joyfull dinner . "Do you want to come meet Mary next Monday at lunch ?" He asked and his belle was already beaming up ." I miss her so much Archer ." He smiled at her patting her headThe next morning Arabelle was rushing to get her things together as she was late for class . " Belle . You are gonna be late " Archer called and she came running to front door . "Sorry . Let's go let's go " she yelled . Archer laughed at her behaviour and they drove off . " I can't believe i am late " she muttered. Archer softly ran his thumb on her thigh . " It wasn't me watching Barbie movie half the night love " Arabelle blushed and played with his pinky ."Goodbye Archie " she said kissing his lip and pecking his cheek . As soon as she was out the car she ran to her class . "You are late " her class mate stated t
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Arabelle woke up with arms wrapped tight around her . She hummed and opened her eyes blinking them  to see Archer's face . He was still asleep snoring softly . She ran her hand on his jaw and cheek kissing his neck and blushing . She moved away hesitantly not wanting to to but it was already 6 in the morning . As soon as she sat up a sore pain shot in her inner thighs and between her legs . She winced biting her lip and looked at herself to see she was naked as the day she was born . The white fur sheet rolled off her giving her the view of several love bites on her body . Indeed they had done it again and She blushed looking back at Archer . He didn't seem to be waking up any time soon . She got herself into shower and wore a simple jeans and top only to open the windows and shiver to death because of the cold harsh winds . I immediately shut the window not wanting Archer to catch a cold and considered wearing a hoodie . She kissed him on his forehead
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It was already night when they reached home . There drive and dinner took them long enough also considering the traffic . Archer pulled up in front of his house and looked over to his belle sleeping . He ran his thumb on her cheeks and got out the car .Arabelle felt hands wrap around her and being lifted . She sigh wrapping her arms around Archer's neck and snuggling into his neck more . After while she felt the soft fur of the bed sheet on her back and she tried get comfortable when Archer Spoke ."Let me get you in a comfortable clothing Arabelle " she whine but never made a move to sit up .She felt Archer undress her and she opened her eyes feeling hotness creep in her neck and cheeks as he slide her pants down taking her top off . He proceeded with taking her bra off not seeming affected at all as he had already touch and roamed his eyes all over her body many times . "Archer " belle called and he hummed . She didn't say a word and he looked at her now naked
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Arabelle had found a note in her locker saying 'i like you i miss you ' she didn't think much as she knew Denna and others  knew her code and would've done it to prank her .Noon came in .Arabelle tap her feet biting her lip waiting for everyone to come and she could finally say something . As the bell rang everyone was out . Denna smiled at Arabelle and she smiled back . As everyone gathered  around her they walked out the gates and stopped for there talk when Arabelle cleared her throat . She was scared ,nervous.  She didn't want this . She didn't mean to hurt her friends nor did she believe Lucy entirely.  But she had to do something.  Even if Lucy was a new girl not too close to Arabelle . She still found herself believing that girl over her friends. "What is it Arabelle ?" Dean asked and she fidgets with her fingers . "I..I wanted to ask you guys something " she continued with telling them how Lucy was bullied by them . She tol
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Arabelle sat on the bed in her house eating all kinds of things spread across her leg . She was very happy to go back to her parents after 15 long long days . She was very sad when her mom called in saying they had to stay in Germany longer but they were finally home ."Sweetheart.  We are going for dinner . Don't you wanna come ?" Her mother asked and she shook her head . "I am sorry mom my stomach is paining . I feel very tired " her mother nodded frowning and walked away . Arabelle sneezed and sniffed as her stomach and legs were paining a lot more now . "Periods suck " she muttered and grabbed her chocolate milk sipping on it . She suddenly heard the front door closing and some talking .
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A week later Arabelle was finally free of her fever . It was just a small thing but she had red nose all week making her look like a clown . Archer however loved it as he said .Arabelle giggles as the teacher tried to sound funny during the biology lecture.  To say she was fond of him , everyone was . He made it easy for the students to study and he was funny . He smiled at his students and the bell rang . "All right . Next time we do a experiment with blood samples . Be present it is going be there for praticals . "He said making his way out .Arabelle grabbed her books and walked to her locker to see Denna and Sky . She ran to them hugging Denna . "Hi !" She said and Denna smiled tossing her a lollypop and Arabelle gasp immediately opening it and popping it in her mouth . "When are we going to the party ?" Arabelle asked and Sky looked at her . "We will be at your house by 5 . Is Archer coming ?" He asked Arabelle nodded . "Great then . Be ready by 5 "A
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