

We get to Trafalgar Square at 1.45 pm and sit beside the fountain waiting, Acre is on edge pacing while I sit relaxed but alert scanning the crowd but Lanna seems to have mastered the art of blending in the best making me wonder if she is acting or is actually that fascinated with the sights

"Just look at thoughs huge lions Ocean," she says snapping more pictures with a look of pure glee on her face

"Do you think I could sit on one of the lions like thoughs people, so you can get my picture?"

"Hahahha Lanna, you do remember why we're here don't you?" Acre asked laughing

"Well yes of course but look, it's London guys, it's so exciting" she replies jumping up and down clapping her hands.

"So are you enjoying the sights?" a voice asks beside me making me jump

"Calm down," he said as I spin to grab his throat and he knocks my hand away

"How did you do that?"

"Ahhh I can mask my scent, it's a talent I've had since I was a ch

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