
chapter 3: Camellia

My head felt heavy and I was dizzy. My whole body was jammed and I couldn't move my limbs, as if I was trapped within myself. Everything worked inside my brain, but I didn't even have the energy to lift my eyelids and watch my surroundings.

So instead I struggled for a long time, trying to scream and should for help. But it felt like as if I was frozen. It took a desperate amount of effort and waited until I slowly shook off the anesthetic from my body and opened my eyes.

My senses started working at the same time and my nose inhaled a large amount if cigarette smoke. To be exact my surroundings smelled of tobacco and strong women perfume. The intensity of both of them was so strong in the air that it almost felt toxic.

I tried to recover my surroundings but to no avail. There were paintings of women all around the room who dressed vulgarly. I found myself on a bed and my head was placed on a pillow, my hair spread all over it. I was not even covered and as I tried to sit up I saw the dressing table in front of me which was covered with makeup and jewelry showcased in mirror boxes.

That's when my ears caught the loud music bursting through air, making me cringe at the old, classical melody.

I looked over and didn't found my scarf anywhere. The door of the room was open, I stepped outside only to find several girls walking through the hall with deep cleavages which I never ever witnessed in my whole life.

There were several rooms and in particular the house only gave an image of a normal mansion if not decorated like that. A large chandelier hung on the roof, under which couches were placed in a circle. Many men sat there along with an elderly woman who seemed to be in her late forties. The thing which wouldn't let me balance on my feet was their heavy makeup and almost naked bodies, the men in suits walking all over the place and women leading them into rooms.

What the fuck was this?

Not realizing that I caught attention of many while standing in the doorway, I stepped back. Before I could close the door to protect myself, a woman placed her hand in between.

"Why are you closing the door Senorita?" She asked in a ugly voice which could make me puke any time.

"Who add you? And why am I here? Did you guys kidnapped me?" I started to panic badly as I kept throwing questions at her all at once.

Many women and men stopped in their tracks, eyeing me up and down. I guess I was the only one here who had her body covered in clothes.

Unknowingly I caused a huge scene as she tried to beat me up with endless punches. I tried my hard to resist and close the door but she didn't let me.

Just then, the woman who sat in the middle of the hall, on a couch as if throne, walked towards me. The woman who kept punching me had already made me fall to the ground with a hard blow on my face until my nose bleed.

She sat on my level and eyed my body as if I was fascinated by my looks.

"You're a virgin right?" She questioned me with an innocent smirk, not letting me hint at her dirty intentions but the question itself was enough.

"What are you talking about? Please let me go home, my parents would be waiting and I'm not what you think! Please let me just go, I don't know you and I promise I won't even report" out of the blue, I lost the shield over my emotions and started crying pathetically. Begging her and wailing more in hope that she'll listen to my pleadings.

But instead she moved closer and pinched nose which was already bleeding profusely.

"Now answer my question! Did you ever had sex before or not?" Her question hurt me even more than the physical pain but dealing with both them at the same time was an irresistible torture.

So I answered with a muffled cry, "no, I never did it!" I shouted when she pinched my nose more, annoyed by the amount of time I took to answer.

"Good girl! Now coming to your problem I feel no regret to inform you that you'll be stuck here with us forever. So don't waste your energy on these pleading and cries, you need to preserve it for something that'll make you money" her words were so cruel and heartless that I almost wondered, did she even hear herself talking like that?

How can they just force me into something out of the sudden when I was in the middle of living my simple yet beautiful life.

"Who sold me to you?" I asked her, because I was not a child to not understand what this mansion was and what she was talking about.

"A man bought you here, sold you for 1 million! Cost me a fortune! Very much expensive but after all you're a virgin with that pretty features and just nasty tongue that'll be cut down very soon. I hope investing in you will be successful" She talked like a business woman who was very much professional in her field and knew what she was talking about, and that shitty confidence which had me planning for a suicide.

Yes suicide! I'll rather die than being forced into prostitution.

"Monica! Get her ready, a VIP guest will arrive tonight after a very tiring trip. Make sure she serves him well, we need to present this new gem in case he didn't like the usuals" the woman stood up from her place and motioned to the girl who beat me up before.

"Sure Didi" She replied to the older woman obediently.

Draping an arm around my arm, she forced me to stand up from the floor. She tried to take me inside room but I was too scared of living here and I needed to get out with any chance I could get. So I retreated me arm back with so much force that I leapt away from her hold. I started running towards the door like a maniac, crossing the hallway and trying to find the gate.

But as soon the door of the mansion came in view I was struck by a needle on the back of my neck. And when I turned around, I only saw a man who had a black complexion and body like a hulk.

"Filthy bitch! Trying to run huh?" He mocked me before I drifted back to darkness again.


The anesthetic was not that much strong like the one I had before. So it gave me no symptoms like headache and after paralyzing. It felt like as if I was woken up from a sleep because a woman kept tapping my cheek harshly. And I was pulled from darkness from the amount of pain which my body had been suffering.

I tried to move my hands but they were tied with a rope. I sat upright and looked at the person in front of me.

It was actually Monica from earlier.

"Look I will give you an advice which I'm certain you won't follow but still...." Her voice faded at the end.

"You better start obeying as they tell you and that is the only way you'll survive. Because Didi will either kill you to let men rape your corpse or beat you up until you give yourself willingly. You choose either way. I'll give you ten minutes to decide before I dress you for your first client" And say that she left the room in a second.

I was not in my right senses and I didn't know what to think anymore. My world came crumbling down all at once and I was thrown in a pit dark mine where there is no ray of hope. Only two choices, either die or keep walking deeper. Tears helplessly fell down my cheeks but I knew they wouldn't be of any help when I was caught in deathly hallows.

Exactly after 10 minutes she came inside the room, holding a dress in her hand. My hands still tied, she made me stand up and lead me to bathroom.

She untied my hands and set me free.

"Take a bath right now or I will shoot" she warned me before taking out a pistol underneath the clothes of which I had no damn idea that something like that could be there.

"Didi ordered me to kill you if you show any efficient moves and don't obey" she said as a final statement, handing me the clothes and closing the bathroom door on her way.

I stood there, wide eyed and blood flushed from face.

What the hell was happening?

I saw a gun for the first time in my life and it sent my mind on a overdrive as I quickly followed her order in fear. I had no desire to be killed and yet get rape.

And not for even once their words sounded that they are lying. Every word uttered from their mouth was firm and calm as if they meant everything because they've been doing it for so long.

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