
Lost ii

Head of the family muted for three minutes and said, "Fine then! but after one week if you don't get it, I will killed all of you. You guys won't leave here alive!" 

Fred got back to others and explained to them what Head of the family said.

"Fred are you mad? you mean, you bet with our lifes?" Harrison replied with anger.

"I gat no choice man!" Fred replied him calmly.

"Enough please! let go and look for how to bury those corpses first." Jane interjected.

Harrison ride with Fred as they went out to bury the corpses. On they way after getting out of the community, Fred park the truck.

"Why did you pull over nigga?" Harrison asked looking confused.

"I missed my girlfriend Sam. I love her so much, I don't know maybe she is still alive." Fred replied calmly.

"Common man! you have to face the reality. She can't be alive, the world has turn to hell so everybody is looking for a way to survive."

"I know but just getting m

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