
7 : "Anonymous"

7 : "Anonymous"



I woke up with something heavy pounding on my head. I felt something was placed on top of my forehead like a cemented brick or something. I groan with pain as I pull myself up from the bed.

"What the hell happened.." I muffled.

I widened my eyes and stared at everything that was around me. I try to look around and then that remembered I fell asleep last night in one room on top of one bed with...

I gasped.

Gage Stockholm.

I quickly moved my head to my left and saw no one there next to me. Gage wasn't here.

Was it all a dream?

But I was sure that I've been with Gage last night. I was sure that I spent the night with him till the dawn. I was sure we drank a lot last night and we were mixing drinks too. I was so sure what happened last night. It's still emblazoned in my head. I was sure that Gage ate me last night.


Gage really did eat me last night.

I hurriedly hopped off from the bed and felt my stomach churning. I ran to the bathroom then headed to the sink as I tied my hair up into a bun. I vomited everything that I've drank last night and felt sick. I felt like I'm trying to empty my stomach with all the drinks we've had that mixed all up right now. I mentally cursed at myself for taking too much amount of alcohol last night.

When I felt like I was finished vomiting, I washed my face with the soap that was before me and gargled. I wiped my face with a towel, changed to my clothes that I wore when I came here last night and grabbed my phone with me. I noticed that Monique had left me tons of messages. I hurriedly headed out of the room I was in. I look around the hallways and listened to my surrounding.

It was insanely quiet.

Last night this mansion was loud as hell but now it's as quiet as a library.

I began to stumble down the stairs and found myself at the living room. It was packed last night and now it's spotless. It's a bit messy but spotless with people. I take a walk around, hoping to find someone here or the house owner or maybe Gage is still here. I hope he's still here though.

Fuck where's Gage?

"You're up." A voice came from behind me.

I turn around and saw Gage, still wearing the bathrobe from last night, still in his tight pants and on his white fluffy slippers. He's still so adorable right now.

"Morning beautiful." He greets.

And I need to get used to him calling me beautiful.

"I've made breakfast." He adds.

"W-why are you still here?" I ask.

"What do you mean?"

I chuckle humorlessly. "So everything that happened last night was real."

He nods slowly at me.

"You mean everything we did last night was fucking real?!" I gaped.

"Too early for cursed words. Try to refrain from saying it sweetheart. So, breakfast?"

Holy ass, Gage really ate me last night. We really kissed last night. We almost fucked last night.

"The house owner will get mad once he'll see us still being around here. Most especially me." I say.

He begins to walk closer, "I won't get mad."

I gaped. "Y-you... You mean you own this mansion?"

"Well I rented it for three days."

"That means last night's party was yours?"

He nods. "Anyways, let's not waste time and have breakfast together. How's that?"

My phone suddenly rings.

Monique calling...

"I'll take this call. Sorry." I say.

"Alright. I'll wait here." He informs me.

I walked away from him and began to pick up Monique's call. I glared at Gage who was waiting for me then scooted my way far enough from him so he won't hear me.

"Monique. Hey." I answered.

"Tate! Where the fuck are you?!" She yelled.

"I should be the one who should ask you that last night. You left me. I looked for you everywhere last night but you were gone." I hissed.

"I was pulled out by the security because of my fake tickets! I worried about you!!

I gaped. "You were pulled out?"

"Yes! Did they caught you too?"

"No. But fuck, Monique. What happened to you last night? Did you get into prison?" I worried.

"Luckily I didn't. I covered my way up and told them I bought the tickets online. I don't know if they actually believed me but I've been trying to reach your phone since last night but I can't contact you." She breathes. "What the actual fuck happened to you Olivia Tate?" She sounded like a worried sick mother as she completed my name.

I sigh. "I'll tell you once I get home."

"No. You need to tell me now."

I glare at Gage and he's looking back at me. "I can't at the moment."

I hear her sighing then I look away from Gage.

"I'll call you back okay? Don't worry about me, I'm totally fine. I gotta go. Bye." I hang up even before she could say anything else.

I exhale heavily. I walk back to Gage and noticed that the time was already ten in the morning. He stares at me and smiled. "Can we have breakfast now?" He asks.

I would totally love too...

"I'm so sorry but I really gotta go now." I say softly.

His face falls.

"I need to get home right away. I still need to finish writing my essay, it's due in three days. I'm sorry. But it was a great night Mr. Stockholm. It's a night I wouldn't forget." I said out as fast as I could.

I gave him a quick hug and noticed that he still smelled damn great. I pulled myself away the next second and smiled at him. "Thank you for everything." I said.

"How about leaving me with you number?"

I stare at my phone.

"If ever we'll meet again..." I pull my head up to him and stared at his green eyes as it stares back at me. "I'll give you my number." I continued.

"But it's my last day here in New York and I might be busy around for the next days." He says.

"That's too bad." I paused. "But I gotta go. I'll see you when I'll see you again."

"Let me drive you home." He offers.

"No need. I don't wanna be an inconvenience. But thank you." I smile.

"At least let me call you a cab." He offers again.

"It's fine Mr. Stockholm. I'll be on my way out now. Thank you again. And you don't have to walk me to the door, I wouldn't want the paps to catch you." I say as I smile at him ruefully.

I leave him at the living room all alone and I found myself finally exiting the door from his mansion. It was the front door that I walked into last night when the party lasted with Monique. When I reached outside the tall gates, I cross the street and began to hail a cab. I got in and felt shivers down my spine as memories from last night began to flash before me. From the second I danced with Monique that caught Gage's attention until the moment when Gage ate me for goddamn minutes and made me cum. I'm still in awe about the things that happened.

It felt surreal.

It didn't even felt real to me because it was totally one of the craziest nights I've been to. But things already happened and even though I try to ignore and forget the things I did last night with Gage, it will always be with me no matter where I am.

I exhale heavily as I sit here on the backseat. I try to open Monique's messages and all of it consisted about asking me where I was. Suddenly I felt bad because I never even got a picture with Gage that night. At least a remembrance would be fine, maybe a selfie with him. But I think the things we did last night will only be kept with me. Nobody would actually believe that I spent a night with Gage. Who would even believe me that I skinny dipped with Gage Stockholm?

I finally reached my apartment and I instantly took some medicine then decided to sleep my headache off. I wasn't even feeling hungry at all and I know I need more sleep before I get into finishing my essay. I'm sure I'll be up for hours tonight to finish it before my due date.

When I woke up, I noticed that it was already six in the evening which actually is pretty normal to me during weekends since I'm always stressed with my schoolwork during weekdays. I felt like I had a major hibernation and now I'm up for my essay. I groggily grabbed my phone on top of the drawer and saw a message from Monique.

Monique: pls tell me ur safe @ ur apt.

I half smiled.

Me: I am. I just woke up from hibernation lol. I'm getting my essay done in a while so don't disturb me.

Monique: Thank god ur finally home!

Me: don't worry too much about me momma ;) anyways, I'm getting Chi foods in a bit. Maybe a free delivery of Wendy's would be better :)

Monique: in ur dreams. No 3 month supply for u. I was kicked out from the party rmmbr?  didn't get to be fucked.

Me: lol. Too bad! I'm already hungry rn maybe I'm going to get myself some chi foods. Ttyl bae.

Monique: u still owe me deets about how ur night ended bitch. Ttyl. Love u.

Then all of a sudden, I felt the urge to open Twitter to check if ever I was caught in picture being with Gage last night and I also wanted to lurk into his account. It's a bit weird because I've never stalked his account like ever but then I thought that there's no harm in trying. I begin to type his name on the search bar and right away his account appeared. I clicked on his photo and stared at his tweets. He hasn't tweeted for two days now and some of his tweets weren't even understandable. He tweets very weird random stuff then the next ones he tweets about thanking his fans which was pretty nice of him.

I locked my phone and slipped myself off from the bed and decided to take a long hot soaking session on my bathtub with roses scented bubble bombs in it. When I finished my forty-five minute shower time, I quickly got into some regular clothes and headed out of the house. I decided to buy my dinner by myself instead of delivery so I could buy a huge cup of coffee from Starbucks on my way home.

I bought some Chinese foods for myself, dropped into Starbucks to buy some coffee for tonight. When I got everything I needed, I hurriedly went back home and ate dinner. As I sit on my chair and ate my foods, I can't stop thinking about Gage. He's been entering my mind since I left that mansion and he's still popping into my head once in a while. This isn't really good.

Then I realized that I never get to tell him my name. What a dumbass was I? I spent the entire fucking night with Gage, he ate me so fuckingly amazing but I didn't get to tell him my name and he didn't get to ask me about it. I didn't even give him my name! He didn't even asked for it. He forgot to ask me about my name! What an ass!

I slump on my chair and suddenlyfelt bad because he didn't even get my name and it's the actual basic thing to ask for when you want to get to know the opposite sex. I can't believe we did those things together that night but he actually forgot to ask for my name! Ugh! How could he even forget to ask my name?

Oh damn Tate.

But I'm sure he wouldn't even mind not knowing my name. He's famous, he'll just forget about what happened last night anyways.

I grabbed my phone and opened my Twitter again then typed in

@tate_kvngh: Chinese foods for dinner! :) I hope it helps me from my headache rn.

I began to type Gage's name on the search bar again, stalking him twice now for one day and clicked on his account once I searched him.

He tweeted twice 49 minutes ago!

@Gage_Stockholm: of all the things that I had to forget that night, it had to be asking for your name.

@Gage_Stockholm: I wanna meet my Ms. Anonymous.

Ms. Anonymous?

Did he meant me?

Wow, his tweets insanely escalated to thousands of retweets and likes by his fans. I feel my heart beating faster now as I reread his tweet once more and I still don't know how to put into words what I just read. He might be talking about me. I mean, he didn't get to ask for my name last night. That tweet must certainly be about me.

I wanna follow him and turn on notifications for his account but then I don't want to at the same time. I think I've embarrassed myself too much when I stopped him from having sex with me. I'm sure as hell that his fans and the media are now going crazy about Gage Stockholm' Ms. Anonymous.

I exited Twitter and decided to begin to work on my essay once I'm done eating. I need to finish it in two days. I'm still not halfway through it and now I wonder how will I finish it when all I ever think about is Gage Stockholm?

I got into Spotify and tried to listen to Bobby Valentino's Anonymous.

Baby I want you so much

Wanna hold, wanna feel your touch

Come fast girl I'm in a rush

Why you gotta be anonymous?

I wanna know, I gotta know

Your name, your name, your name

Why you gotta be anonymous?

What's your name?


Where you at?


When I think about you I get a rush

I wanna meet my Ms. Anonymous

Mga Comments (2)
goodnovel comment avatar
Latoya Jordan
It's intriguing and fun, so far.
goodnovel comment avatar
Ra Pene
What an interesting story
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