
From nowhere in particular

When Xavier got home that night, it was late and his grandfather was asleep, so they didn’t have a conversation until the next morning during breakfast. Mr. Smith naturally wanted to know all that went down during the date.

“Did you kiss?” He asked.

Xavier was about to swallow some tea but he poured it back into his cup upon his grandfather’s question.

“What? No? Grandpa!!!”

The elderly man raised both hands in surrender.

“Just asking” he said “you liked her, right?”

Xavier was pretty fine with her, until the point where he found out she was a gold digger. Now he wasn’t sure if he could stand her presence. He didn’t say that to his grandfather, however.

“she’s a good girl.” He replied

Mr. Smith nodded and continued with his meal. He was impressed that this was going well. A part of him had thought the youngsters would have a hard time getting along. Now it seems like there was nothing to worry about after all.

“Any plans for today?” he asked after a minute of silence

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