
Wonderings: Where It All Started

It's been 3 years since my 'hell on earth' began. I thought even after all those years; he would at least become nicer to me. What an idiot I am. Why would I even think of something like that?

"You'd think she'd quit by now. The President must really be giving her a lot of money for her to keep clinging to him."

"She's such a slut." Passing by the lobby, the rumors still haven't died down. It's been 3 years but every time I hear them gossip about me, it felt like the wounds reopened. I chose to ignore them and went up to the top floor. I sat down on my desk and looked over the files that were stacked in front of me. I'm supposed to greet the President when he arrives but I just want to disappear.

As if on cue, Kael entered the floor and walked past me.

"Good morning sir." My tone was monotonous. I didn't even look in his direction. I didn't hear an answer so I thought that he went inside his office. I was surprised when he grabbed my face and made me look at him.

"Is that how you're supposed to greet your boss?" He asked mockingly.

"N-no." His grip was tight and I could feel a little pain in my cheeks.

"Are you ignoring me now? I thought this is what you wanted?" His eyes held bitterness and so did his voice. I didn't answer him. When I kept silent, I felt his nails digging in my cheek. I winced and he smile menacingly.

"I have a task for you. Come inside my office and bring me my coffee." He let me go and went inside his office. I touched my cheek and felt something liquid. I looked at my hand and saw blood. His nails were so sharp they managed to cut me. I sighed and pulled out a band aid from my bag. After putting it on, I went to get his coffee. I stood outside his office and knocked.

"Come in." I opened the door and went inside. I placed the coffee in front of him.

"Take this credit card and buy my girlfriend something nice for her birthday. She said she wanted a fancy necklace. And have it delivered to her." Girlfriend? I didn't know he had a girlfriend. How could I be so stupid? After everything he's done to me, I still love him. I'm the biggest idiot to ever exist in this world.

"Where should I deliver it?" I asked. He looked at me and smiled menacingly.

"To Taiyo Studios. It's for Sierra Stone." Ms. Stone? The famous pop icon? He must've noticed my silence.

"What? Are you jealous?" He asked. I was taken aback by his question.

"N-no…" I took the credit card from his desk and turned on my heel but before I could leave he grabbed my arm.

"Wait." He said. He held my skirt and ripped it from the slit. It was already a short skirt and he made it even more revealing by ripping the slit higher.

"You need to go out like that." He ordered. I have no choice. I didn't bring any spare. I ran out of his office. As I walked by the lobby, I heard the employees gossiping about me.

"Look at her skirt, such a slut."

"She must've done that intentionally to seduce the President. She has no shame." I ran out of the building as fast as I could.

Ever since this morning, I felt really light-headed. Maybe it's due to the stress. I went over to one of those expensive jewelry stores and bought the most expensive necklace they had. I hailed a taxi and it took me to Taiyo Studios. When I got there, I asked the receptionist to take the gift and give it to Ms. Suki since I was not allowed to enter. I was about to hand it over when Ms. Stone stepped out of one of the rooms and into the lobby.

"Ah Ms. Stone, someone is here to deliver a gift for you." The receptionist announced. Suki made her way to me.

"Ms. Stone, this is from my boss, Kael Pearce. He asked me to personally deliver this to you, I hope you will accept it." I bowed at her and handed her the gift. She took it from my hand and smiled.

"Send my thanks to Kael." I nodded and turned on my heel but before I could leave she stopped me.

"Ms.? You should really change that skirt of yours. It would attract unnecessary attention from men on the street." She said those words with a mocking tone. I feel so humiliated. I ran out of the studios. I've been humiliated too many times. I just want to leave. I want to forget this nightmare even happened. I started to feel light-headed again. I felt disoriented that I didn't notice that I was walking in the middle of the street. I jumped when a car stopped immediately in front of me. I was almost run over. I wish it happened. Maybe it would take me away from this hell.

"Excuse me miss, are you okay?" The driver stepped out of the car and went to my side. I was still in shock and I couldn't move my body.

"I-I'm s-sorry. I-I'm r-really s-sorry." The shock made me tremble. My head started to spin and my vision became blurry.

"Miss, are you---." I couldn't hear him. I felt my knees weaken. I can't take it. Before I knew it, everything faded into black.


"Miss, are you okay?" I asked. Her eyes were unfocused and she was standing still. The shock must have paralyzed her. It wasn't my fault. She was the one who walked into the street. I was about to ask for her name when she suddenly fainted. This is bad. I carried her to my car and I drove off.

I decided to take her to my villa. It would be trouble for me if I'm seen with an unconscious girl in my arms if I took her to the hospital. I've been in countless gossips for the past few years since I have not married yet. My grandparents are urging me to find a wife but I just can't find the one for me. I set her down on my couch and I called our family doctor.

When he arrived, he took a look at her.

"What happened to her?" he asked.

"I almost hit her with my car when she walked into the street without looking where she was. When I stepped out to ask if she was okay, she was trembling and then she suddenly fainted." The doctor looked at me and sighed.

"This girl has been in a lot of emotional stress lately. Her pulse was weak and she looked quite pale to begin with. The shock from you almost hitting her caused her to faint." Oh that's why.

"Is that it doctor?" I asked. He shook his head.

"These are just physical examinations. I won't know if she's sick or not without proper tools and tests." I was reluctant to take her to the hospital. I don't even know her.

"But from what I can see, she'll be fine. She'll wake up soon." I thanked the doctor and he left shortly after. I was left with this girl in my house. I decided to search for an ID. I checked her pockets and saw an ID tag.

"Amelia Young." She's the PA of the President of DRIVEA. This is Kael's employee, huh? He must be putting this girl under a lot of stress. I looked over at her and noticed that she was beautiful. I unconsciously held her face. Her skin is soft but… I noticed she had a bruise on her chin. I looked down to her neck and noticed a lot more. Has Kael been abusing her? I felt angry. I hate when men do this to women.

Suddenly, I heard a phone ring. It wasn't mine so it must've been hers. I checker her pockets and took out her phone.

"Mr. Pearce." It's Kael. I answered the phone.

"Where are you? Have you delivered the present? You need to get back here this instant." He sounded so angry. Is this how he treats her? My blood is boiling.

"She can't come back." I answered.

"Who is this?" he asked. An evil thought came to me.

"She'll be working for me from now on, Kael. You don't need to worry where she is. Seeing as you already treat her this way. She'll be taken care of here in Grimes Corporation." I said with a mocking tone.

"Where the hell is my assistant, Terrence?"

I am Terrence Grimes. Next to DRIVEA, our company is the only one who can compete with them in terms of status and power. The Pearce and Grimes family have been partners ever since but in our generation, the partnership hangs by a thread. It's because of that arrogant Kael and his stupid ideals. We don't get along hence the "battle" between our companies. Although we specialize in high-tech gadgets and Kael's company specializes in high-tech cars, the tension between us still grew.

"Why do you need to know? It's obvious you don't care for her so why bother?" I could feel his anger through the phone. I waited for an answer but he hung up. What a pity. I wanted to tease him more. I tucked her phone back in her pocket.


It's been a few hours and she's still not back. What a troublesome woman. I got out of my office and yelled at my employees.

"Where is Amelia?!" My employees looked at me in fear.

"After leaving your office, she hasn't come back." Tch. I went back to my office and took out my phone. I dialed her number and waited for her to answer.

"Where are you? Have you delivered the present? You need to get back here this instant." I said angrily. She must be trying to escape me.

"She can't come back." I heard a man's voice. What the hell has she been doing?

"Who is this?"

"She'll be working for me from now on, Kael. You don't need to worry where she is. Seeing as you already treat her this way. She'll be taken care of here in Grimes Corporation." Grimes Corporation? How did that rat Terrence get a hold of Amelia?

"Where the hell is my assistant, Terrence?"

"Why do you need to know? It's obvious you don't care for her so why bother?" He's really pissing me off. I hung up and opened my phone tracker app. I had given that phone to Amelia but I planted a tracking chip on it in case she wanted to leave me. I found her whereabouts and left immediately.

I arrived in front of Terrence's villa. I didn't bother knocking. I opened the door and made my way inside. I saw Amelia lying on the couch and next to her was Terrence.

"You really have no respect for me. Barging in to my house like that?" Terrence exclaimed. We glared at each other.

"I'm here to take my assistant back. So move out of the way." I tried to push pass him but he stood firm.

"So you could keep abusing her?" He asked. How did he know? Did Amelia confide in him? Who is he in her life?

"That's none of your business." I pushed him aside and went to Amelia's side.

"Your assistant is sick and you don't even know? What kind of boss are you?" What is he talking about? Amelia has never shown signs of any illness. I picked her up and turned on my heel.

"By the way, your assistant's lips taste great." He said. How dare he touch what's mine. I'll make him pay.

Without another word, I left his villa and I placed Amelia in the front seat of my car. When I pulled her seatbelt, I got to see her face close up. She's really beautiful. I unconsciously held her face closer to mine. I wonder what her lips taste like.

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