
Chapter 16

Ever since she'd seen the news about the release of Wolf in her New Reviews magazine, she'd had a feeling in her gut this was where she needed to look. Jamie had credited a lot of her information to a book titled Legends of the Werewolf. Lia had read and reread the notes her great-grandmother had handed to her in those last sad moments. Notes that told about generations past that came here from Romania and grew the pack. This had to be the book. Legends of the Werewolf. Surely there couldn't be two books with the exact same title.

How many times she'd been told that the legendary book had disappeared some generations back. That book - or the book, as they always emphasized it - was rumored to hold all the details of their pack history, all the genealogy charts of the genealogy and history of her pack. She was well aware it had been lost for years until hints of its reappearance popped up. It was all too much of a coincidence - the mention of this town, Calderwood, and the presence of
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