

The night air is cold; we have been walking for hours. My stomach grumbles and I know Lila is hungry too. She wanted to go back for the bags, but that was the direction Colt’s SUV had gone; it was too dangerous.

“I am so tired,” Lila groans. I sigh as I look around. I zone in my hearing and hear running water, “Lila, I think we are close to water.”

She looks at me, “So?”

“I need to cover my scen.”I start but she won’t understand, “We need to get muddy. We need to go through the water and then cover ourselves in mud.”

She looks at me disgusted, “Is that really necessary?” she asks.

I nod, “Yes, it will help keep us safe, I promise.”

She sighs and I pull her toward the sound of the water, “We can wait to cross till the morning. We can’t sleep wet; we could get hypothermic.” I look over and see a hollow of trees and a stream; this is perfect. Secluded yet open.

She agrees with me, but I can tell she is questioning everything I am saying. We were all schooled in house at the orphanage. A Tutor came daily to teach us and what happens when your home is burned down with everyone you know and love in it and you are now on your own in the wild, wasn’t covered. She probably thinks I am crazy, but we were trained to be warriors. Cold blood killers and survivalists.

I find a spot next to a tree and Lila sighs, sitting down, “Do you have any idea where we are going?”

I nod but that’s a lie; I don’t yet.

“Yes, let’s get some sleep and in the morning, we will make it to the next town and get something to eat.” I offer.

Lila sighs and I sit next to her. I need her to go to sleep so I can figure out where Andy is. We have a way to find one another, not to mention some food would be nice. We are miles away from anyone and I grab a stick and a stone, then build a fire nest.

Lila watches me and gasps when I start a fire, “Where did you learn that?!” she asks surprised.

I smile as I blow on the flames, and they reach higher. It has been so long since I have used my skills that I am rusty but impressed they still work.

“My family used to camp,” I lie. I know she knows I’m lying, I told her I didn’t remember my family, but I am not ready yet to tell her my big secret.  Lila smiles and she snuggles up to me, “Thank you for not leaving me,” she whispers.

I sigh as I lean into her, “You are my family, remember? Thank you for coming. I honestly didn’t want to be alone.” I start but I hear snoring and smile, brushing the hair out of her face. I take my sweater off and gently lay it on the ground, leaning over and letting Lila’s head lay softly on it.

I take a deep breath and stand up; it’s been too long since I have shifted and hunted. I shifted the bare minimum at the orphanage and only let my wolf out when needed, she is so ready to taste some freedom.

I walk a few feet away and look around as I reach for my top. My nose says there isn’t a human or wolf nearby and I take my shirt off. The cold air hits my bare skin and I shudder. My wolf howls and I take off my bra, then pants. I look over and Lila is still sleeping, which is good because I am butt-ass naked.

My bones now break but it doesn’t hurt. Furr grows over my skin and canines replace my teeth. I turn and look at my tail and my wolf pants, walking to the stream to take a drink.

I look at my reflection; I am just a grey wolf, but I always thought I was beautiful.

My vision is replaced with red as we walk away from Lila into the field to search for food. My paws are light and gentle on the ground. I could hunt in human form too, but my wolf is much easier; it’s who I am, and my wolf is ready to bite and maim.

Movement is spotted across the field, and we freeze, it’s a rabbit. My wolf is excited, and she prowls, then hunts, chasing the little creature. She lunges and grabs it; I hear the neck snap and smile inside; Lila and I need food and this rabbit will feed both of us.

We take the rabbit back to camp and I drop it near my clothes. My wolf is not ready to co-exist just yet. She has lived too long in the shadows; it’s time for her to be free.

She runs through the field to her heart’s content until she is tired, and we mosey back to camp. The sun will be rising soon.  We shift back into my human form, and I get dressed. I walk back to Lila and lay down next to her.

A flashback hits me

“You did good, 1001.” The big man’s voice says proudly.

I nod at him with my big green eyes; getting a compliment from the big boss was always good.

“Now, clean it and cook it.”

I look at the dead rabbit I had hunted and killed, but I don’t know how to clean it, or cook it.

“Figure it out, that’s all your eating today.”

My heart sinks and he snickers, walking away.

The five of us are together. We each have caught a rabbit. I look at Colt and he gives a wearily smile, “What do we do, Andy?” we all look to him. He is our designated leader.

Andy smiles as he pulls out his knife. Not only does he clean his rabbit, but he teaches us how to clean ours. He just always knew what to do.

Colt and I sit down together by the fire and cook our rabbits as the chatter continues. His deep blue eyes are burned into my memory, and I can’t believe he’s alive. 

I now prick my finger with my pocket knife and rub a drop of blood behind my ear onto my number. This is how I will find Andy. I should dream of his location tonight.

Andy always knew what to do and I need that more than ever right now.

I put the rabbit down; sleep is much more needed than food. I need to find my family and warn them of the danger that is coming and it’s no one any of us expected to ever see again.

Waverly Heart

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goodnovel comment avatar
Loving the story so far

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