
Chapter 5- Never Found Someone So Beautiful

Lucas pov:

Just a slight touch from her and I felt I was gone. How could I feel like this? I hid my expression and told her to go and sought the work.

"I will be doing it after lunch." She shifted herself straight and I dismissed her without any other thought. She left the office. I watched her go.

If it was in my reach I could have behaved normally as if nothing happened although technically it was nothing! It was just a normal touch of a hand which shouldn't mean anything. But I don't how it got that power to rattle everything inside me. I couldn't think straight for a moment.

Never has a female species fascinated me before like Olivia Paul did. Since this morning she came bulldozing in and she has created havoc inside my calming world. But the worst part is I can't seem to complain about it.

When she went to get the update from the marketing department I went through her file which I gave her to proofread.

I couldn't help but feel amused with her choice of marker colors she used like purple and pink and the posten notes she wrote small notes in were also the same colors.

She has left me agitated because I couldn't feel an ounce of anger towards her when she did silly mistakes and that made me feel angrier at her and most of all at myself.

When I first saw her I couldn't help but think, can something look this beautiful? Her blue eyes left me captivated.

Everything aside I knew I can't let her shake my world because I know women can never be trusted. They only run after one thing and that's money. For that, they can willingly destroy any lives they come across without thinking about the consequences.

I resumed my work and put aside the brown-haired girl who had suddenly taken over every thought of mine.

After a while I intercom her but she didn't receive it. I went out to see where she was.

I asked the receptionist if she had seen Olivia. She told me she was in the cafeteria then I remembered Olivia told me she was going for lunch. 

I went near the cafeteria but I didn't enter. I couldn't possibly think of any reason to tell her why I was there. So I contemplated excuses but I found none. I thought to turn back but I heard her laugh and I looked at her bright smiling face from the window. I couldn't help but stare at her. I thought she looked beautiful before but after seeing her real laugh and smile I have found a whole new meaning of beautiful.

Then I saw who she was sitting with. There were two more girls but a man who I think works for the marketing team and his name is most probably Jack Dean.

I was annoyed but I didn't know why, but I  don't want her smiling with him or any other person other than me.

What is wrong with me? It's her first day and I am feeling a little too much when I shouldn't be feeling anything for her. I should control my feelings and emotions. Because I know better. I know the outcome can never be good.

I left from there and went to my office to clear my head. Soon there was a knock on the door and I hoped it was not her. I don't think I can face her right now. But today my luck has gone down the drain.

“I brought you lunch.” She said softly.

I pointed to the table telling her to keep it there. She said she had done the selection of the venue and other arrangements and she has send me the email. I just shook my head and didn't say a word she frowned a little but she also said anything. Thank God for that.

Soon the day came to an end.  I was sleeping in my room when I felt someone come into my room. I quickly got up to look. I saw my mother standing by the door. I quickly stood up.

“Stay there, you don't need to come near me Lu to talk to me.” She said my pet name with utter disgust but what surprised me I wasn't able to speak anything. She had an evil smile on her face.

“You think you can have that innocent girl? Do you think you deserve love? But guess what you don't! You do not deserve her at all.” she said with anger and started to laugh loudly. I wanted to shout at her to leave me alone but I couldn't. I felt completely helpless. Her laugh was piercing inside me.

I held my head to stop the voice. Soon I woke up screaming from the horrible nightmare drenched in sweat. I quickly picked up the glass filled with water and drank. After I calmed down I again lay down.

I tried to sleep with one thought in mind. I do hate my mother but I agree with her I don't deserve Olivia.

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