
Chapter 18

I watched her walk down to the court, handing the guys a bottle of water.  I shook my head, not wanting to believe what LeighAnne had just told me.  It couldn’t be true.  Nick walked out of my life; it was his decision, why would he second guess that now?  And yes, I know I wanted him back, was willing to fight for it, but I guess I was just really hung up on the past, cause I just couldn’t believe he would feel that way.  Why leave than?  I sighed.

“Watch out!”  I quickly snapped my mind back to reality, catching the flying ball before it could knock me upside the head.

“Hey, we can say over throw!”  I got up and jumped down the bleachers, walking over to Nick as I told him that and his not so fast warning.  “That sucked.”

“I missed,” he said with a shrug.

“Nah, say it ain’t so!”

“And you think you’re all that?” he asked and it was my turn to shrug, tossing the ball at him. 

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