
This is not the future I dreamed of

Anna felt as if her entire world was collapsing around her. She had never imagined herself marrying a stranger in her life. Furthermore, he is one of the wealthiest people in the country. It's got to be a joke. She may aspire to marry someone wealthy, but Ibrahim Saunders is not on her list. Because of his arrogant and ruthless behavior, he is well-known throughout the country. He is the last person Anna would have imagined as her husband.

"Are you serious, Dad? You're not serious, are you?" Anna asked the same question twice that it was driving her insane that her father still remained silent. He is also depressed because Ibrahim agreed to marry his daughter.

Anna's tears have begun to well up in her eyes and are ready to seep. She may be 26 years old, but she does not want to leave her family not yet. They couldn't possibly expect her to marry a stranger.

"I despise you all." Anna sobbed and shut herself away in her room. Why is the world so cruel to her? She only wants to marry someone she loves, and she already has a partner in mind. Why should she have to give up her future for the sake of her family? It hurts her so much that her marriage is driven by greed. Yes, money triumphs. Nothing is impossible when you have money and power.

When she heard someone barging into her room, Anna quickly dried her tears. What on earth are all of these people thinking? She, too, had her own space. "What are you doing?" She couldn't stop herself from yelling at her brother.

When Ethan saw how upset his sister was, he sighed. He understands how she feels, but he can't do much because the future of the company is in her hands. "Anna, no matter how angry or upset you are, you should not yell at your father like that. He is already under duress due to business matters." He attempted to make his sister understand.

Again, tears streamed down her cheeks. "What went wrong? Why are you attempting to sell me to that man? I know I've always caused problems, but I don't want to marry him. I know he is extremely wealthy, but I do not love him, and he doesn't love me. How will I explain it to Kai? You know I love him" Her voice trembled, indicating that she was both upset and scared.

Ethan quickly encircles his sister and pats her on the back. For a brief moment, he feels compelled to cry as well. "I apologize, Anna. Please don't tell him we're selling you. Kai, on the other hand, I believe he will understand. I couldn't do much because our future is in his hands. He is the only one willing to buy our company's stock. The fund he offered is sufficient to cover all losses and expenses. This may appear ridiculous, but consider how tirelessly Dad worked to build his company. He started from the bottom, and do you want his legacy to be ruined in this way?" Ethan tried to persuade her.

Anna's beautiful eyes welled up with tears as she looked at her brother with a sorrowful gaze. "I'm scared this is not the future which I dreamed of," she cried out, her voice shaking.

Ethan was well aware of how frightening it would be to marry someone she didn't know. Marriage is a serious matter that should not be taken lightly. It pains Ethan to see his sister cry like this. He pulls his embrace closer to her. "Cry it out if it helps you feel better. I'll always be there to keep you safe. Even if you are his wife, he has no right to harm you." said Ethan as he stroked her back.  

"Marriage ought to be something that lasts forever. My future is on the line." Her voice is husky, indicating that she was depressed.

Ethan gently caress his sister's hair to calm her. "I am sorry, Anna." He is depressed as well, knowing that his sister must forego her future in order to save her father's company. He knew Ibrahim was no ordinary man, and he was surprised that Ibrahim wanted to marry his sister. Ethan is aware that a girl like Anna is not his type, and he is suspicious of his desire to marry Anna. However, his mind is so clouded that he is preoccupied with how to assist his father in saving the company.

"First and foremost, you must complete your final project. You're already 26 years old and should have received your bachelor's degree! Ibrahim gave us three months to finalize everything before the wedding, which will be 3 months after your graduation." Ethan stated.

What? She will marry Ibrahim in three months. Oh, no. This can't be true.

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