
Minetti Family


     Leo pulled up at a mansion. And the gates automatically opened. He drove into the compound, parked his car and got out. At the door he was accosted by the butler; Sanchez who had been around for like practically forever. He was the one person he felt really close to. 

"Master Leo, you are welcome back to the old house", Butler Sanchez greeted.

"Thank you Sanchez although I can't say if I'm actually happy to be back here", he replied. The butler smiled at him and started leading him through the hallway "This way please, your father is waiting for you in his study"

Walking down the long hallway, there were paintings on either sides of the walls. Bright chandeliers lit up the hallway. It would be considered stunning to anyone but Leo. Being back here after a while sparked no particular feelings in him, rather he felt empty.

At the end of the hallway was a large living room. All of the furniture were made from the finest of wood. A large piece of art work hung by the fireplace. The mansion was actually styled in an old England retro way. Leo remembered thinking this was the reason it was called the Old House when he was younger. But as he grew older he realized that it was called that because it was indeed an old house. Generations of the Minetti family had lived in this same mansion. His family history was written in these walls. But regardless of how old the mansion was it still maintained it's grandeur and was capable of leaving anyone stunned.

He was then led through a smaller corridor which was were his father's study was located. He stood in front of the doors that always scared him as a child. He took a deep breath and walked in. His father was seated behind the table. From where he stood his father looked very imposing. He took slow and steady steps toward his father. Julius Minetti one of the most ruthless mafia boss the Minetti gang has ever known. Leo should know very well since he was on the receiving end of that ruthlessness often as a child. Although his father was getting older with little strands of white hair starting to show he was still as intimidating. One could say Leo got his intense aura from his dad.

"You asked for me dad?"

"Yes, yes I did", his father said putting down his pipe

"Sit down son", Leo sat down hesitantly.

His father was really calm today and for some reason that made him feel nervous.

"I wanna ask you something, how many years has the Minettis run the "Glades"?"

"Oh God is this another one of his history lessons", Leo thought

"Look dad I can't do this right now. I'm really tired and I have things to take care of. So how about you tell me exactly why you called me here", he replied

"50 years we've been a mafia family for 50 years. You see son we are a relatively new family. And most new families wouldn't have gotten as far as we have. But we have come this far and you know why? You know how we were able to come this far? Because we were ruthless.", Julius answered

"We showed no mercy as we immediately took down threats before they had the time to sprout. We did it quickly and precisely. And that is how we have survived up till now. That we are now being counted as one of the most powerful mafia families in the whole of Country M", hw continued

"Yes dad, I get it. So what are you trying to say?", Leo asked

"You have been doing well my son, I've seen it. But you are still too soft. You still have a bit of your humanity left in you regardless of that cold exterior you put on", his dad replied

"I don't understand dad where's all this coming from", Leo was puzzled he didn't remember doing anything wrong in respect to the gang recently so what was his father talking about.

"The informant you let go, he went back to the Santinos and told them some important information about us. The Santinos attacked one of our bases just now. We lost thirty men", his father told him


Leo did indeed remember this particular informant his father was talking about. He had let him go because the spy had told him he was being threatened by the Santinos to be their informant. He said they were using his mother and sister against him that he had no choice.

Now Leo wasn't a fool to just believe him. He did some investigating and did find out that he did have a mother and sister who went missing at some point but they had long been killed. Thinking he didn't know he told him and offered to help him. He did this when he saw how frustrated he was over his mom's death and that reminded him of himself because his mother too was also murdered.

He offered to create a new identity for him and help him run. But who would have thought the bastard already knew and was using that to get to him. He had compromised one of their bases without even thinking because he was blinded by the little boy who had been broken when they informed him of his mother's death.

Well he was no longer that little boy and he would make sure that informant would regret ever fooling him.

It was past 10am already and Cassie just laid on her bed staring at the sun rays that filtered through her window. Her eyes were red and swollen from crying all night. She had barely slept last night. All she did was drink and cry. So right now she had a hangover but that didn't hurt as the pain she was feeling inside her heart.

She thought she had gotten rid of her feelings for her dad but yesterday proves her wrong. She was happy to see him again yet she was also very angry at him. Some part of her wanted to forgive him and the other part didn't want to. In short she was a mess right now. She rolled to the other side of the bed groaning until she heard footsteps in her house.

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