
Chapter Four


Haven has just taken control of Paige’s body, and the change in her is extraordinary. The way she holds herself, she is very relaxed in her skin and her sexuality. Paige is a gorgeous girl, but she does not do sexy, but Haven knows exactly how to stand to show off Paige’s curves, the way she stands shows off her long legs, making her 5’8” height look svelte rather than awkward. “Hello boys, it’s great to meet you all.” F*ck, her voice has a low sexy vibe that goes straight to my cock. If the fidgeting and pulling at their pants is anything to go by then the guys have the same reaction to her. Leon was the first to speak. “It’s a pleasure to meet you too, Haven. Is P being nice to you? She can be a real pain in the a**.” She giggles, f*ck that giggle is going to get her into trouble. “Paige has been a joy, but she has some choice words for you, gorgeous. She can see and hear everything we say.” Leon gulps and mumbles out a sorry. Benny leans forward, “so what does your wolf look like, Haven?” She pouts. Where the f*ck did those plump lips come from? I am seeing my best friend in a whole new light, a very f**kable light. “Oh, I don’t know yet. I won’t know till our first shift, but Paige is very powerful in her own right, so I am expecting a form to match.” Her eyes clouded for a second. “Oh, Paige says that it’s time to go. You have a lot to sort out before you leave. It was very nice meeting you all. I am looking forward to spending time with you.” She closes her beautiful green eyes, and when they open again, they are Paige’s hazel ones. “Wow P, she is great,” she grins at us. I have never seen her look this happy before. Her entire face has lit up, f*ck she really is gorgeous. As we go through the file, I can’t seem to take my eyes off her. Is it because Haven opened my eyes to how stunning she is, or has Haven given her a confidence she never had before? All I know is something has changed, and I am not sure I like it. Mentally slapping myself, I listen to what they are talking about; it’s a seventeen-hour drive to Rivers Forge, so we will have to stop overnight. It’s. A little after three pm, with Friday traffic, we need to get a move on, get a good four or five hours in today, then we should get Paige to school by tomorrow evening, then she can have all day Sunday to get settled in before school starts on Monday morning. Paige’s cover story is that her wealthy father is a British business executive, who met and married her American mother while at college in Oxford. After having their son, (me) they found they could not have anymore children, so they adopted Paige when she was a month old. The couple are now going through a divorce, and like all spiteful, spoiled rich women, her mother has moved back to the states, taking Paige with her, enrolling Paige into the Academy because she does not actually have time to be a parent. With the plan in place, we loaded the cars and headed out. We are taking two black SUVs, me, Paige, Bobby and Harry, in the lead car and the other guys will follow behind. Five hours later, we pulled into a motel. Peter jumps out and goes to get rooms. Ten minutes later, he walks out with a scowl on his face. I open my window and he leans in. “They only have two rooms left, both with twin queens. The next motel is nearly two hours away, so I have taken them. We will just have to suck it up and share.” There was a collective groan from both cars. Peter hands me a key, and we decide to bunk with the people in our cars. Paige grabs the key and her bag before running to the room. By the time we got there, she had already chosen a bed and was heading for the bathroom. “Peter and Clint are doing a food run from the diner down the street. They will all meet us here when they get back.” She smiles over her shoulder at me, “cool, I’m grabbing a shower.” Bobby and Harry had taken the bed nearest the door, leaving me to share with Paige. F*ck, I need to sort my head out before getting into bed with her later. “F**king hell, the f**king door won’t shut,” I looked up to see a very frustrated Paige trying to get the bathroom door to close. I walked over and pulled as she pushed. It gave a bit but still leaves a sizeable gap. “F*ck, it will have to do. It’s almost private, right?” Sitting on the bed, the boys and I flicked through the channels on the tiny TV. Losing interest, I gazed around the room, my eyes landing on the bathroom door. F*ck me sideways. The gap in the door gives me a full view of a large mirror over the sink and the angle reflects the inside of the shower cubicle and a very naked Paige Stevenson. I can’t look away. She has her back to the mirror and her ass is on full show, her very sexy, plump ass at that. My cock is straining against the zipper of my jeans, like the perv that I am. I licked my lips and pray for her to turn around, dying for a peek at her tits. A pillow smacks me in the head and I turn to the boys, “where the f*ck did you go, dude? I was calling your name.” “Sorry, I was just thinking about the mission. What did you want?” “Peter just texted. They are on the way back. Be here in five minutes.” I nodded and shouted to Paige. I saw her jump in the shower and turn around. Fu*k well that’s my new image to masturbate to, f*ck she is so f**king sexy. Her perky tits are bigger than I thought, my eyes travel down her trim waist and the flare of her hips, her plump pussy has a neatly trimmed line of hair, she is f**king perfect.

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